Both boys like to fish. At the beginning of the book, Will has convinced Ernie to try it his way, out on the ocean. So they go out on Will’s father’s boat, with Will’s younger brother Sam, who Will doesn’t like, and the feeling is kind of mutual for Sam. Will’s dad leaves them to go alone, while he goes to a bar to drink. A big wave comes up, and the boat tips over due to Will trying to get a big fish he has always wanted to get. Will and Ernie make it, Sam gets stuck under the boat, his pants caught on a fish hook, and drowns.
Will’s father gets sent to jail, and we learn what a messed up life Will has. After some other bullying type issues happen at school, Will tries to kill himself. Ernie figures out something like this is happening and calls 911 to save him.
After Will gets out of the hospital, Ernie takes him up to stay at his Uncle Max’s. This is a great time for Will, but as they get ready to go back home, back to Will’s unhappy life, Will takes a turn for the worse. I like that Ernie is able to stand up to his friend, doing the right thing. I think this had a good message.
Well, I’ve been busy reading, and not had time to do much blogging. So I’ve got 2 more books to blog about later tonight if I have time. Trying to get the rest of the books done by December 1st.
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