Weekly Wrap-Up #135 – September 17th, 2023

Posted September 17, 2023 by Lisa Mandina in Weekly Wrap Up / 22 Comments

Sunday was a day spent just at home, and that was nice! I didn’t have to actually get dressed! Other than obviously changing after a shower, lol. I got some laundry done, and some other things around the house. It was also technically payday, even though the check was deposited on Friday, so I waited to pay bills for that paycheck till Sunday. I started the new Daryl Dixon/The Walking Dead spinoff. So far it’s keeping my interest!

Monday my library clerk was gone because it was her husband’s birthday, so the first one since he passed away this summer. School was crazy though, nothing to do with her being gone, but because it was picture day in the school library, and the company that does it is not organized and it was just crazy. It was spirit week also because we had our game against our rival in the district on Friday, so Monday’s theme was dress for success, because of picture day. I wore my new book dress!

Tuesday turns out we had a ton of students who needed to make up a state test, so I had to basically close my library again. And again, getting students down to the library to make up didn’t go well, teachers didn’t send them, I had to call over the intercom, etc. Which don’t get me started on how weird I think it is that the librarian is allowed to call into classrooms to get students. I’ve never worked in a school, and this is my 28th year in education, where anyone other than the office was supposed to call into the classroom. Took my mom and stepdad to dinner, and then went to get an installation estimate set up to replace the storm door that goes out to my backyard.

So Wednesday we came in to the list the assistant principal had given of us at the end of the day Tuesday, students she wanted us to call down. 78 students. So so tired of this job.

Thursday was more ridiculousness with the testing. And craziness with technology. And with a cart we used to have in the library with a projector that hooked to the computer to show onto a screen. Well at the beginning of the year they ended up having one hung from the wall above the screen so we didn’t have to have the cart anymore. They took the cart to the gym for a teacher who needed it there. And then of course they decided the projector needed to be back in the library for the little conference room. Plus we got about 75 new textbooks that needed barcodes. I got another quote on getting the tree pulled down in my backyard,

Friday was a tiny bit calmer. I actually had time to take down a display and get a new one started. I should have it finished on Monday and I’ll take a picture to share. I had the guy who does bigger yard projects for me come out while I was at work and get the bushes in front and back of my house trimmed up, and he cleared out the extra branches that had fallen from trees over the summer. I want to have the bushes in the front of the house completely taken out, but I waited on that since I think I’ll have to pay to get a tree taken down soon. This quote was $1800 though. Yow! Spent Friday night at home relaxing!

We got a tiny sprinkle or two of rain overnight and so the ground was wet Saturday morning. I met my dad and stepmom for breakfast Saturday morning. Then I went to run some errands. Trying to find a gift for my stepdad for Sunday night dinner for his birthday. Didn’t find anything on Saturday. I ran into an Ollie’s by the Kohl’s where I was looking for a shirt for him, and bought a bunch of books for my school library. Then I came home and did some blogging before going to my brother’s house to hang out with my niece and nephew while my brother and sister-in-law went to a friend’s birthday party. Played Animal Crossing with my niece and tried to control their new puppy.

Books Finished

First was an ARC that I was unsure if I’d finish at the end of last week, but was able to get more into it. Review was posted on Wednesday. Second was an e-galley for the author’s review team, review posted on pub day, Thursday.

New Additions to My Library


Got this ARC in the mail on Friday. Can’t remember if it was just from the publisher or if I signed up for it somehow, but I’m excited to read it later this year.



Bookish Stuff:

I upgraded to the book box for J.J. Knight so I could have a physical copy of the second book in this new series since I had the first one. I didn’t realize I only upgraded to the basic book box, but that’s okay, I didn’t need to spend more! But it came with an adorable little stuffed crab, a sticker, some yummy sounding drink recipes, the book of course, and another charm for my charm bracelet I got last month with the Pickle-grams!


The first three of these were on Edelweiss when I was looking through as I do to see what books to look for my library, and I decided that I didn’t have any other reviews planned for them, as they are all next year for the most part or November for the second one, so I went ahead and downloaded them and added them to my blog calendar. The last one is the next book in the latest SmartyPants Romance line and is publishing the first week of October.

Free E-books:

This one was free on Amazon on Wednesday.

Physical books:

Of course the first picture was with the book box I shared above, and the second picture are ones I decided to buy from the author’s newsletter showing the fun new cover for the first one, and the second one in that picture is the last one I need to read in the series! The third picture is a book I found at Ollie’s for $3.99.

What I’m Watching

So I searched to see when the new Daryl Dixon show was starting and it was last Sunday. I watched that first episode and it was definitely interesting enough to keep watching future episodes!

