Weekly Wrap-Up #146 – December 3rd, 2023

Posted December 3, 2023 by Lisa Mandina in Weekly Wrap Up / 18 Comments

Last Sunday was still November. Woke up to about 4 inches of snow. Spent the day doing some blogging, commenting on blogs, and reading. Chiefs won their game in the end. Dinner at my mom’s house. Dreading going back to work the next day.

Monday at work was busy, but not a bad day. I picked up my friend’s dog Khiona that I’m watching while she goes till Mexico with her mom for two weeks. Let’s just say things didn’t start off great. I was able to pick her up easily enough to take outside, so I didn’t put a leash or anything on her since the yard is fenced. However, once outside, she did not want to be picked up, and she only had like one stair to go inside at her house, so yeah, she wouldn’t come up the stairs by herself. It took me an hour and a half to get her inside. My friend’s mom who is actually the dog’s “owner”, had to drive up. She got there right after I’d finally got Khiona in the house. But she brought me a big leash for her and I think seeing her helped. I went to Panera to try to blog and eat in peace, but their wi-fi sucks, so I came back home and did a little blogging here. Here are some pictures of her. She has strange eyes, one blue, one brown, but they look weird in pictures.

Tuesday morning I was tired. The night wasn’t horrible with the extra dog, but still getting it all figured out. The day was busy at school. I had a Zoom meeting for a new committee I’m on for the Missouri Association of School Librarians, so I booked a little collaboration room at the public library because I was unsure how the dogs would be yet. While Khiona did some better, now that I have the leash it is so much easier to take her outside, and she figured out how to get on the couch by herself finally, she still had an accident on the floor in the living room. So far that’s one each night she’s been at my house. I’ve got to just put her in her cage sometimes I guess. She’s not used to all the free time, be it as few hours as it is, I think she only gets one or two at a time throughout the day, even though she doesn’t have to stay in her cage as long as when I’m at work usually. It’s going to be such a long time until she goes home.

Wednesday morning I got a text before 5 am from my clerk, and I was expecting it as she’d posted on Facebook the night before that her son was sick and they’d had to take him to the hospital. She had to take the day off. So I was alone, and of course it was a pretty busy day in the library. Stopped by the post office to get a priority mail box to send my TBTB Santa gift in. Wrapped and packed what I had so far, and am now deciding if I should add anything else. Tried to hang out with the dogs at the house all night for a change. I did finally get Khiona to snuggle on the couch with me and Dora and Argyle while I watched the end of Survivor.

Thursday morning, I didn’t get a text from her, but from her Facebook posts I knew she wasn’t going to be at school again. I am guessing it’s going to now be like it was my first year at this school, which was two years ago when her son was sick then too. She’ll now be gone a lot again because she’ll have to be with him at the hospital since he’s only 18 I think. Of course she was gone a lot last year with her husband being sick, but it’s different for a child as opposed to an adult.

Friday alone again and it was crazy busy in the library. I’m kind of frustrated knowing it’s about to probably be me by myself all the time again like I’ve been dealing with every year I’ve been at this school. We got some rain in the morning, which in the afternoon it was more like sleet or frozen rain. All I can think also is that I’ve got 14 more days with my doggie houseguest. She’s sweet, and gets a little better each day, but it’s still a stressful time of the year to not get to just be able to go home and relax normally. Here is one of my videos on TikTok of her playing. She is very silly!

Saturday wasn’t as great a sleeping in morning with our house guest. I let her come in about 6:30 am when I took all the dogs out, but she didn’t quite get to laying down for long, every little noise made her lift her head. Including a few times my stomach growled for some strange reason that early in the morning. I went to a craft fair at a local high school. Did a few more Christmas shopping stops too. I’m almost done. It was a colder day, but still almost 40 degrees. Did get a little rain in the afternoon.

Books Finished

First was the audiobook I was listening to for the Ho-Ho-Ho Readathon, and I had just a tiny bit left I didn’t get finished till last Sunday. The last three were for author review teams. All reviews except the last one should have been posted this past week.

New Additions to My Library




The first two were freebies during a big one day special on the 30th. Both were from the author’s site, although I can’t tell for sure how I’m supposed to get the second one onto my phone to listen to in the car exactly. The last four I got on Audible, the very last one of them was with my credit, the other three were like less than $2.

Bookish Stuff:

I decided to get some fun stickers for my TBTB Secret Santa, and when I was searching on Etsy for those, found some dachshund stickers for myself! Then Penny Reid was having a sale on a bunch of her stickers on her site, so I bought a bunch there too!


Finally got this first e-galley through Bookfunnel. They’d tried to send a link to Netgalley last week, but it didn’t want to work. The second e-galley was also a little late. Just got it on Friday.

Free Ebooks:

This was offered free through Book Funnel from all these authors’ newsletters. Several of which I already follow!

