Okay, I’m kind of stretching for today. Wasn’t sure anyway what to do for J, journaling was my other idea. But, I decided to use today’s post to get some help from my followers and anyone else who stops by. On May 8th, I am so excited to get to be a moderator for an author panel at the bookstore where I work part time. It is the Pitch Black Dark Days Summer Tour, and includes the authors: Kelley Armstrong, Kiera Cass, Kimberly Derting, and Danielle Paige. I’m so excited because Kiera Cass is the author of one of my favorite series, The Selection series, and the final book in the series, The One, comes out this May and I can’t wait to read it! Danielle Paige is the author of the exciting new book, Dorothy Must Die. Kimberly Derting is an author I just fell in love with from reading her latest book, The Taking. And Kelley Armstrong is an author I have yet to read, other than short stories, but am still very excited to meet.
So, to me, journalism is reporters, telling the news, interviews, magazines, newspapers, etc. So I feel like I would love to have some ideas of questions you think I should ask when moderating the panel with these awesome authors next month. Here is what I’m asking. Please give me some question ideas in the comments below. I will also make this into a contest. Whoever comes up with the most original question, that I think is appropriate and perfect to ask the authors, I will purchase one of the titles from these authors and have it signed for them as a giveaway. So think hard about what you’d like to know or what you would ask these authors if you had the chance to moderate this. And keep in mind, it can be a question for just one of them, but even better would be something I could have all of them answer.
Can’t wait to read your ideas!!!
Ahhh, congrats! Obviously you're looking forward to it, must be fun (albeit stressful)
So, here's an idea. "How do/would you incorporate originality within the same genre/labels?"
Kirsty @ StudioReads
Love that question! I'll put it on the list, and keep you in mind for my contest! Thanks for stopping by!
I always like to hear authors answer where their inspiration came from for noteworthy characters or for books.
I took an online writing course through RWA with Kelley Armstrong. She is a wonderful resource for writers, and has a lot of books behind her. She wrote the book series that the SyFy TV show Bitten is based on (it debuted this winter).
Great question idea! I'll keep it in mind, and keep your idea for possibly a winner! I've seen Armstrong's books all over, I just haven't had a chance to read her yet. I hadn't heard a lot about that show, but will have to check into it. Thanks for stopping by!
Sorry can't help with a question – just wanted to say good luck 🙂
Thanks! I'm very excited!
"What would be the biggest change in your novel if the characters were all twenty years older?"
Michelle @ In Media Res
Oooh, that's a great question! Thanks!
MMMM, I am not familiar without any of these authors. I have no idea what to ask. One of my favourite interviews is Jian Ghomeshi, I am sure if you listened to some of his interviews you will get some awesome ideas. http://www.cbc.ca/q/
I'll check those out when I get a chance, thanks for letting me know about them.
You know Lisa I always think of asking authors what inspires them to build a character the way they do… how do they envisage the characters, what sort of a vision they have, and if they study people closely to bring life to those characters… I would have definitely asked J K Rowling that ( I think many might have already asked)
Tina from The Sunny Side of Life
Great question! I'll add it to my list.