Well, overall, BEA was a great experience. I got to meet a lot of great authors, and talked to some really cool publishing companies. I did have some experiences, waiting in line and being told 10 people before me that they’d run out of books, not being allowed to take books and being told to come back later, then those books were given away, that didn’t make me too happy. But I have learned how it works, and by the final day I pretty much made the main things I wanted. So if I go again, I’ll be a bit more prepared. I am also exhausted, and honestly, haven’t had much time to actually READ during the show. I thought I’d be able to read while waiting in line, but most of the time I was surrounded by other awesome book bloggers and lovers, and so had lots of great conversations with them. I will do some actual posts about who I met, and the books I got, but more of that will happen when I get home from NYC and can sit down in my own house and get unpacked, etc. I have decided though, that I probably don’t need to buy any books for quite a while!!! I’m already a little stressed about how I’m going to afford to send all the books I did get home. Hoping I can get that done for under $50, because I’ve got to have enough money to last till Wednesday before I go home, then I don’t get a paycheck from the bookstore next Friday since I didn’t work at all this week. It’ll be interesting to see how cheaply I can live! Here are the pictures from each day of the things I got. The only thing not pictures is my copy of Goddess Interrupted as I forgot to put it in the day 3 picture when I was talking it.
End of BEA Thoughts
Stay tuned for more detailed reviews of the conference, including lists of books, and pictures of authors I met. Also, the cupcake adventures I’ve had, and will continue having for a few more days!
Wow that is quite the loot!! Still so jealous that you got to be there!
It would be so cool if both of us could afford to go next year! I got to meet lots of great new people, but would love to have a friend I really knew there next time!
I feel your pain about the shipping. I paid over $100 to ship my books from NY to Toronto, Canada. I can't wait for them to get here! Good luck and enjoy reading!
Wow!!! Because it's international? But yeah, hope they get there in good shape!
I am not even going to try and hide how envious I am!!! So very lucky! It is sad that South Africa doesn't have anything like BEA. Enjoy your new reads!!
You should try to come to New York one year! One blogger I got to hang out with several times was actually from the Phillipines, and her whole family was there on vacation, and they let her go to that while she was there.