Review: Greek Gods #Squadgoals by Courtney Carbone

Posted November 10, 2017 by Lisa Mandina in / 2 Comments

Book info:

TitleGreek Gods #Squadgoals
Author:  Courtney Carboone
SeriesOMG Classics
Genre:  Retellings of the classics told through texts.
Release Date:  November 7th, 2017
Publisher:  Random House Books for Young Readers
Source:  Finished copy from publisher
My rating:  5 stars

Imagine: What if Mount Olympus got WiFi and the gods and goddesses had smartphones? The classic Greek myths get new life in irreverent and hilarious texts and posts! 
Zeus, a king of the gods always in search of a new bae.
A squad of goddesses who can’t resist stirring the pot.
And the selfie-obsessed heroes out for all the likes. 
If you have trouble telling Perseus from Theseus (#Greek2Me) or have ever wondered about Oedipus’s tragic dating profile or why Medusa’s Instagram never got traction–this satirical book of Greek myths retold for the Internet age is for you! 
tl;dr D’Aulaires’ and Homer’s Greek myths told through characters texting with emojis, posting photos, checking in at locations, and updating their relationship statuses. The perfect gift for any reader–young or old–with a sense of humor! 
A glossary and cast of characters are included for those who need it. For example: tl;dr means too long; didn’t read.

My Review:
Okay, once again I was blown away by the immensely creative way this book was written.  As an adult, some of the text shortcuts were not ones I understood or knew what they meant, but fortunately there was a bit of a glossary to help with that.  As a high school librarian, I love how well this explains in an easy to understand way the Greek myths and really how messed up all of those gods were.  It only took me two thirty minute lunch breaks to read this, as it is a very quick read.  But I was laughing and snorting the whole time!  I even passed it on to one of the teachers in my school who used to teach mythology, and he loved it, and returned it me later that same day!  I don’t know if enough teachers know about these books, but I am going to try to get out there and share them with teachers more, as they are some of the best ways to get someone interested in all these crazy stories.  So many parts that were snarky and just hilarious.  The only thing that maybe I had an issue with was the WTF and FML abbreviations.  Knowing what the “F” stands for did bother me a bit.  However I also know that teens are using those abbreviations, so it is probably a bit naive to expect that would be anything new for them.

Another great book in this series, and I look forward to hopefully more to come! 

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