Once again I’ll be linking this up with the Sunday Post (hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer).
Well, to all of my fellow American followers, Happy 4th of July today! I hope that you get to have a nice day however you like to spend it. I’ll be going to my brother’s house tonight and we will have our parents, aunts and uncles, and cousins there. My 9 year old niece does an “art show” with lots of projects she’s worked on with my sister-in-law, her mom, who has an art degree. And there will be lots of great food. My brother will do fireworks for us to watch in the evening. Although I actually saw some really neat fireworks at the Kansas City Royals baseball game (which we won for a change!) this past Friday night. Although, with them doing a salute to military personnel and knowing how sometimes they say that veterans aren’t comfortable with the fireworks, I wondered how all the loud noises were for them. But here is a minute long video I took in the middle of the fireworks. They lasted like three whole songs worth!
Other things that happened this past week. Mostly rainy days. I did get to the library and get some writing and outlining done, since Camp NaNoWriMo started on Thursday and so far I’m ahead on my goal. Although on Monday I will need to catch up since I didn’t get any writing done on Saturday and I won’t today either. The closer I get to actually finishing writing this story makes me want to start thinking about a cover for the book. But once I’m finished I’ll have a lot of editing to go back and do, so I am trying to wait!
I found out I have to wait until October 1st before I can apply to take out my Kansas retirement money like I’d planned, so I’ll be continuing to pay on credit cards until probably November, since they say it takes 4-6 weeks to even get your money after you apply. Thank goodness my new job salary should begin in August.
Only got two books finished this week.
New books:
I didn’t buy any, well, I did buy one, but it hasn’t arrived yet, so I’ll save it to share when it makes it to my house. Just so you know, Amazon takes too long these days to get books to you!
ARCs for Review:

E-galleys for review:
I bought the first one with my Audible credit for this month. Technically the last one I got last month with the Audiobook Magazine summer program of Sync – free ebooks for teens. That’s how I got the two in the middle, but they were this week’s choices.
Free e-books:
The first book was my Amazon First Read pick for July.
What I’m Binge Watching:
This past week I started rewatching Cobra Kai, as well as Supernatural from the very beginning. I don’t know if I’ve watched the first season since it actually first aired! Boy do Sam and Dean look soooooo young! It is looking like our Planet Comicon in August is going to have a ton of actors from Supernatural, the biggest one so far is Misha Collins, who would totally be someone I’d pay to go see and get a picture with. But with not getting the money yet from my retirement, I don’t know that I’ll be able to afford it. 🙁 However, if you’re into romance books, you’ve probably heard all the big to-do about the new show on Netflix called Sex/Life based on the book series 44 Chapters About 4 Men by B.B. Easton. Which after watching the first two episodes I decided to go ahead and order the book, or I guess the prequel/first book in the series? I already owned a digital copy of it, but I wanted a physical copy so I can maybe meet the author at Book Bonanza next summer. Now, a warning, this show is extremely sexual! Episode 3 had a major whoa moment that everyone is really talking about.
Last week’s posts:
Reviews: The Icing on the Cake by Linda Seed, The Sweetest Thing by Maya Hughes, and The Mixtape by Brittainy Cherry
Promo Posts: None
- The Looooong and the Short of It with a Giveaway: June 2021 Wrap-Up Post and What to Expect in July
- Blog Tour Review with Giveaway: The Mixtape by Brittainy Cherry
Final Thoughts:
How was your week? Did you get any good books? Are you binging any tv series you’d recommend?
Happy 4th to you! I am excited about cooking out. We have great weather. Yee Haw! Hope you enjoy the day (and you all your new books. Wow!)
We’re having really good weather here, well, it’s hot, but not too humid, so that’s a win. Have a great day! As for all the new books, those ebooks will probably still be sitting on my Kindle account next year this time. lol
Happy 4th! I have a complicated relationship with fireworks. They are pretty and fun, but they freak my dogs OUT! I haven’t watched Sex/Life but I did read an article with an interview for the male MC who shows EVERYTHING. He was talking about how he had no problems with everyone seeing everything. So, I haven’t seen it, but I have heard lots!
Yes, there is a group I’m in on Facebook that has been discussing that article about the guy on Sex/Life. Of course then someone had to go and burst our bubble with another article about how it was probably a prosthetic. lol I don’t like to do the little ones myself anymore, I had cousins who used to shoot them so they ended up under the picnic tables where we’d be sitting, so I can watch, but from a distance. And my dogs will probably just be sleeping in their cage at home while I’m gone. But yeah, my brother, whose house we are having the fireworks at, his dog hates them as well. So I understand how hard it is for the poor furbabies! Hope you have a good week, thanks for visiting!
I’ve seen mixed reviews about the Mixtape. We aren’t really doing much for this holiday weekend which is ok. Happy 4th!
Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post
Oh really? I haven’t seen a lot of reviews, but I know I really enjoyed it. Hope you have a good week, thanks for stopping by!
Love the idea of your niece’s art show! How cute!!
It’s a lot of fun! I think two years ago she even had an interactive part where we got to paint our own rocks. lol This year she is also making rubber band bracelets to sell, so I’ve got some cash. 🙂 Thanks for visiting!
Sounds like you had a mostly good week! Sorry to hear about the retirement money though, always stressful when finances don’t go the way we planned. And thanks for the warning about Sex/Life too! I’ve been eyeing it up but unsure because sex scenes do make me super uncomfortable, I’ll make sure I’m in an okay mood if I ever do get around to it!
If only money didn’t have to be such a big issue. Oh well. If you haven’t heard, there is full frontal male nudity in the third episode too! So yeah, be prepared for that stuff in Sex/life. But the story is definitely emotional. Thanks for visiting!
Nudity is fine! Just when it gets hot and heavy. I made it through Bridgerton unscathed though. ?
It gets hot and heavy, although the scenes are not as long as the ones in Bridgerton, so you might be okay. lol
Your freebies look so good. I hope you enjoy them. Happy 4th of July and have a great week!
Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Fourth! Hope you have an awesome one.
Glad you liked Panic! And thanks for that shout out. 🙂 I thought it was great and I hope for a S2!! Cobra Kai as well. I have t ostart S3…
Mixtape looks fun!
It was really good! I would be interested in a second season as well. I’m ready for the next season of Cobra Kai as well! Thanks for visiting!
I’d love to go to a Royals game this summer. It’s been years since I’ve seen them, probably before the 2015 World Series win. Fun! Hope you enjoy your new books!
I think the last time I went was probably the year after they won the world series. It was fun, and they won, but I do like to go at least once a summer if I have time and money. Thanks for stopping by!
Hope you had a great 4th of July! Are you writing a book? That is so amazing, what are you writing about? Very impressive book haul, I hope you will enjoy all of them.
I am writing a new adult romance book. I wrote a novella last year, and have been working on this book for a few years now, but am finally trying to get it finished! Thanks for asking about it!
There are some cute ones in this mix. The Mixtape catches my eye. Enjoy
Thanks for visiting!