So Sunday I didn’t get as good a night’s sleep because before I went to bed Saturday night I was not paying attention and took three of my medications that are morning meds before bed instead of only my night time meds. Ugh. Then it was a gloomy day outside. I spent most of it sitting home and blogging and reading. I updated my blog header with a Valentine’s Themed image thanks to Michelle from LimaBean Designs!
Monday I had to go do our biometric screening at the health clinic that our district has. I was going to have my doctor do it, but with the way I had to leave before even seeing my doctor last time, I just went ahead and scheduled with the clinic. I did that at 7:15, then went to work. I’ve sent emails out for a sub for my clerk, but no response yet. And as a Monday it always seems to be busy with technology issues all day.
Tuesday was no students at school, but professional development for staff. It was a day off for “voting”, yet the people who can vote, the teachers, school staff, still have to work? I don’t get it. Anyway, I heard that is possible they might just find a new library clerk for me, and have my old one move into a different IA position when/if she comes back. I was a bit behind on my reading, had a book review due Wednesday, but requested if I could postpone my review till Thursday because it was an over 500 page book and I was a bit behind.
Wednesday I had one of the subs I reached out to let me know she was interested in covering for my clerk, so that should start Monday! For some reason my upper right arm was bothering me. Achy, and I even was trying to use a mouse with my left hand at work because it hurt. Like I pulled a muscle or something. Had dinner at my mom’s house with her and my stepdad. I started the next review book on my list, one I’d downloaded from Edelweiss, an author I love, but I decided to DNF it after just a little bit because I knew it wasn’t the type of story I enjoy, and this year for me is all about not wasting time on a book I don’t enjoy.
Thursday I woke up and it was like my arm was fine. All day long! Even with a busy day at school. Got the details pretty much sorted out on the sub for my library clerk too. Tried starting one of my TBR challenge books at lunch, and pretty sure it’s a DNF too. Had a meeting right after school that was supposed to go till 5:30, but we got out shortly after 4 pm, so I went over to my friend’s house to play with the 3 adorable puppies she has right now. Also my arm started hurting again, not as bad as Wednesday, but still a little achy again. I also made some new Chiefs stickers for my students since a couple girls complained that all I had were Travis Kelce ones.

Friday was a calmer day at school. Well, for me. We had a couple people from the district over to help with the craziness with all the fights and stuff. Turns out there were a couple fights during the day. It was a different schedule so they could have a Courtwarming assembly at the end of the day. Unfortunately one of the admin overheard one student tell another student that there was supposedly plans for a fight at the assembly. And when the other admin had looked over the schedule that the student council had made for the assembly, they weren’t thinking it was anything organized enough that it would be worth worrying about the possible fight. So they canceled the assembly and just made the last hour longer. I also woke up with a stuffed up head so tried to stay behind my desk and as much as I could away from people.
Saturday I woke up a little earlier than I wanted because there was an online virtual showcase with Canva for Librarians and Educators. I thought it was more like a live one I’d done a few years ago, but instead it was all the different “sessions” being posted according the to their time, and had actually started at 9 am Eastern time, not 9 am Central time like I’d thought. But that was okay, because I got in and watched what I want and it was already available. Mostly it made me wish even more I was a middle school librarian because of all the cool things I can’t seem to get kids or teachers to do with me at the high school level. I went and ran some errands after that, then came home and just did laundry and relaxed the rest of the day.
Books Finished

Both of the first two were e-galleys, for author review teams. Both reviews were posted this past week. Third was the audiobook I was listening to, the review will be posted with my February L-L-L post at the end of the month.
New Additions to My Library
Bookish Stuff:

I think I actually got the link to the first one last week, but forgot to download it till this past Thursday. The second one the publisher sent me a link to on Netgalley, even though I’d really only wanted a physical ARC.
Free E-books:

Both were free on Amazon, the first I heard about it from the author who was at the Flirty in Kansas City book convention last weekend! Second was an ad on Facebook I think.
Physical Books:

I won these two books from the author over on Instagram. Got a fun little sticker and bookmark with them as well! While I’m definitely more of a dog person, mainly because of cat allergies, I can enjoy reading about cats since I can’t have one!
What I’m Watching
So I took a tiny break in my rewatch of Outlander to start a rewatch of True Blood. Friday night I tried to watch a couple movies, even got half way through one called A Southern Haunting before I got bored with it because I wasn’t sure exactly what or why things were happening, and I just kinda gave up and turned it off. Have you watched it? Should I go back and finish it because the ending is worth it?
Coming Up Next Week On My Blog

