Tag: Bossy Bride: Emma and Jesse

Book Blitz Excerpt with Giveaway:  Bossy Bride:  Emma and Jesse (Bossy Brothers #4) by J.A. Huss

Book Blitz Excerpt with Giveaway: Bossy Bride: Emma and Jesse (Bossy Brothers #4) by J.A. Huss

Book info: Title:  Bossy Bride: Emma and JesseAuthor:  J.A. Huss Series:  Bossy Brothers #4Publication date: December 18th 2019Genres: Adult, Comedy, Romance Synopsis: Bossy Bride features Jesse and Emma getting almost-hitched on a roller coaster, tricked into being the stars of a pirate show, jumping out of an airplane, and saying their vows in front of […]

Posted December 16, 2019 by Lisa Mandina in giveaway / 6 Comments