Weekly Wrap-Up #138 – October 8th, 2023

Posted October 7, 2023 by Lisa Mandina in Weekly Wrap Up / 30 Comments

First week of October down!

Sunday I spent doing some blogging and then we had a dinner in honor of my stepdad just to kind of let him know we’re all here for him as his diagnosis on his cancer changed so that he has to do chemo now. Instead of just our normal immediate family we had aunts and uncles and cousins too.

Monday was hard to wake up after staying up to see my Chiefs win. But it was a pretty good day, I got to teach classes about reliable sources in the afternoon. Then I found out someone from the district is now going to be using my office area. So I’ll be cleaning that desk out tomorrow. And I got my new storm door!

Tuesday was a mostly slow day in the library. I got my office desk cleaned out and did some rearranging at my circulation desk to make room for the new person who will now have my office. We also have a leak in the office ceiling thanks to the A/C. They’ve supposedly fixed this so many times, but it still keeps dripping, and it’s pretty bad right now. Oh yeah, I forgot to share the pictures of my Banned Book Week Display:

Wednesday was a no student day, but professional development for teachers. We had our intruder training/practice, then trauma-smart training, followed by discussing how to send grades, and what to do to get ready for parent conferences in a few weeks. I came home and mowed the yard, hoping for the time to do that to be done soon!

Thursday was kind of just a steady day with kids in and out all day. In the afternoon they came in and moved all my tables in between the bookshelves and set up all the chairs for an audience in the Hall of Fame thing tomorrow morning. Not sure why they didn’t just use the auditorium, but what do I know. Of course my clerk and I will have to move them all back tomorrow after the HOF is over and before I have classes come in.

Friday was a long loud day in the library. It started with the Hall of Fame for the first two and a half hours of the day. Then we had to get all the tables put back for classes to come in. Then one of the Spanish teachers had his students in to do their presentations in the library. He was kind of loud when giving directions, but other than that, the kids were actually all pretty good! The temperatures though were fall like finally! Loving it!

Saturday morning woke up to a morning where I was glad I’d switched from pajama shorts to pajama pants and I needed a jacket to take the dogs out. Loving this weather! Did a little reading and stuff around the house. My dad texted me in the morning to tell me my stepmom had gone to the hospital the night before because of high blood pressure but was supposed to go home during the day. In the evening we had a little get together for my friend’s birthday at Lidia’s Italian Restaurant.

Books Finished

First was an audiobook I started on Monday and it was really short so I finished it Tuesday. Second was an ARC I got from the publisher and I will be posting the review on Saturday with another YA historical fantasy book I started at the end of the week. Third was an e-galley for SmartyPants Romance, but the review won’t be published here till later this month.

New Additions to My Library




Checked the first one out from the library on the Libby app. The others I got on Audible. The 2nd & 3rd one were for the 2 for 1 credit deal and I used my monthly credit for that. I also had returned one audiobook I wasn’t enjoying, and so I used that credit for Baking & Babies, and Tattoos & Tatas was only $4.86, and it is #2.5 where as the other is #3 in the series, so I went ahead and got it as well.

Bookish Stuff:



I had to get the first one from Netgalley UK even on the author’s review team, but am still excited to read and hopefully get my review up by this coming Saturday! The second one I also got from being on the author’s review team. I’m so excited for both of these!

Free E-books:


Physical Books:


What I’m Watching

Sunday we had another Chiefs game. This time in NYC where Taylor Swift lives. Of course lots of talk once again about her being at the game. She brought some celebrities with her like Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds. Chiefs looked great in the first quarter, then horrible in the 2nd and 3rd, and barely squeaked out a win at the end.

I also continued watching the new seasons of Survivor and The Amazing Race. I gave up on the new Daryl Dixon show. I watched some more Black Mirror, and really liked the Black Museum episode.

Coming Up Next Week on My Blog

First is an e-galley I read a bit ago, actual tour is this week. Second is another e-galley I got from Edelweiss I think, loved the first one in the series that I got an ARC of from Book Bonanza in 2022. Third is the ARC I finished last week but didn’t get the review posted till I finished the fourth book, the finished copy I got from Bookish First but didn’t get started in time to post the review this past week, so should be posting on Saturday. Fifth is for the author’s review team, although right now it isn’t showing as being published in the US just yet, may not get it posted till it’s actual pub date, the 19th. I also have some promo posts coming up this week too.


Don’t forget that I do now have the nice little box on the right hand sidebar so you can check out giveaways all the time!

My current monthly giveaway started last week HERE! Remember if I get over 100 entries in that monthly giveaway I add more winners, and so far this year I’ve had over 100 entries every month. And for September I had over 900 entries, so I’ll be picking 9 winners! Wow, I might have to adjust how many prizes I’m giving, and I’m switching to $5 Amazon GC instead of $10 for now since I’m giving so many away.

I also started a Fall Seasons of Books Giveaway last month, so be sure to go enter that HERE. It runs till later this year.

Final Thoughts

Did you read or watch anything good this past week? Get any good books? I’m so excited for my first birthday celebration with one side of my family next weekend. And then the week after that I’ll be going to my library conference in Tampa. What are you looking forward to this week?

2023 HoHoHo Readathon

Also, I’ve decided I’m going to sign up for the HO-HO-HO Readathon hosted by Caffeinated Reviewer. I’ve picked 3 books for this, two part of tours and one an audiobook:

  1. Snowdown at the Old Schoolhouse by Margaret Amatt
  2. Naughty-ish by L.B. Dunbar
  3. Along Came Holly by Codi Hall
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30 responses to “Weekly Wrap-Up #138 – October 8th, 2023

  1. Glad the week was a little calmer from the sounds of it! Loving your Banned Books Display! I remember helping my sister do one for her own classroom a few years ago when she taught 5th grade! I had fun trying to find books for her that were age appropriate and listing the reasons why it was banned! My favorite reasons were like it had a female lead…that’s just wrong, it had talking animals, that’s blasphemous! Lol. They had a field day with Alice in Wonderland basically!

