Weekly Wrap-Up #136 – September 24th, 2023

Posted September 24, 2023 by Lisa Mandina in Weekly Wrap Up / 28 Comments

Sunday I mowed my yard. It wasn’t as bad as the rest of the summer, but some parts were tall, so I got it done in the morning. Almost forgot about the Chiefs game, so I turned that on once I’d gotten cleaned up and had lunch. Of course they were not doing very well the first half of the game, so since I needed to grocery shop, I left the house. When I checked the score online after the first store I went to, they were winning. I think this year they do better when I’m not watching, so may have to stop watching the games this year. In the evening we had dinner at my mom’s house and celebrated my step-dad’s 76th birthday.

Monday was a lot calmer in the library, until they brought in another 90 textbooks to get barcoded. Not to mention the probably 300 textbooks I still have to discard and box up for the auction. Thankfully we’ve been training our student TAs to do that. Supposedly someone came and made the measurement of my back storm door. Now I’m just waiting to find out how the next step of them coming to install it will go. Also, here is a picture of the final set-up of my Hispanic Heritage Month display.

Tuesday was calmer in some ways, but also busier, because Tuesday and Wednesdays are block schedule days. With the longer class periods, some teachers want to bring their students to check out during those classes, so we ended up with a few classes almost every hour. But I love that! It’s what my job is supposed to be! My mom texted me on my way home from work and invited me over to have leftovers from Sunday’s dinner.

Wednesday was mostly calmer. I did go right after school and pay for my new storm door and the installation fee, just waiting to get that all scheduled now.

Thursday I took the morning off because I had to go have a follow up sonogram on my gall bladder and liver before my doctor appointment on Monday. I got back to school and things were constant with laptop issues all the rest of the day. We got our first shipment of new books in, and I had no time really to work on it. Staff meeting after school, so got home a little later than normal. Then had to try to get a real person to set up the install appointment for my storm door, as they kept sending texts where all you could do was reply with yes or no, and none of the times worked for me without having to take off work.

Friday, just more laptop stuff. I mean we exchange anywhere from 10-20 laptops a day, usually for the same issues. It’s kind of frustrating. However I did get to actually get most our new shipment of books labelled and categorized in the computer the way I wanted. Just have to get them all stamped and then I’ll get them put out next week. We had a lot of rain most of the day, even some really loud thunder. I just wished it would have been when I was at home and could enjoy it.

Saturday morning it was cloudy, but supposedly the storms weren’t coming till later in the afternoon, so I went to see a movie. Of course I got a severe thunderstorm warning on my phone while I was sitting in the theater and it started pouring rain. It mostly stopped though, and I got home and waited for the next round of storms. I blogged, commented on blogs, and read.

Books Finished

First was the audiobook I’d been listening to. The second was an e-galley, the review posted this past week. Third was the ARC I’d started last week and didn’t get finished in time for the review I’d planned for last Saturday. And 4th is the first in the SmartyPants latest publishing set, review won’t be posted here on the blog till October.

New Additions to My Library





Bookish Stuff:

Facebook ads know how to get me. Got these stickers for free!


I’ve been excited about this first one since I first heard about it. I wish I could have had a physical ARC, but the e-galley is still cool! It comes out end of October so look then for the review. Second is the next book in the SmartyPants fall releases. I’ll be reading and posting a review in October.

Free E-books:

The first one was free on Amazon. The author was part of a Facebook live that one of my favorite authors, J.J. Knight had on Monday night. She is doing an Kickstarter for the book above, and when I saw it was free on Amazon, I decided to grab it and read it. I dought I’ll get it read before the Kickstarter is over that I would want to buy that edition though. Also, not a fan of that naked man cover personally. The rest were part of the big freebie deal going on this past week, again free on Amazon, and I may have grabbed a few too many. Some of the more monster romances because they seem to be all the rage now and I figured I could grab them for free!

Physical Books:

The publisher had reached out to me last week and I guess I didn’t read his email close enough, because I replied saying I didn’t read/review middle grade books. But his email said this finished copy of the first book was already being sent to me. I will put it in my library for my SpEd kids though. The second book was from a Bookish First win. Third was another I purchased, because I have the first two in the series with their discreet covers, so wanted this to match. I’m not doing great with my book buying ban right now!

