Top 10 of 2024 – Best of the Best (Favorite Books)

Posted December 23, 2024 by Lisa Mandina in Top 10 / 21 Comments

Still such a hard one to do every year. But now that I do divide out audiobooks into a separate post, that helps a tiny bit. Each cover linked to the review.

Final thoughts

Some of these might also fit into categories for either new to me author or maybe book boyfriend or cover love possibly. So keep your eyes open for them later this week maybe!

Have you read any of these books? What did you think of them? What is your favorite book of the year? If you want to do this and link up, you can go to Books of My Heart and find the post for today’s topic!

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21 responses to “Top 10 of 2024 – Best of the Best (Favorite Books)

  1. danielle hammelef

    I read and loved P.S. I Hate You and have Attached at the Hip here to read. My favorite books of the year include The Rom Commers, The Bletchley Riddle, and Work in Progress.

  2. Splitting it up in audio and ebooks definitely helped me too. I always like seeing people’s top tens. I remember reading your review for Bride, so I can see why that one made your top 10. I want to check out your reviews for some of the others.

    • Lisa Mandina

      I need to get around to check everyone else’s posts out! Yesterday was basically both sides of my family’s get-togethers, so I only had a couple hours at home other than sleeping!

    • Lisa Mandina

      It is so hard to pick! Especially since I now DNF books I’m not liking or getting into, that means I pretty much like all my books I read, lol.

  3. Great list. I see PS I Hate You on many lists. It’s been driving me crazy if I read this author so I finally opened my kindle. I read P.S. from Paris by Marc Levy. Not even close.

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