Happy Thanksgiving!

Posted November 28, 2024 by Lisa Mandina in Uncategorized / 12 Comments

It’s been a hard year, and so I’m working to remind myself every day of the things I’m thankful for and that make me happy.

Today I’m going to definitely point out how happy I am for the world of book bloggers that are still out here blogging and visiting each other’s blogs and talking books.

I’m thankful for all my bookish blogger friends. I’m thankful for all the chances I’ve got to meet favorite authors. I’m thankful for my family and that I am able to spend lots of time with them. I’m thankful that I do have a job that pays the bills, even if I am currently miserable, at least I know that I have a home to come to after work where I am safe and comfortable and can take care of my two sweet pups!

If you celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope you have a nice day. Whether you’re celebrating today or maybe a different day with your family or friends.

What things are you thankful for this year?

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12 responses to “Happy Thanksgiving!

    • Lisa Mandina

      Thanks! That’s what I’m trying to work on doing. My New Year’s resolution is going to be just to tuck in and get by this year without giving myself more emotional stress by worrying about things I can’t change. And enjoying my family. I am so grateful that I live close and am so close with them. Although I think sometimes it is probably why I’m still single, I don’t need anyone outside of them.

  1. Danielle Hammelef

    Happy Thanksgiving, Lisa! I hope your day is wonderful and relaxing too. I just finished assembling my lasagna for baking later today. We will be watching the Lions’ game soon and hoping this year they can bring home a W.

  2. Melanie B

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! You’re lucky to live close to your family; my extended family live far. Thankful for health, family, and books of course!

    • Lisa Mandina

      Yes, I’m very thankful to live close to family and most of my extended family. We even face timed last night with my sister who lives in Scotland for a bit.

  3. Happy thanksgiving! I am glad I got to know you this year. And I hope you eventually can find a job that makes you happier, but being able to pay the bills is important too. We don’t celebrate Thanksgiving here in the Netherlands, but Black Friday did seem to have made its way here.

    • Lisa Mandina

      Doesn’t shopping or spending money always find its way everywhere? Lol. I’m glad to have you as one of my book blogging friends too!

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