Keeping myself on track these last two months to get my discussion posts done! This is number 4 for the year.
I’ve seen people do book buying budgets in the past. And up until 2020, I never wanted to mess with it, because I figured with my awesome discount as a bookstore employee, and all the free review books I got from publishers and authors, I wouldn’t bother. However this past year I decided to try it, because I find that I still buy books just because I feel like I deserve a book, or it has a pretty cover, or want it on my bookshelf after I read an e-galley or listened to an audiobook, etc.
I started off with a bit of a bump in the road with the Flirty in KC Convention in February. But then I got back on track after that. But then, summer came, and the school year started and things got crappy again, and then favorite authors keep putting out special editions, etc. So let’s say I’m pretty much quitting that book budget this year as of last month. I even thought of continuing just to see how much I was spending, but then that got kind of depressing, lol.
So tell me, have you ever tried to have a book budget? Did you keep it? Was it hard? If you did keep it, how did you do it? I think since I’m single and have all the control of the money for myself, there’s no one but me to stop me from buying books, and I was always the too lenient teacher, prefer to be the good cop in situations, even though I end up being put as the bad cop lately.
And enjoy the video for my title song, I’m going with a little Michael Buble instead of The Beatles.
I’ve really slowed down buying books, but I still buy a lot. I don’t really budget myself because I’m terrible with budgeting, lol😁
Yes, I am also not good with budgeting! lol
I haven’t. I try to be careful about my buying. I almost never buy print anymore. I only buy if I can’t get it at the library or KU or if I really think I will read it again. But buying a book as a reward is better than using food as a reward.
I refuse to buy ebooks, only will spend money on print, or I guess audible. Trying to stop that as much as possible too though!
I don’t spend money on books for myself but I do for others. The only exception is my Audible subscription which I keep on and off. I get plenty of books and ebooks from publishers and use the library extensively as well. Fun post!
Are you still able to pause the Audible subscription? I thought they’d changed that, because I used to do that too.
I’ve never kept a book budget, but I probably should. I spend a lot getting an audible membership and a little less with my ebooks, but I don’t usually purchase physical books. However, I did just drop a lot to buy the hardcover /signed editions of a favorite trilogy. Now I just need to get my bookshelves finished!
Yeah, I wish the Audible wasn’t so much, but I keep using it! And yay for new bookshelves!
I pretend I have a book budget. I have an Audible membership with 12 credits, but always buy more and let’s not talk about their sales. I don’t buy many physical books, but when I do, they are must haves and hardcover. I am graced with ARCS and ALCs so that helps and I try to utilize my library as well. I have KU which I bought with birthday money on sale. But, if I really want a book or audiobook… I am going to buy it. I take solace in the fact that I don’t spend elsewhere. I loath shopping, don’t dye my grey hair etc, etc.
Yeah, I hate that I buy more books on Audible, because rarely do I listen to them more than once these days. Of course I guess that is the same for buying a physical book that I rarely have time to reread. Like you I get a lot of ARCs and egalleys, but I often want physical copies of the egalleys. I’m okay with just an ARC versus a finished copy on my shelf, lol.
Nope. I just can’t be bothered, even though I probably should? I do my best to buy stuff when there’s a deal, and I have certain parameters about what I will buy, but no actual budget. Of course, despite best efforts, I am still really bad at reading ANY of the books I buy, so it is still not great, even though I have gotten much better over the years. I should see how many books I actually bought this year, now you have me curious!
I really only did it since I no longer work at the bookstore and get that great discount, thought I’d see what I really spent. Yeah, I didn’t need to know, lol.
Since I buy most of my books at used books sales. I take twenty dollars in cash with me and nothing else. Given that there are big used book sales that happen a few times a year. I do not go as often. I still have a lot of books but, if I keep to my own rules it should be manageable.
That’s a great way to do that! I mostly buy new books when I do buy books. I used to work at a bookstore and got 40% off, so I have had to wean myself from buying books all the time, lol.