Sunday Post #67 and Stacking the Shelves August 21st, 2016

Posted August 21, 2016 by Lisa Mandina in Stacking the Shelves, Sunday Post / 42 Comments

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted  @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s
a chance to share news ~ A post to recap the past week on your blog,
showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is
coming up on our blog for the week ahead. See rules here: 
Sunday Post Meme
.  Another busy week.  Haven’t been able to fit in a Cover Characteristic post in a while it seems like.  Anyway, here is a list of last week’s posts:

Last week on the blog:

Lots of reviews this week it seems!  But I’m still behind.  Still have a stack sitting right on the table by my laptop where I’m typing this very post that are waiting for a review.  Kids started back to school this week.  Which of course made for a lot of stuff going on during the day. Then I had several things going on during the weeknights:  work, getting to visit with a friend back in the states from England.  Saturday night my cousin got married, so that was busy as well.  I only got to walk twice this week.  But I’m still counting it a success that I got that done the first real week of school!  I finally got my new Fitbit in the mail on Thursday.  I got the Alta this time.  So now I’m getting used to the whole buzz notification whenever I get a text or phone call, as well as when it wants me to get some steps in because it wants me to get 250 steps an hour in.  So far I like it, especially that it has a clock in it.  I haven’t worn anything like a watch in a long time!  I didn’t make it to the MidAmeriCon to get to meet the author I wanted.  The money just wasn’t worth it for now.  

Coming up this week on the blog:

  • Promo Posts:  There Once Were Stars by Melanie McFarlane (author interview and giveaway), and The Broken Series box set by Maegan Abel Release Day Celebration (giveaway)
  • Reviews:  Built (Saints of  Denver #1) by Jay Crownover (audiobook), Castle Hill (On Dublin Street #3.5) and Echoes of Scotland Street (On Dublin Street #5) by Samantha Young, and Calendar Girl Vol. 2 by Audrey Carlan
  • Waiting on Wednesday
  • Discussion Post:  Beloved book series that maybe you didn’t love?
  • Maybe Cover Characteristic:  Pyramids

So, meeting my two reviews a week again.  I’ve got my discussion post planned for the month I think.  I’ve put “appointments” into my calendar for walking this week to try to make sure I get three times in.  It was so nice when I went and walked yesterday that I was able to go walk at the park. And honestly, the three miles went by so much faster walking outside around the park than it does on the treadmill.  So I’m really looking forward to fall weather and being able to walk outside for a couple months.  I also started thinking about my possible Halloween costume, even though I don’t know if I’ll go to the same party as last year or what.  I’m thinking I should try to do a pin-up girl type of costume.  I think I could pull it off since I still need to lose some weight, but I have the curvy part down with my small waist and hourglass, albeit a large hourglass, figure.  At some point I have to start doing some writing though.  I did share my YA novel that I have up on Swoon Reads with one of the English teachers at my school.  Hoping to get some good feedback for it.  I also thought about if I finish and decide to maybe try to publish an ebook of a new story I’m thinking of, one that may be a bit more “erotic/sexy” than my YA, maybe I’ll go by a pen name.  

Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga’s Reviews.
 It is a way for us to share the new books we have collected.  Again, lots and lots of free ebooks.  Did a little better with buying physical books, but not as good as I could have of course.  

Physical books:

These two are books that I’ve already read, well, I’m currently listening to Deep. But the other was the last audiobook I listened to.  I bought both of these at the bookstore where I work.

The first one I ended up ordering from the Book Depository so I could get this cover to match the cover of the copy I have of the first one. The second book I got for like $1 at The Dollar Tree.

Here are a couple of cool writing prompt/exercise books I found at the bookstore where I work on our bargain tables!  Can’t wait to start trying them out!

Now, these aren’t actually books, but they are some cool things I got at the Barnes and Noble where I work the past week.  More of the cool post-it notes like I got for the Jane Austen ones, and love that bookmark!

Free/Cheap Ebooks:

I know, too many again.  But I can’t help myself.  Unfortunately with school back in, I haven’t had as much time to zip through these free e-books.  And the one I’m reading at the moment, while one that I like, and is in a series I need to know what happens, it isn’t as quick a read as the first two in the series were as it seems there is so much info in this one that I have to read every word so I can figure out what is really causing all the problems, to solve it!

Those are the tons of books I added this week to my shelves. What did you add to yours?

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42 responses to “Sunday Post #67 and Stacking the Shelves August 21st, 2016

  1. Those post it notes! I need them! I foresee a trip to Barnes and Noble in my future. I've never read the Sookie Sackhouse books but I like Charlaine Harris' more classic mysteries. I'm going to attempt to reread the Aurora Teagarden series before the new one comes out in October but who knows if it will happen. Have a great week!

    • I'm not much of a mystery, but love the paranormal stuff, so the Sookie Stackhouse novels were right up my alley! I'll hopefully get to meet her in New Orleans in October as well! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Ah, back to school and to endless schedules and activities. It does seem to be a busy time of a year! Ooo the post notes are so darn cute! I could never work in a bookstore…i would work to pay my bill!

    • Yeah, I'm pretty sure most of my paychecks go right back to the store with all the things I buy. 🙂 Sometimes I think I need to quit and get a part time job at a clothing store since clothes are something you actually NEED. But then, I remember that I love being around books. Thanks for stopping by!

    • That's the one thing I wish my Alta had, the heart rate thing. I don't know if the little vibrate notice will help me get my steps every day, but we'll see! Thanks for visiting!

  3. AH! I hope you love Endless Knight! I am DYING for my copy of book 4, Arcana Rising, to come this week! I preordered it and it should be here any day now!
    Hope you have a great week!