    Nice new reads! Quite a few new to me ones but I hope you enjoy them all!

    Here’s my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

    • Lisa Mandina

      One of the little signs on my display is the “Top 10 silliest reasons for banning books” and that reason about talking animals applied to Charlotte’s Web too! Crazy!

  2. I’m glad the temperatures are finally falling for you – I recall reading the kinds of temperatures you were enduring with a shudder. I love your banned books display. And yes… I used to get a bit fed up when timetable changes suddenly meant that rooms had to cleared or reorganised and somehow it was always me who ended up lugging chairs and tables around on my own! The joys of working in a school/college!! Have a great week.

    • Lisa Mandina

      The new circulation desk we got last year actually has more space than it used to, so I have mostly been working there anyway. I’ll be okay without the desk in the office, but the person there will have to deal with all the people that come in, and it’s not a very big space either. Ooh, I’m interested in how the light rail from my hotel in Tampa to the conference center works, maybe he knows if it is worth dealing with that or not? I can’t wait to go!

  3. Best wishes toyour stepdad going forward. That has to be nervewracking. Love that Banned display! And wow has it cooled off here. We got in the 30’s last night.

    I need to try Black Mirror.

    Greg recently posted: On the Run
    • Lisa Mandina

      Ah, that’s too bad! I somehow got on her review team a few years ago, don’t know how, but enjoy it usually. Sometimes they send the books though and I don’t have time to read them and have to scramble.

  4. danielle hammelef

    Today was truly a feels-like-fall day with temps only in the mid 50s. It felt like a homemade soup day, so I put chicken noodle soup ingredients into my crockpot so I could watch the Lions and dinner would be ready after the game–yay! Lions win! I also baked chocolate chip cookies this morning for my friend’s birthday–she said mine are her favorite. I’m currently reading I Love You in Another Life and hope to finish it tonight–it is really good. I bet your pups love the new screen door–doggie TV!

    • Lisa Mandina

      It has been beautiful! Yay for your Lions! Right now my Chiefs are down by 3 points. So I had to turn the game off because I’m afraid my superstitious self is thinking they were winning before I started watching.

  5. What a nice thing to do for your step dad. I’m sure he loved seeing everyone. I love your new storm door and seems like I see some tiny heads loving it too. We are watching the Chiefs right now. Can I say I’m glad Taylor isn’t there? I need to look for My Boyfriend is a Vampire. Have a great week!

    Barb @ Booker T's Farm recently posted: Farm News - October 8, 2023
    • Lisa Mandina

      Just finished watching the Chiefs win, although it was pretty close at the end there! Right now I think My Boyfriend is a Vampire is only going to be published in the UK for some strange reason!

    • Lisa Mandina

      I’ve had to turn the heater on overnight myself. But the days have still been in the 70s, so I find myself switching the AC on since I can’t really open my windows because of allergies. My review for Night of the Witch should be up on Saturday.

  6. Hooray for the fall-ish weather! It’s in the 70’s here today and I am loving it. Your banned book display looks great! The banned book issue here in FL is so out of hand. Our Dictator/Governor is all for banning. Literally, all it takes is ONE person (parent, “concerned” citizen, or whatever) to enter a request to have a book removed – and, poof, it’s gone. No review, no minimum number of complaints needed, nothing. One single complaint and it’s out. Around 300 were removed just last year. It’s so infuriating. 🙁

    • Lisa Mandina

      Yes, I am loving the 70s and then the cooler than that in the evenings! I’ll be in Tampa in a couple weeks, so we’ll see what kind of weather I have then. Yeah, Florida is crazy with all that right now! I can’t believe how extreme they let it get.

  7. I hope the chemotherapy goes well for your stepdad. It takes such a toll on the body, but I hope it is effective. I bet seeing his family made him very happy.

    My husband made it to Utah just in time to spend a day or so with his dad before he passed. He said when his dad saw him, he got the biggest smile on his face. It’s been hard living so far away since his diagnosis, but I am glad my husband was able to be with his mom, brother, and dad in the end. I am sure it meant a lot to his dad. I really hate cancer.

    I love your banned book display. That is awesome.

    I’ve had my eye on Night of the Witch. It sounds like something I would like. I really liked Hendrix’s book and hope you will too.

    I don’t have access to watch the current season of The Amazing Race, but there’s a family from my town in the show. I hope they do well!

    I hope you have a great week, Lisa. Enjoy your reading!

    • Lisa Mandina

      I’m glad I live close enough to my family I get to spend a lot of time with them. Even if some days with how much I am unhappy in my job I wish I could move away. My Night of the Witch review should go up on Saturday, so check back!

    • Lisa Mandina

      Thanks! It definitely got lots of attention from the kids compared to some others I’ve had up, which is what I always hope for!

  8. Wait… you were kicked out of your own office for someone else? That seems really wrong. *sigh* Glad you are having family time and different kinds of celebrations. My son was home from college this past weekend/week and he turned 20 on Tuesday. We did a family get together before he went back to school. I also had a great girl’s day with a foot soak and retail therapy!

    • Lisa Mandina

      Well, I haven’t used it as much since they made a bigger circulation desk area for me, so I guess it’s okay. But that’s how it goes, they take more and more away because they don’t see the library as valuable. Sounds like it was a nice weekend for you as well!

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