Weekly Wrap-Up #139 – October 15th, 2023

Posted October 15, 2023 by Lisa Mandina in Weekly Wrap Up / 30 Comments

Sunday was another quiet day mostly. I did go see a movie. Found out that I have another 8 months till I can get a new phone, even though I swear I used to get one every two years, and that would be November. Did some blogging, some reading, and then went to my mom’s house for the perfect chilly weather meal of stew and corn muffins.

Monday was the usual craziness at school. Spent at least the first hour just dealing with laptops and laptop issues. One laptop took a half hour at least to get a new one set up and ready for that student to use. My stepdad had his first chemo in the morning. Seemed to handle it okay so far. My dad texted me in the evening and said he was officially retired as of Tuesday.

Tuesday was also another crazy day. By the end of the day I just really wanted to buy myself a new book. So I went by Target on the way home from work and bought a Christmas book to read as part of the Ho-Ho-Ho Readathon next month. My step-mom went to her normal doctor and he said the high blood pressure was probably just caused by the bladder infection she had.

It feels like things never settle down. Wednesday morning things were the normal crazy in the library, and when I had a moment to check my phone, I noticed I’d missed a text from my mom and my stepdad had been taken to the hospital in an ambulance. They thought maybe a mini-stroke, but once he was there I guess it turned out maybe he was just dehydrated and very low on potassium. So low that they gave him both a pill and an IV. They kept him over night to do an MRI in the morning. I guess with all the cancer issues, they’ve never checked to make sure it hadn’t spread into his brain, so wanted to do that. I went by and hung out for a bit while my mom went home to get him some sweatpants, and then went home for an hour or so before I normally go to bed, so I got to bed late.

Thursday morning they did my stepdad’s MRI, and then he got to go home in the afternoon. It was a kind of slow day in the library thankfully, and the day seemed to go by fast, even more thankfully. Another Chiefs game, Taylor Swift was there again, and I guess Rob Lowe was with her this time. And another Chiefs win. I think it’s the 16th time in a row we’ve beat the Denver Broncos?

Friday was cooler weather. My stepdad seemed to be feeling better, has an appointment with his regular doctor next week. The birthday present from my mom, stepdad, and brother’s family was outside my house when I got home from work. It was a small outdoor box/shed for keeping things in. I got my Halloween display put up.

Friday when I got home from work, Dora was acting like her back was bothering her. She would still walk, but had her tail tucked all the way between her legs, and would walk far before sitting. In fact when I got them treats in the kitchen after going outside, she didn’t come in, she sat in the living room and waited for me to bring the treat to her. That is not Dora. So I was worried about her all night. But I didn’t want to take her and spend hundreds or thousands if maybe just keeping her kind of still would work.

Saturday early in the morning she woke up with a little higher than normal pitched yap, scared me, so I decided to go in as soon as the nearest vet opened in about three hours. I got back to sleep for about an hour finally before it was time to get up. This time when I took them outside, she almost seemed to be feeling a little better. So I decided to wait and just keep track of how she was doing. I went and had coffee with my dad and stepmom, then came back home to hang out with the dogs.

The friend’s daughter who sometimes will watch them when I go out of town wanted to come over and give her a little massage, she’s very good with dogs, so she came to do that in the evening.

Books Finished

First was the book I’d hoped to finish last week but didn’t until last Sunday. The last three are e-galleys. The second I should be posting a review of on Wednesday. Third was an audiobook that I won’t post the review till my L-L-L-Little Review post for October. The 4th review won’t be posted here till later this month.

New Additions to My Library


Got this ARC from the publisher. I started the book before it this week, and wow, already know it’s going to make me cry and hit close to home in many ways for me.



Bookish Stuff:



Saw this on Edelweiss and decided since I always love this author’s books, but I never seem to get the adult romance ARCs, I’d go ahead and download it. It’s not out till next March, so it will be a while before I read though!

Free E-books:

Couldn’t resist a holiday freebie!

Physical books:

This was my comfort purchase for my bad day at work on Tuesday.

What I’m Watching

Watched a winning Chiefs game on Sunday and then they played and won again on Thursday. Continuing with Survivor, Amazing Race, and American Horror Story. On Friday the 13th, one of my all time favorite scary movies was on, Thirteen Ghosts, and I watched that. Went to see the new The Exorcist: Believer movie last Sunday. It was pretty good.

Coming Up Next Week On My Blog

First is an ARC I got from the publisher, I may not get it done in time to review this week thanks to the things that came up and took away my reading time this past week. The next 4 are e-galleys. The second one was part of an author team review on Wednesday. The third one is for an author team review and was posted on Thursday. The fourth one I read earlier and the SmartyPants Romance blog tour review is on Friday. And then the last one is an e-galley for a blog tour review that will be posted on Saturday. I’ve also got several promos this week.

I’ll be leaving to go to Tampa on Thursday, early in the morning, my plane leaves at 5:30 am, for the American Association of School Librarians conference.


Don’t forget that I do now have the nice little box on the right hand sidebar so you can check out giveaways all the time!

