Weekly Wrap-Up #124 – June 25th, 2023

Posted June 25, 2023 by Lisa Mandina in Weekly Wrap Up / 26 Comments

Oh my gosh you guys, only 2 weeks till my trip! And can you believe we only have one week left of June? This is also my last week of summer school coming up.

Sunday morning was a nice somewhat rainy morning for sleeping in. I’d hoped for more of a stormy rain, but it was just a light rain. I did blog visiting and commenting and some work on posts for the next week or so. I made my usual crockpot chicken that I can then put in different recipes throughout the week. We did father’s day for my stepdad with my mom, brother, sister-in-law, niece, and nephew. My stepdad gave my brother a rifle from the Civil War that had been passed down through the generations of his family from his great-great grandfather.

Monday was nice for sleeping in because we had the day off for Juneteenth. I did have to mow the yard, and had hoped it would be a little cooler like Sunday morning, but it was not. And we had an air quality advisory all day. But I had to mow, so had to deal with it. Spent the rest of the day reading and trying to keep the dogs from wanting to go outside constantly in the heat and just stand there doing nothing.

Tuesday was mostly quiet in the library. I got a lot of books worked on for getting ready to genrefy. My new roll of Realistic Fiction stickers arrived at the end of the day, so I’ll be going back to get the ones that I didn’t get done where I left off in the Ps. Went home and in the heat and air quality advisory tried to stay inside as much as possible with the dogs!

Another quiet day in the library on Wednesday where I continued to get a lot of books stickered and also got time to scroll the new additions to Edelweiss. Another really hot day, so did my best to stay inside!

Thursday was mostly quiet, other than the one person from the other school that is such a loud laugher! I finished going all the way through the alphabet and stickering all the books with their genres. Then I went to print out a report of how many books in each genre, and found a couple pages worth of books that didn’t have anything assigned yet. I’d say about half of those were ebooks/audiobooks, which we don’t really have available for the students anymore, but there were still a few that hadn’t been set in the computer yet. So I am going to work my way through the list now.

Friday was another quiet day. I finally got all my books labeled and was going to start marking the shelves with the colorful tape for each genre. Realized about a third of the way through the first genre, Fantasy, that I hadn’t ordered enough of some of the colors, so sent the secretary an order for more of the tape. Then I started moving books around a bit, but only got the As and started on the Bs for sorting by genre. I had a doctor appointment in the afternoon, and sadly even though I had lost weight and was feeling better, I have now officially crossed the line from pre-diabetic to diabetic. Ugh.

Saturday started out with major FOMO for me with all the authors and friends of mine on Facebook posting about the fun they were having at Book Bonanza. This is the first time I wasn’t able to get tickets in the 4 years it has been going. I mean in a way not getting a ticket is part of what spurred me on to plan my trip to Scotland, but there are 3 authors this year that were on my list to meet that I haven’t met yet: Lynn Painter, Teagan Hunter, and Ruby Dixon – who I even sent her the form on Facebook to sign up to be an attending author!

In the morning then on Saturday we took my mom and stepdad to get fitted for the right kind of shoes for walking at the Running Well store so that they can start getting some exercise now that they’re both home from the hospital. Then I went to my dad’s for my sister’s birthday. We FaceTimed my other sister in Scotland who I will be getting to see in two weeks from Sunday!

Books Finished

The first one was an e-galley I finished up over the end of last weekend. The next two were ARCs. Fourth was an audiobook I listened to both in the car and at summer school when I was alone in the library one day. Fifth was an e-galley I finally got to after a lot of great reviews from other bloggers.

New Additions to My Library


This was a huge exciting surprise! I loved the first book so much! It was probably one of my favorites from last year. I had already downloaded the e-galley, assuming that I probably wouldn’t get the physical ARC, and I’m so happy to have the physical ARC to match the first book.



Bookish Stuff:




Free E-books:

I saw the first one listed in Books of My Heart’s last Sunday’s post as a freebie on Amazon and it was still free so I went and grabbed it. The second one was listed as free in an author’s newsletter so I grabbed it as well from Amazon.

Physical Books:


What I’m Watching

Continuing to watch the one episode a week of Outlander season 7. I’ll be in Scotland for two of the episodes, or on a plane for one. Wonder if I can get Starz on the tv at the hotels where I’m staying? But I guess I am taking the older iPad my stepmom gave me when she got a new one, so I can hopefully watch it on that! Got caught up on Silo.

Coming Up Next Week on My Blog

First is an egalley I started the end of last week. All the rest of these are ARCs for the publisher. I also have a few promo posts planned for this week. I should be posting my L-L-L-Little Reviews and DNF posts for June this week, and next Saturday will be my June end of the month post which will mean a new giveaway starting.