I was excited for the new show on the CW called The Swarm. But I was pretty underwhelmed with all but the very end of the show. The actors were pretty lackluster. Lots of quiet characters. The ending as I said was interesting, so I’ll probably give it at least one more episode.

Coming Up Next Week on My Blog

First is an ARC I started at the end of last week but didn’t finish in time for this post, and I had to put it down to get the other two done in time for when I had them scheduled. Next is these two e-galleys for sure. The third one is for a blog tour. I should also have some promo posts and maybe start the Fall Seasons of Books Giveaway Hop.


Don’t forget that I do now have the nice little box on the right hand sidebar so you can check out giveaways all the time!

My current monthly giveaway is HERE! Remember if I get over 100 entries in that monthly giveaway I add more winners, and so far this year I’ve had over 100 entries every month. And for August I had over 400 entries, so I picked 4 winners!

I also started a Summer Seasons of Books Giveaway earlier this year, so be sure to go enter that HERE. It ends this coming Saturday, so make sure to get entered!

Final Thoughts

Can you believe September is halfway over? Did you read or watch anything good this past week? Get any good books?

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22 responses to “Weekly Wrap-Up #135 – September 17th, 2023

  1. That does seem weird that they made you, the librarian, go on the PA to call students to the library. I feel like “in my day” it was just the office admins who got that luxury! But I guess times are always changing, but yeah.

    Nice new reads too! Those are all new to me ones! The book box from the author is cool! I love when authors can allow you to buy books from them! I always love supporting them any way I can! Hope you enjoy all of your lovely new reads!

    Here’s my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

    • Lisa Mandina

      And I hate getting on the intercome! It’s like when I worked at the bookstore and I would have to do announcements, I hated that too! lol I am getting bad about buying boxes like that from authors. And joining Patreons and Kickstarters, lol. But I want to help authors any way I can as well. Thanks for visiting!

  2. Ugh I hope things calm down with all the not librarian tasks. Why can’t the admins call them to the library? I think it’s nice you have so much family in the area. We all moved for college and after so everyone is far flung and I have no one close. Tree or bush removal is very expensive. Have a wonderful week Lisa!

    • Lisa Mandina

      Well, we have three new admins, and the one in charge of testing I guess didn’t talk to the last one about how she did it, even though the current admin was a counselor last year. I moved away for my first teaching job, but only about 3 1/2 hours away, then came back home as soon as I could. So I love being close to family, but I now I kind of wish I’d moved and experienced more away from home.

    • Lisa Mandina

      It’s crazy how much it costs! Of course my yard isn’t easy to get back to do that, so I guess it makes sense. Hope we both get less hectic weeks!

    • Lisa Mandina

      I haven’t read Wet yet, but the new cover convinced me I needed to hurry up and do that! I love the #Nerd series so much.

  3. Ooh that new Daryl Dixon show I need to start. I’ve been away from TWD for a few years but I want to try that one! The Swarm looks interesting- sorry to hear it was a bit underwhelming. I might give it a try if you think it gets better 🙂

    Greg recently posted: The Sands of Time Ch 50
    • Lisa Mandina

      Still waiting on one more estimate for the tree. Really not liking how it’s going to eat up so much of my savings to get one tree taken down.

    • Lisa Mandina

      Getting a little closer to library duties, although it seems more things are slowly added each week that are not library. Oh well. Only 5 more school years till I can retire from education with full retirement and then go work somewhere else just for health care, lol.

    • Lisa Mandina

      I ended up spending a lot on a fancier shirt than planned, but I figure for all the stuff he does for me, it was worth it!

  4. UGH! I hope most of the “extras” of your job are nearly done so you can focus on being a librarian! I hope you were able to find a good birthday gift. Tomorrow is my mom’s birthday, but we took her to NYC last year to celebrate her 80th and she says that’s enough. I’ll be seeing her next month and will take her out to dinner. My reading has been pretty minimal the past couple of weeks. *sigh*

    • Lisa Mandina

      The other stuff is slowing down, but still so much time spent on laptops some days. Yeah, I feel like my stepdad always tells us there is nothing he needs, so it’s hard to buy for his gifts! I found a nice Chiefs shirt for him. A trip to NYC is nice!

  5. I’m enjoying Daryl Dixon, but…I don’t know…I don’t want him over in France helping a bunch of strangers. lol I want him back with all the old gang. Sigh. But I am trying really hard to get past that.

    That whole library business sounds…chaotic?

    $1800 to take out a tree!!!!! And my friend in Arkansas was complaining that it’s going to cost her $400. lol

    • Lisa Mandina

      Him not being with the characters we know and love could be why I’m kind of eh on the show from the second episode. I’m going to wait on the tree since I don’t NEED it done. Just trying to prevent possible damage in the future.

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