Review: Into the Dim by Janet B. Taylor

Posted March 3, 2016 by Lisa Mandina in / 12 Comments

First, thanks to Edelweiss and HMH Books for Young Readers for allowing me to read an egalley of this book.  I’d heard good things about this, and I was intrigued by the synopsis.  And I wasn’t disappointed.  I’ve never read the Outlander series, but this is billed as that for teens, so I may have to give the Outlander series a chance now.

The main character is Hope.  Her mother died, or at least disappeared when she was giving a speech in a country where there was a horrible earthquake.  Now, Hope is adopted, and her father, who does love her, has found a new woman to love.  And he is going on a trip with this new woman.  So Hope has the option of staying at home for the summer with her grandmother, who doesn’t like her at all, or going to stay with her mother’s sister, someone she’s never met.  Oh, one other thing, because her aunt lives in Scotland, Hope will have to take a plane, something she has never been able to do because of her claustrophobia.  Hope gets some sedatives from the doctor and makes the plane ride to Scotland safely.  Once she gets there, she soon learns that her mother wasn’t quite who she always thought she was.  Hope has always had an eidetic memory, being able to recite word for word any book she’d ever read.  In Scotland she learns that her mother and her family are actually time travelers.  And they need her to go back and help them find something in the time of Eleanor of Aquitane. 

She will have to go back and try to stay undercover so that she doesn’t stand out or mess up the timeline by changing history. But back in time she will have to save her new friends she has traveled with, and also try to keep what they are looking for out of the hands of another group of time travelers who want it for nefarious purposes.  And of course, there is the cute boy that she first meets on her aunt’s land.  He will figure into the story in a surprise way.  But he will still be a love interest for Hope.  In the end not everything will end up being settled, but Hope will learn how things work, and try to figure out who is really her family and friends, and who the enemy really is.

I loved the historical parts.  I love when there are actual historical figures in a story and I learn more about them intertwined with an interesting story.  I also loved that the stone the time travelers needed to have on their person when traveling through time was an opal.  As opals are my birthstone, I’m always fascinated by stories that use them, because I love them  myself!  As I said not everything is finished at the end, so I’m looking forward to a sequel.  And I’m excited to see what part of history we’ll get to visit in the next story.  I can’t wait to see where this romance between Hope and Bran goes.  And the major twist at the end with the two of them, well I’m ready to see where else it leads.  I highly recommend this book if you enjoy time travel stories with great history in them.

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12 responses to “Review: Into the Dim by Janet B. Taylor

  1. Great review Lisa! I've seen mixed reviews for this one so it's nice to get your perspective. I've been kinda planning to read this one since I saw it last year, time travel is always a favorite. 🙂 I like that there is a competing group of time travelers- that sounds fun.

    • It took me a few chapters to get into the characters, but by the end I did really like a few of them! Glad that it at least peaked your interest enough to go on!

  2. Jan

    I saw this book and thought it sounded good, but I don't read too many young adult books so I may pass. But I'm glad you liked it since I'd seen mixed reviewed for it.

  3. I have been so intrigued by this one since reading the synopsis. This is the first actual review I've seen and I'm so glad it is a positive one! I enjoy history and Scotland so those two put together sound like a winning combination. And working in real historical figures is a bonus. I enjoyed your review, Lisa!

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