Don’t forget that I do now have the nice little box on the right hand sidebar so you can check out giveaways all the time! My current monthly giveaway is HERE, but it does end on Friday, and the next month’s will start on Saturday. Remember if I get over 100 entries in that monthly giveaway I add more winners, and the last five months I had over 100, so that was two winners each month this year so far. And for June I seem to have over 500 entries, so I’ll pick 5 winners!

I also started a Summer Seasons of Books Giveaway last week, so be sure to go enter that HERE. This giveaway goes for several months, so lots of chances to get entered.

Upcoming Scotland Tour Tidbits

Well, as we get so close to the actual tour, here is the last stop on our final day, it is at Rossalyn Chapel. Now this one isn’t actually an Outlander location, it actually played a big role in Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code book and movie. It will be a historical spot to see. Afterwards the tour will be dropping us back off at the hotel where they picked us up at the beginning of the week. I’ll head to a hotel by the airport to spend the night before my flight back home on Saturday.

Final Thoughts

How was your week? Did you read or watch anything good? Get any good books? How has your June been shaping up?

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26 responses to “Weekly Wrap-Up #124 – June 25th, 2023

    • Lisa Mandina

      It is! I can’t wait! I think time will start to go really fast as I get to where I need to be packing. Plus with the 4th of July a few days before I leave!

  1. Half the fun of going on holiday is looking forward to it! How exciting that it’s so close:)). And I am green with envy that you’ve a copy of Hunting Moon as The Luminaries really stuck in my head after reading it and I want to know what happens next!! I’ve also got hold of a copy of The Seven Year Slip, so I’ll be interested in finding out what you thought about it.

    • Lisa Mandina

      I think you’re right about that! I’m afraid it will go by so quick! I just finished The Seven Year Slip last night, and while it took a tiny bit to get into it, like I started and stopped the first time right before I got hooked. I ended up loving it!

    • Lisa Mandina

      Well, I haven’t started packing, but I did start my list of things to pack! lol I probably should start the packing soon.

  2. Your Scotland trip sounds so awesome! I’m looking forward to all the photos when you get back. (Hint, hint.) I’m sorry about the diabetes; that must be really frustrating. Still, better to know and be treating it, than not know.

    How was The Agathas? I’ve been eyeing that one.

    Lark @ The Bookwyrm's Hoard recently posted: Sunday Post – 6/25/2023
    • Lisa Mandina

      Oh yeah, I will definitely be sharing pictures when I’m back! Yeah, it’s good to know, just felt like such a negative visit when I actually had felt some things were going better. I really ended up liking The Agathas, I definitely recommend it!

  3. Ooh your trip is coming up! And it was hot here too last week. And that sucks about diabetes. I was advised t ogive up the sugary drinks- soda, lemonade, juice- all the stuff I drink! Not happy about that!

    Greg recently posted: Sunday Post #510
    • Lisa Mandina

      Yeah, I’m going to do my best to try to only do water or my crystal light as much as possible! I’d already cut back on soda a lot, but not completely.

  4. Summer is going so fast! I hope you have a wonderful time in Scotland. I actually got quite a bit read this week which was nice. My favorite was probably Sacred Evil, #3 of Krewe Hunters. I was off Monday and Tuesday and it was so great!

  5. How exciting that you only have two more weeks until your trip! I’m looking forward to your updates! I’ll look and see if you have an Instagram and follow you. Bummer about Book Bonanza, but at least you don’t have to fight the crowds. I did the ALA several times and while it was fun it was a little overwhelming.

    Rachel @Waves of Fiction recently posted: Sunday Post #212
    • Lisa Mandina

      I do have an Instagram, but don’t use it that much. Maybe I’ll try to do that more when I’m in Scotland! I’ve done ALA before as well, and you are so right about the crowds being a lot!

  6. I bet you are so excited! Some of my people are from Scotland, and I’d love to see that land.

    So sorry to hear that you have crossed over into diabetic. A friend did that six months ago, but through diet and exercise, he has been able to cross back into the good zone.

    • Lisa Mandina

      I’m hoping to get the diet part the right way, and maybe get back in some exercising before I go any farther!

    • Lisa Mandina

      I was shocked to get it, since my luck is usually not getting the physical copy of a second or third book in a series. I’m reading Dead Eleven right now, and enjoying it. My review for The Seven Year Slip should go up on Tuesday!

  7. How exciting that your trip is so close!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE HIM and the follow up, US. One of my all time favorites. I hope you enjoy it.

    My week was busy getting reading for Girl Scout Camporee, which was a lot of fun. Four of my five 12th grade girls were able to make it and have a lot of fun. It was great for all of the younger girls to see them still participating in Girl Scouts. I can’t believe this is our final year!

    • Lisa Mandina

      Hoping I can get to Him soon. You did have a busy week, but so glad it was fun! But final year is bittersweet I’m sure!

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