    • Interesting. Well, guess I'll find out as I go through the series if I'll like them or not. But I loved Poison Princess, so I'm pretty excited to go on. Thanks for visiting!

  4. I would have liked to go to MidAmericaCon too although it would have been better if George RR Martin announced his book was done. Ha ha since he didn't I'm noving on lol. Poor guy can't catch a break! Looking forward to your CC this week if you do one, and your discussion sounds good too.

    • Well, I wouldn't say I write a lot. I just dabble a little bit. I have one story I've completely finished. Another that I am pretty far on, and I got another idea this summer for a New Adult story that I might try for NaNoWriMo this year. We'll see. Thanks for visiting!

  5. That's so cool you write!! And your story is on Swoon Reads?!?! What does that mean exactly? Is it in the running to get published or is it already published? Either way, both are fantastic!!! I wish I could write pretty, like you 😉

    Have a great week!!

    Fair Game by Monica Murphy is free right now?? Good catch! I liked that story. I read it a while back and never got around to reviewing it. I liked it a lot 🙂

    Oh, and my hubs and I are 2 of those GRRM haters. We'd been with him since, 1999(?) We even went to a book signing of his at Mysterious Galaxies way back then, too. But then he never wrote a book for ever!! We lost interest in the series and the rest is history…

    • Well, anyone can upload to Swoon Reads I think, at certain times of the year. Then it is up there for people to read. And if one story gets a lot of attention, they will often get published. So no, not published yet. But hoping to get some good feedback. I don't know if I write that pretty right now, but I'm working on it! 🙂

      I keep clicking every time something is free. Although once in a great while I will pick up something that is 99 cents. I've never read GRRM. Don't think I could get through those huge books. Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Woah, sounds like you've been really busy! That's great you were able to walk outside though. That can be a lot nicer. I got to the gym a couple times last week, but I really need to try going more. I'm currently looking for a job though so whenever that happens it will be even MORE difficult. However, I'm thinking of doing some workshops or events so it makes working out a bit more fun – like dance classes and trying rock climbing. We'll see how it goes!

    Have a great week,

    • Being back in school has definitely been hard for getting my exercise done. I need to see if I can get to the gym tonight, but my mom wants to go do something. So debating whether to hurry out and go quick before she gets home from work, or not. Then Thursday is the next chance I have to walk, but I have someone coming to my house to clean the carpet, so I'll have to wait till they are done. Craziness. Good luck with your workout and job search! Thanks for visiting!

  7. I think back to school throws us all out of whack! I am lucky this year that day one for my kids (wednesday) is my scheduled day off. I am surprised you got anything done actually. Glad to hear you got your new fitbit. I think it is time for me to jump on the bandwagon and get one for myself. Have a great week!

    • That does make it nice to have it on a day off. Actually this second week is looking like I'll have less time to get my walking in! I volunteered for an extra shift at the bookstore one night this week, so it takes up more of my time. My Fitbit might be yelling at me this week. Thanks for stopping by!

  8. I remember how busy a time getting kids back to school was! I will be looking forward to your post about beloved books because I never cared for the Narnia books. Ha ha. I hope you are having a great week. 🙂

    • Wow! And I loved the Narnia series! 🙂 I love to find out what books other people feel differently about. Hope to see you later this week taking part in that discussion. Thanks for stopping by!

  9. You had a really busy week! I hope everyone is settling well into their new routine. Your walking routine sounds like a great plan. I am working out in the mornings now, which so far is working out well. Ever since I bought a scale, my motivation has skyrocketed. Hopefully it will last.

    I am behind in my reviews too and really need to make time to get to them. Work has been so busy as of late, and that's often when I am able to do some writing.

    I hope you have a great week, Lisa!

    • I wish I could do mornings, I just am not a morning person no matter how hard I try. If I am getting up because someone else is waiting on me, I can do it, but not just for me. It's stressful to be behind on reviews I think! Thanks for stopping by!

  10. Wow, that's quite a haul! Enjoy!

    I've started walking more, too — having a baby strapped to your chest is a great work-out! — though my electronic motivation has been Pokemon Go! Whatever works, right? 🙂

    A pin-up costume is really clever! With your figure, I'm sure you'd like great in it! I'm always way too lazy for Halloween, so I'm always impressed when people like yourself have the creativity to make their own costumes!

    Hope you have a great week and that you find some time for you in the midst of all you've got going on right now!

    • I love that Pokemon Go is doing so much for people! Connecting them, and getting exercise. I heard there might be a Harry Potter app like that in a year or two, and I'd be all over that! Well, as for being lazy with a costume, I have to have somewhere to go. And usually if I make something, it is my mom, who can sew, who makes it. Otherwise I will just buy it. Thanks for visiting!

  11. I love those post its! They are so cute! I have Fair Game but still haven't read it. I recently read my first book by Monica Murphy and it was okay. It was a YA story. She has another YA story coming up that I'm excited for so I hope it's better.
    Have a good week!
    Genesis @ Latte Nights Reviews

    • The post-its are so cute that I don't want to open the package to use them. It's interesting to try the free books and see if I want to go on, or if that author is one I won't be trying again. Thanks for stopping by!

  12. I didn't know that the new fitbits had all those new capabilities! It would probably drive me nuts haha, but it's super cool that it encourages you to get a certain number of steps in each hour. It even makes me want to get one! And good luck with the writing (always a challenge when the school year starts up too)

  13. Hi! I thought I would come on over and check out your most recent post for Stacking the Shelves! I found this one, unless I missed the most recent! You came by my blog so I want to do the same for you! You got a LOT of books here!! Enjoy!!!

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