First is an ARC I got from the publisher, started on Friday and while it’s not exactly what I was thinking, it’s keeping my attention. Second is for a blog tour coming up on Wednesday I think. And third is the next audiobook in the WTZ series. I finished it a week or so ago and so my review will be on Friday before the read a long discussion! Don’t have a lot else planned this week, although I’m hoping to have a Discussion post if I get it written.
Final Thoughts
How is February going for you so far? Tonight’s the Super Bowl of course, so we’ll see how my Chiefs do, if they are able to be two years in a row the champions, or if the other team will beat them this time!
Sounds like it wasn’t too bad of a week! Sorry to hear about your arm pain though, that’s never fun. Maybe it’s a pinched nerve? Seems weird though that the pain went away but came back. Hopefully it will go away and stay away soon! Glad you’re on the verge of getting help for the library too.
Nice new reads too! All new to me ones but I hope you enjoy them all! Congrats on the wins too! Those are always fun! I think I had my first DNF of the year the previous week. The story was just moving way too slow for my liking and didn’t build up enough intrigue to keep me interested. I was bummed since it was the first physical ARC I’ve received in a long while too!
Hope you have a great week ahead this week!
Here’s my StS
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂
Yeah, my arm feels just fine now, so weird! Hoping for a good week, although we’ll see how training this new clerk goes, I’m optimistic it will be a good thing! Yeah, I just am done reading books I don’t care for, even when I know I’m giving up early, just too many others to read!
That’s wonderful about getting a sub and maybe a new FT clerk for you! I hope your arm is ok. You have to be excited for the game today! I’m so glad you are reading the WTZ with us. I just finished the second one yesterday. Fun!
Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post
My arm is totally fine now, I’m just dealing with the stuff head and the sore throat sadly. Excited and nervous for the game today! Hoping I can discuss the book next weekend, but I’ll be at my mom’s Branson cabin, so may not be able to do it this time live.
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So… the big game! And that’s good news hopefully about the library clerk. That’s been a long tie coming, seems like.
Hope you have a great Super Bowl!
It was an exciting game last night! So far today the clerk seems like she’ll be great to have!
What a cute puppy!! Glad you are getting a sub for your clerk. I know that was stressing you out. And I LOVED True Blood so much. I might be due for a rewatch as well. But, I was annoyed at how much further it got from the books each season. By the end it was nothing like the books at all.
Yeah, the season when they really differed made me mad, but I kept going for awhile. I have a feeling my rewatch of this might go like my rewatch of The Walking Dead did, I’ll stop when I get to the seasons that I was done with. Plus I still need to finish the last 2 or 3 books I think.
I still need to read the next WTZ book! Can’t wait for the discussion!
Book 2 was good! I don’t know that I’ll get to do the live discussion this time though sadly.
I’m glad to hear you’re going to get some help at school! I hope you enjoy all your new books and have a wonderful week ahead Lisa.
Thanks! So far it’s been a pretty good week!
I’m so glad you’re getting a sub! I tried to do a True Blood rewatch but I gave up because I wasn’t enjoying it. Too much disgusting bloody vampire deaths, lol. Have a good week, Lisa!
LOL!!!! I love that you gave up because of that. I am so far enjoying it, but I think I forgot just how raunchy it was and how bloody too. I’ll probably go a couple seasons until it really started straying so far from the books.
I like the cover for It Waits in the Forest.
Have a great week.
I’m excited to read that one for sure!
Sorry you were having some arm pain, but really glad to hear you are going to get some help at work. That puppy is too adorable. I think we considered to watch that Haunting movie but Mr. Barb axed it – I forget why exactly so I’m no help there. Hope you had a great Super Bowl!
The Super Bowl was as tense as all the Chiefs games seem to be, but the ending, wow! So exciting!
That would be great to get a full time sub – or even have a new permanent person hired on as your aide. You really need some dependable back-up. Congrats to your Chiefs! I was sooo tired by the end of the 4th quarter and when it went into OT I could have cried. lol But I was happy to see them win it.
I figured once it went into OT the game was over for us. But I should never have doubted Mahomes I guess! It was so exciting, and I don’t think I got a good sleep last night because I was so hyped up over that win.
I hope your arm feels better! That puppy is adorable! I just started the next White Trash Zombie audio on my way home from work today. I hope I’ll be able to make the video chat, but not sure yet. Looking forward to your thoughts!
Yeah my arm seems to be just fine now, it’s so weird! I don’t know that I’ll be able to do this video chat since I’ll be at my mom’s cabin in Branson with them.
Congrats to the Chiefs. I stayed up until the end and it was an exciting game. I also really enjoyed the halftime show. Being from the Boston-Area, my favorite commercial was the DunKings one. I’m still laughing today. I had an exciting weekend in that my daughter made a decision on what college to attend next year (we spent the day there on Saturday).
Yes, the DunKings ad was my favorite too! College visits are so exciting!
That’s great news the new clerk is starting Monday, hopefully your work will be less stressful then. I hope your arm is feeling better soon, it sounds really painful. Too bad you had to DNF that book by an author you love, but I totally agree that it’s better to DNF than read a book you don’t enjoy. I just had two DNF’s and I stuck with one of them too long. That canva virtual showcase sounds interetsign, but that’s too bad you cna’t implement some of the things at your high school. Yay for the win of those physical books, they look fun!
It’s crazy, my arm no longer hurts all of a sudden! Yeah, I just have too many books to read to not DNF if I’m not enjoying these days.
I’m sorry you woke up with congestion. I hope you’re feeling better and if not, I hope you’ll feel better soon. I do hope they find a new permanent clerk to help you out in the library. Until then, I hope your sub works out and is a good fit. I also hope the Super Bowl went your way. I haven’t had a chance to look it up yet.
So far the sub is good to have in the library. Although of course it’s been kind of easy days her first few days for her. It was an exciting Super Bowl for the Chiefs!
Your Chief’s won! I bet that was exciting. I was rooting for them because the 49ers are the Seahawks rivals and because I’m all about the Taylor Swift/Tavis Kelce fun. It gave me joy seeing the team celebrate their win on social media. BTW, I really love your Valentine’s Day header. Your headers are always adorable, though!
LOL! I think anyone who isn’t a normal Chiefs fan that rooted for us is because their team lost to the 49ers or they are in for the Swelce romance. Michelle at LimaBean Designs makes the awesome headers for me! I love her stuff!