Physical books:


What I’m Watching

Still watching all the same ones: The Amazing Race, Survivor, continuing with Good Omens. At least when I can get time with my house guest!

Coming Up Next Week on My Blog

All three of these are e-galleys for author team or blog tour reviews. I’ve also got a promo scheduled this week.

It will be a busy week with my niece’s dance performances and my nephew’s birthday and watching my friend’s dog.

Final Thoughts

And it’s December, 2023 is almost over! How is your weather? We’re getting more winter like temps. I’ve got some work to finish up my Goodreads challenge, not sure if I’ll make it unless I sneak in some reading at school!

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18 responses to “Weekly Wrap-Up #146 – December 3rd, 2023

  1. Wow! It does sound a little exhausting with an extra dog! I thought 2 dogs at a time was still a little much, though I did love our goofballs! My sister had a third dog with us for a short time but when I found myself helping my mom with her two I also had to take care of my sister’s which was just too much stress at feeding time! Lol. It was bad enough I usually had to stand guard over one of our dogs who was a notoriously slow eater while the other one inhaled! It just didn’t go well, let’s say that! Hope your clerk won’t be gone too long! I know it can be stressful to have to handle everything on your own. At one job I had I was nearly always handling a rush by myself and I hate thinking of anyone else having to deal with that. It’s not fun.

    Nice new reads and TBTB finds! The books are all new to me ones but I hope you enjoy them all! I think I have just about all my TBTB gifts covered. I’m running an errand today and I might look at the shelves to see if there’s any other little extra thing to add, but I think I will be fine either way. I always second guess myself on how much to get. I usually go for quality over quantity, so that’s when I second guess myself seeing that there’s not a whole lot in the box! Lol.

    Hope you have a better week this week!

    Here’s my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

    • Lisa Mandina

      Yeah, I need to be done with my TBTB Santa gift, I always go overboard I think! The extra dog is getting better fortunately, but still it’s just one more thing to deal with.

    • Lisa Mandina

      It was a rough week back from a week off! Hoping my clerk is back next week, and glad our house guest is getting more and more comfortable since we’ve got still another 11 days!

  2. We never host a dog for that long of a time unless we try them out for a short time first. I’m sorry about your clerk. How can she keep her job or have enough money with so many sick days every year? I mean for other people not herself. She’s not sick. I could never do that when I was working. Maybe schools are different than corporate. I mean there is FMLA but mostly that is a time period without pay and then how do you have insurance? My daughter has a lot of health issues but is find to stay home on her own when I’ve been working. I can’t believe your weather. I don’t think of KC as a place with much snow. We are warn 60s-70s this week.

    Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    • Lisa Mandina

      Yeah, I’ve never watched another dog for this long, especially this time of year, and with two of my own dogs! Oh well, my friend watches my dogs for me all the time, and this way I told her we could just trade dog watching time so I don’t have to worry about paying someone to watch mine if I need to go somewhere. I have no idea how she keeps her job. She couldn’t get FMLA last year, she hadn’t worked enough days to get it. I know she still should have a few days left this year that are given to us each school year, but don’t know if she worked enough last year to qualify for FMLA this year. We shall see! I have a meeting with my new principal on Monday, not about this specifically, but I’ll probably mention my concern.

  3. SNOW! We haven’t had any yet, but it’s been cold. None in the forecast either. I hope your work doesn’t get too hectic without help. Did you see the the Pats vs Chiefs game was moved from Monday Night? I guess even Taylor can’t help the Pats this year. LOL!

    • Lisa Mandina

      None of our snow has been very much and it keeps warming up quite a bit the next day so that it all melts pretty quickly. Waiting to see how work goes next week and if I’ll be alone again. I did see the game was moved, which actually is fine by me. The game tonight is at 7:20 pm, and I don’t know that I can keep staying up and then getting up the next morning for work! Lol, I think Taylor is helping our Chiefs for this year. 🙂

    • Lisa Mandina

      Yeah, I like short little holiday stories more than other shorter stories a lot of times. I’m hoping to have some help this week, but we will see!

    • Lisa Mandina

      Hope you get the weather you want. I always like a good snow at least once so that I get the only “bonus” teachers get, a snow day! lol

  4. It does sound a little stressful at home but she’s such a cute pup. They can really throw your schedule off though. That free book from Book Funnel sounds perfect from this type of year and the cover is really cute. Hope work isn’t too bad for you this week. Take care and hang in there!

    Barb @ Booker T's Farm recently posted: Farm News - December 3, 2023
    • Lisa Mandina

      Had a bit of a breakthrough today when I was able to go outside with her without her leash for the first time since she got here! And she came over to me and didn’t run away when it was time for me to pick her up!

    • Lisa Mandina

      Well, she is a puppy. And it’s a loong time. And the worst time of the year to have to deal with extra stuff around the house, but it is what it is!

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