E-galley Review: Chase Lovett Wants Me by Helena Hunting

Posted January 10, 2025 by Lisa Mandina in Review / 10 Comments

I received this book for free from the author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

E-galley Review:  Chase Lovett Wants Me by Helena HuntingChase Lovett Wants Me by Helena Hunting
on January 10, 2025
Genres: NA Sports Romance
Pages: 227
Source: the author
Format: E-galley
My Rating: four-stars
Buy on AmazonBuy on Barnes & Noble

Cover Designer: Hang Le – https://www.instagram.com/byhangle

Illustrations by Mary Livas @Searland_art – https://www.instagram.com/searland_art

Narrators: Jason Clarke and CJ Bloom


A brand new standalone, opposites attract, college hockey romance. 

Chase Lovett. 
Star of my (unrequited) fantasies. 
Hottest guy on campus. 
Hockey god. 

Too bad he has no idea who I am. Literally, I’m so invisible to him that he once sat on me in class.

No thanks to a fire in the dorms, he just became my accidental roommate. 
Did I mention the hotel room our university moved us to has only one bed? 
Not ideal.

Worse, I accidentally left “My Precious” fantasy fandom underwear hanging to dry in our shower. 
My actual nightmare.

My name is Cammie Lovelock and this might just be the worst, best thing that’s ever happened to me.


Amazon World → https://geni.us/ChaseLovettWantsMeZon 

Amazon Paperback → https://amzn.to/41lOENk

Audio → https://geni.us/ChaseLovettAudio

Add it to Goodreads → https://geni.us/ChaseLovettWantsMeGR 

Once again Hunting has added to this huge interconnected hockey world she has built for so many years. Even if our characters are new to us, they have so many connections to characters from all the other series, especially the Toronto Terrors series, and it was fun putting all the pieces together to solve all those little degrees of separation between them.

I loved how Cammie was a total LoTR nerd, but she was still able to stand up for herself with the mean girls. Sure, she still had the self confidence issues, with wondering about how she would fit in with Chase’s friends and teammates. But when it came push to shove, she could take care of herself. She didn’t need to be rescued by a man, and let him know, nicely though, that she could.

I also adored Chase. He was the fantasy book boyfriend in that as soon as he spent a little time with her and got a look at her, he was hooked. And his willingness to listen to her weird ideas/fanfic and even want to read it and also get hot and bothered by it was cute as well. In a way he totally reminded me of the hero character in the YA I wrote myself, because honestly, he was almost a little too good to be true.

So, I have to say that while I did really enjoy this quick and easy read, I had a few issues with what was kind of insta-love. I also felt like I didn’t get as much of the angst and background story that the author usually infuses her plots with. I don’t know if that’s because it is supposed to be less angsty, because her other new adult series was sooooooooooo angsty. There was also a LOT of sex. Not a bad thing, but felt like more with how the story was in this one than her normal books. And, again, Chase was almost too perfect for me, almost too unrealistic of a college aged guy, based on what I have experienced when I was in college or what you hear about these days.

However! Even with all my issues, this was a feel good romance for me. I loved how the characters got along, the guys talked and stuck up for each other and their girls. Even as they gave each other a hard time. I look forward to maybe getting Brody’s story? Not to mention I would love to see if Cammie’s sister maybe gets with Brody and Tristan’s brother? Knowing Hunting, she has plans for them all!

NYT and USA Today bestselling author, Helena Hunting lives outside of Toronto with her amazing family and her adorable, emotional cat, who thinks the best place to sleep is her keyboard. Helena writes everything from emotional contemporary romance to romantic comedies that will have you laughing until you cry.

Website: http://www.helenahunting.com/

Amazon: http://amzn.to/1y6OBB7

BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/helena-hunting 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/helena.hunting69/ 

Instagram: http://instagram.com/helenahunting

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Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/helenahunting

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10 responses to “E-galley Review: Chase Lovett Wants Me by Helena Hunting

    • Lisa Mandina

      Agreed, this one was a little more than I think I needed? But I know a lot of other people loved that about it, and there was a time I probably would have been more happy with it too.

    • Lisa Mandina

      I don’t feel like this would be one you would enjoy necessarily, it is new adult, so maybe a little younger characters, they did act younger for sure.

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