So I’ve been good about the Sunday Posts again this month, however not as great with my challenges I think. But let’s do a recap.
I signed up for this challenge last month, and if you click on the image above you can see my sign up post. My goal was to do about one a month, and so far I’m on top of that with my April post: It’s In The Stars – Or Why I Don’t Give Ratings On My Blog. I even have already come up with a discussion topic for May! It’s fun to talk about these things, and then see what others think, as well as going and reading other blog’s discussion posts.
Of course my next challenge I’m going to talk about is the one that I’m hosting. If you click on the image above, you can go see my sign up post, and you can still sign up yourself! Not only that, but those of you who have been participating already, or start in May, can go HERE, and add in links to your reviews for this challenge, and enter another giveaway! I have surpassed my goal of 4 new series, and have reached to 6 new series. And I don’t think I’m done! Most of these are also authors that are new to me, and I am going to get to meet them in September at the NOLA Story Con. Here are my posts that meet this challenge from April:
- Losing It by Cora Carmack
- On Dublin Street by Samantha Young
- Calendar Girl Vol. 1 by Audrey Carlan
- Rule (Marked Men #1) by Jay Crownover
- The Wrath and the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh
- The Wrath and the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh – This book has been sitting on my TBR shelf since last year at this same time! It was one of them that was on my list in the sign up post though, so that is good.
- Elementals 2: The Blood of the Hydra by Michelle Madow (7 days left on Giveaway)
- Flawed by Cecilia Ahern
- Love, Lies and Spies by Cindy Anstey (3 days left on Giveaway)
- I’m doing better with the not downloading a ton of e-galleys. Still making note of them in my blog planner, and only going back and downloading them when it gets closer to time and I know I’m going to read them, unless of course it is one I know I have to read.
- I posted every single day this past month. One thing that is nice though, is that I did have some weeks where I was able to post for almost the whole week ahead of time, so I wasn’t as stressed about it.
- But, because of the end of the school year getting busier, and probably all the posting I was doing, I don’t feel like I got as much commenting done as I wanted.
- Still doing my monthly wrap up post, as you can see with this post!
- I have beat my goal of 2 reviews a week, with doing at least 3 each week! Yay me!
- Personal goals: No money saved, but I borrowed the money I needed from my mom to get my air conditioner fixed, so I’ll just be paying her back over the summer, and it will be nice to not have to sweat in my house when the summer temps really get here! My new walking goal is to walk twice a week, and I’ve done that so far this month! This goal will be met in May, hopefully, and then my reward is to maybe upgrade to the new Alta Fitbit.
Ooh! I should join your New to Me Challenge – I've been trying hard to pick up older series that other people are already loving – I just finished a series yesterday and reviewed it that would fit this challenge perfectly!
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
You definitely should! I hope that you do join in. It's something I knew I needed to start, and so I created my own challenge. Thanks for stopping by!
Good luck with the writing, and your vacation (whatever you decide to do). Sometimes it's nice just to get away.
Thanks! I'm hoping it will be a nice break, and that I will get some writing done. Thanks so much for stopping by!
Seems like you have quite a few challenges set for yourself. Not sure I could keep up with any of them. 🙂
@dino0726 fromÂ
FictionZeal – Impartial, Straightforward Fiction Book Reviews
I'm keeping a couple pages in my blog planner to try to do that, as well as making sure to do a monthly wrap up like this one! 🙂