Booking Through Thursday #1

Posted August 16, 2013 by Lisa Mandina in / 2 Comments

I thought I was going to have to break my goal of blogging every day for summer, because the e-galley I just finished can’t have its review posted until 30 days before its publication date of October 1st.  Soooo, I didn’t really know of any Thursday memes, until I found this one!  So, here we go for my first time of Booking Through Thursday:

How do you feel about borrowing books from friends? Is this something you like to do? Does it make you feel uncomfortable or rushed while reading? Does it affect how you feel about the book you’re reading, pressured into liking it?

This is a good question.  I actually don’t borrow many books from friends, normally they are borrowing from me!  When I do, it probably depends who it is from.  My sister and I trade books all the time, and I don’t feel any pressure really.  My friend Kim and I also trade books, and I might read what I’ve borrowed from her before anything else I have, but don’t necessarily feel I have to rush.  And I don’t feel pressured to like it.  I know what my tastes are, and I am comfortable discussing what I did and didn’t like with the people that I would borrow books from.

How about you?  How would you answer this question?

And while you’re here, make sure to enter my 4th Blogoversary Giveaway and my Authors are Rock Stars featuring Tessa Gratton giveaway.

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2 responses to “Booking Through Thursday #1

  1. Welcome to BTT! I've been playing for a while, and I like it quite a lot. I'm actually a much stingier lender than I am a borrower. I take such good care of my books that I know no one will ever quite treat them the same.

    • Yeah, I kind of am too. Really only have 2 or 3 people I let borrow my books. I rarely borrow though, I usually have more books than other people I know. Except the 3 I loan to.

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