Book Blogger Hop #9 and Follow Friday #6

Posted July 15, 2011 by Lisa Mandina in / 12 Comments

Book Blogger Hop is sponsored over at Crazy for Books. It’s a place for book bloggers and readers to connect and share our love of the written word. This week’s question is:

How/where do you get your books? Do you buy them or go to the library? Is there a certain website you use like paperbackswap?

Good question. If you read my blog you’ll know that I work at a bookstore, Barnes and Noble. So most of the books I buy come from there. I also own a Nook, B&N’s e-reader. So far I’ve only actually purchased a couple books for it, most of them I’ve gotten free from a website called Every year when I participate in my state’s school librarain association award nominee group, I tend to just check those books out from either the library at the school I work at, or the public library, or I can even check out hardcover books at the bookstore where I work as well. I’ve also been getting some books through the RAK over at Proud Book Nerd.

Follow Friday is sponsored by Parajunkee. This is a blog hop that expands your blog by a joint effort between bloggers. There is also a featured blogger each week. I’m so excited that I’ve gotten on the list to be a future featured blogger! This week’s question is:

What do I do when I are not reading?

Okay, not sure if the incorrect grammar is to be cute, as a teacher who has to grade for those things, it bothers me to post it like that. πŸ™‚ But anyway. When I’m not reading, I’m either watching tv, playing on the internet, at the movies, or hanging out with family. Or last, because it’s my least favorite, working, which right now includes teaching 8th grade science, working at the bookstore, and teaching an online class for a career college. And I guess there’s some sleeping added in each night as well. I actually tend to read even while I’m eating since I live alone. And I even read sometimes while watching tv. I like to shop as well, but that costs money. Reading would be a cheaper habit, if I didn’t keep buying new books, because I have 300 to read sitting in my office. Oh yeah, and from the header on my blog, you can see I have an adorable mini dachshund, her name is Sydney, but as she’s older, she just sleeps most of the time. Considering getting a puppy to see if that would making perk her up a bit.
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12 responses to “Book Blogger Hop #9 and Follow Friday #6

  1. I love working at a bookstore! Unfortunately, or fortunately, because of that I will NEVER run out of things to read. It also funds my book addiction. πŸ™‚

  2. I've had my nook color for almost 7 months and I STILL haven't bought any books for it. I've gotten free e-books from B&N, Netgalley, and Galleygrab plus I've checked out a few from my library. I love free books!

  3. Hi, old follower stopping by! Great answers, check out my blog hops post on my blog! Happy Friday.


  4. Jo

    If I worked at a bookstore, I'd probably blow all my pay on books…. I have no self-control. That's why I'm happy to be a librarian — at least that way, when I feed my book addiction, it's free. πŸ™‚

    Happy Hopping!

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