What I’m Watching

I was a little underwhelmed by the second episode of the new The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon show. I think I’m going to stop my Outlander rewatch until I get some more of the 3rd book read since that’s what season I’m rewatching right now, but sometimes I just can’t stop myself and it makes me happy to watch. Friday night I decided to find something on Prime video to watch and found a movie I remember seeing ads for but not seeing in the theaters. It was cute, and definitely made me cry at the end!

I really want to see the new Nun movie, but am waiting for my dad and sister to go. So I saw another scary movie I’d been waiting on and it was pretty good too!

Coming Up Next Week on My Blog

So yeah, I might have overbooked myself for the last week of the month!! lol Technically Ewe Complete Me doesn’t have to be posted as a review until next month, so it may go by the wayside for a bit because of that. My September L-L-L-Little Reviews and DNF Report posts should go up next weekend. And I think next Sunday’s post will be combined with my September monthly wrap-up post.


Don’t forget that I do now have the nice little box on the right hand sidebar so you can check out giveaways all the time!

My current monthly giveaway is HERE! Remember if I get over 100 entries in that monthly giveaway I add more winners, and so far this year I’ve had over 100 entries every month. And for August I had over 400 entries, so I picked 4 winners! Since this giveaway ends at the end of this week, and I have over 600 entries, I’ll be picking 6 winners probably!

I also started a Fall Seasons of Books Giveaway yesterday, so be sure to go enter that HERE. It runs till later this year.

Final Thoughts

Can you believe September is over this week? Did you read or watch anything good this past week? Get any good books? I’m so excited for October and my birthday and Halloween and the library conference I’m going to!

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28 responses to “Weekly Wrap-Up #136 – September 24th, 2023

    • Lisa Mandina

      Better than the weeks before, but still some frustrating days. I’m trying to not complain so much about it. Thanks for stopping by!

  1. 90 + 300 = Yikes! I agree, it’s good that the TAs can handle those tasks.

    Good job on your Hispanic Heritage Month display.

    Nice to hear that you actually got to do the job you love on Tuesday.

    Those free stickers you got are the cuuuuuutest!

    Yah, I still don’t know about this whole Daryl in France thing. And I heard Carol will be in Season 2? Is she going to France or is he going back to the States and HOW is it so easy to get back and forth across the Atlantic? LOL

    Jinjer recently posted: Finally, Walking Weather
    • Lisa Mandina

      Yeah, the whole boat going across, but no one turns into a zombie on the boat? Interesting to me. I’ll keep going for another week or two hoping it gets better.

    • Lisa Mandina

      I started adding them, and then thought about not finishing it, but since I’d already started I went ahead and finished, lol. I got way too many!

    • Lisa Mandina

      That might be the way to do it! Sometimes if I’m binging I do a better job of paying attention, lol. And sometimes I do better if it is once a week that I get to watch it.

    • Lisa Mandina

      Couldn’t even hear the storm inside the theater, the movie was too loud, lol. Ooh, a spooky freebie too! I’ll be checking that out. Thanks for stopping by!

    • Lisa Mandina

      We’re having higher than normal temps this week according to the weatherman. Boo! I’m ready for more of the cooler weather. Thanks for visiting!

  2. OMG look at all those beautiful books and I like your cute stickers. Your KCCs’s did very well. I love Mahomey, but we got the Cowboys game here. BAH HUMBUG! My lions won, so that’s great, but we didn’t get to see them either. 🙁 Thank goodness the weather has changed and it is enjoyable outside. We have lots of hummingbirds visiting the feeder. YAY!

    • Lisa Mandina

      I need to get a hummingbird feeder up next year for sure. Boo to having to watch the Cowboys, lol. That sucks when you can’t watch your own team!

    • Lisa Mandina

      It’s funny because there are some things I think should be easily done online, and you can’t do those that way, but the things that you really NEED to talk to someone, you can’t do that easily.

  3. Looks like you grabbed a lot of books in the Stuff Your Kindle Day! 🙂 I’m so glad you were able to do librarian things this past week instead of just exchanging computers over and over.

    • Lisa Mandina

      I grabbed too many! Who knows when or if I’ll ever get to them! I might try sneaking them in on my phone during down times at my desk at work when/if those ever happen. lol

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