My current monthly giveaway started last week HERE! Remember if I get over 100 entries in that monthly giveaway I add more winners, and so far this year I’ve had over 100 entries every month. And for September I had over 900 entries, so I picked 9 winners! Wow, I might have to adjust how many prizes I’m giving, and I’m switching to $5 Amazon GC instead of $10 for now since I’m giving so many away.

I also started a Fall Seasons of Books Giveaway last month, so be sure to go enter that HERE. It runs till later this year.

Final Thoughts

Can you believe we are halfway through October already? Did you read or watch anything good this past week? Get any good books? What are you looking forward to this week? I can’t wait to go to Tampa on Thursday, although with all the health issues with my family and dog right now, I’m a little stressed.

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30 responses to “Weekly Wrap-Up #139 – October 15th, 2023

    • Lisa Mandina

      Yeah, I’ve wanted to read this one for a while, and I guess the second book ARC opportunity made me pick it up now. He seems to be doing better. But yeah, things are a struggle for now I think. Just happy to still have him though.

  1. Wow. That’s some week! Hope your stepdad is doing better and congrats to your dad for retiring this week! I’m hoping retirement is in my future! Lol. But since I’m still struggling to find a house I can afford, I’m wondering how long I will be working to pay that off and still save up to enjoy life after work! Lol. So sorry to hear about your dog too! I hope she feels better soon and the massage might have helped! It’s always worrisome when something is happening to our dogs. I hope everyone (dogs and humans) is doing okay and stays healthy and better!

    Nice new reads! Those are all new to me ones but I hope you enjoy them all!

    Here’s my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

    • Lisa Mandina

      Yeah, I will retire from education in 5 years, but will still go find another job after that. But with having my retirement, I won’t be as stressed and can maybe just go work at a public library or something different. I’ll have a house payment and probably car payment the rest of my life. Not to mention student loans. Oh well. The house prices are crazy right now for sure!

    • Lisa Mandina

      I hope so as well! At least I am hoping I am going to a library conference in Tampa on Thursday, so that should be hopefully some relaxing and rejuvenating being with fellow school librarians. Yeah, I have loved both YA and adult books by Painter!

    • Lisa Mandina

      I know I need to keep her in the crate, but she’s really just sitting around anyway, so as long as she’s not trying to do a bunch of stuff, I have trouble making my dog stay in her crate when I’m home. Hoping my stepdad is continuing to feel better. I’ll see him tonight for my birthday get together with that side of my family. I went ahead and ordered it, even though I don’t need a copy, just something about having it come from there I had to do it, lol.

    • Lisa Mandina

      She seems to be doing better and then the next morning not as well. I don’t know how much is just maybe the change in temperature or if it is more. But you get the worrying!

    • Lisa Mandina

      Thanks! My stepdad seems to be doing better for the most part. Dora acts like she is better, but I’m still making her be careful and no jumping.

    • Lisa Mandina

      It was a perfect meal for fall weather! So far he seems to be doing a bit better from the scare this week. Holly Jolly was fun, but a very risque romance!

    • Lisa Mandina

      Haven’t heard any results yet on the MRI, so hoping they are okay! Dora seems to be doing better today, but I’m still making sure she’s not jumping or doing ramps or anything.

  2. danielle hammelef

    Wow–you really have so much to think about and deal with right now. I hope you can get to Tampa safely and can enjoy your trip. This past week my washing machine broke, but we were able to find a new one on clearance thankfully. So now I have a much quieter machine and one that senses how big the load is to add just the right amount of water. The appliance warehouse just happened to be on the same street as my favorite indie book store, so we stopped in and I bought a new book–The Jules Verne Prophecy. Yesterday we watched the Lions beat Tampa Bay and I’m loving this team’s success.

    • Lisa Mandina

      My washing machine is about two years old now, and it is great, except I feel like the water isn’t filling as much as it should. But it could be the eco system knowing more than I do how much water it actually needs, lol. Yay for your Lions!

  3. I am so sorry about your stepdad’s health issues, sending good thoughts to your whole family, but especially him! Glad your dad was able to retire, I may be super jealous heh. Hope everything is okay with Dora, too! And I really hope that this week is MUCH calmer for you and your family!

    Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight recently posted: Is Newer Always Better?
    • Lisa Mandina

      Thanks! I’ll retire from teaching in about 5 years, but will not be retired completely, I’ll just go find a different job out of the education field.

  4. Having to wait to get a new phone is the worst. I had to watch the 13 and the 14 go by before I could finally move from the 12 to the 15. Hahahahahahaha.

    Mmmm stew and corn muffins!!!! How yummy does THAT sound????

    I hope your mom, stepdad and dog are doing better. My first thought with the dog was constipation?

    Love your library display and very cool that you got a She-Shed.

    Jinjer recently posted: Dewey’s October 2023 Readathon
    • Lisa Mandina

      I have a feeling I’ll be waiting as well unless I decide to spend money to get out of my contract earlier. Everyone seems to be doing better. I wish it was a she-shed. I mean I can stand in it, but no room for anything else, lol.

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