I’m connecting up once again with Kimberly at Caffeinated Reviewer.
Sunday morning was cloudy, a tiny bit of rain sprinkles I think. But mostly the day went between sunny and cloudy, but cooler temps still. After doing a few things around the house, I picked my mom up and she rode with me to get my work laptop from my library for the meeting I had on Monday, and we also had lunch at Taco John’s, which the closest to us is over by my work. Then we stopped at a store called Cargo Largo that we always used to call the “junk store”. They recently built a much nicer building for it. Didn’t find anything though. We were going to go to Mardel’s because I like their teacher section, but I forgot they aren’t open on Sundays.
Monday I had to get up to an alarm, waaaa!!! But at least it was still about an hour later than normal school year time. I drove to the place in our downtown area where the leadership retreat for the whole district was. I feel like it was a positive day, but we shall see. It felt good to feel included. Came home to rest and finish a book I needed to get a review put up today for. Ended up waiting on the review since the books doesn’t come out till the 30th.
Tuesday I called a tree service, and stupid me signed the estimate, which makes it a contract then. They were very nice and offered to do a lot of other things for part of the estimate. But then my mom freaked me out about what if the insurance wont’ cover the amount they asked for. Which is possible I’m sure. So I spent the morning panicking about if I can’t get it all covered and have to do a payment plan when I’m already struggling financially and worried about ever getting debt paid off. I really should not be allowed to make financial decisions for myself, or anyone really. Ugh, trying to find some humor in my bad decisions. Then I went to see a movie with my mom in the evening.
Wednesday enjoyed one of my last few days of sleeping in. But my dad and stepmom came and picked me up at 10 am to go see the Disney 100 exhibit that we missed out on a week or so ago. It was really neat, some things I hadn’t thought about in a long time, as well as of course things I didn’t know. Didn’t know there was a Disney museum in Marceline, Missouri, so now we need to make a trip to see that. For lunch we went to one of our favorite BBQ places near the Union Station exhibit. Got home and did a little blog visiting and commenting. My mom texted and wanted to go have Mexican for dinner, so I went with her to dinner too.
Thursday morning I had a training meeting for the new system our district is using next year for grading and attendance, etc. It was okay, but as they had me in the system as a librarian, they didn’t give me some of the permissions I needed. I got a text halfway through the day that the tree people came and got the big tree down. They did get most of it done. And are supposed to get me estimates for the shed demolition and possible another tree that I forgot was behind the shed that also got knocked into my fence. Fingers crossed on what insurance will end up paying for since I signed that estimate like a dummy. I also went and had lunch with my friend who looked at my bloodwork and it came back with good results that it probably isn’t cancer, so now just have some other things to look at.
Friday morning I had my annual eye exam. Everything looked good, no change in prescription. Ordered new contacts. Tried to call the fencing company that did my mom and stepdad’s fence, but they want $100 to do an estimate for insurance! So skipped that. Came home and tried to get a lot of blogging done. Finished an ARC I needed to get done and had wanted to post a review of on Thursday but didn’t get done. My brother called in the afternoon and asked if I wanted to come over to their house for dinner tonight, and I’m all about free meals! Plus I hadn’t seen them in a couple weeks. I got over to their house to find out that my sister-in-law had designed our own family Olympic games to play after dinner, and they’d even made some medals for the winners. It was fun! My brother won of course, my mom got 2nd place, and my nephew got 3rd place.
Saturday morning I woke up at 6:30 am, which is normally when I’m on my way to work. Which will start on Tuesday! But I was able to go back to sleep till 8 am, so that was nice. Although I had lots of crazy dreams, about having to pack after a trip and not having enough room in my suitcases. Then getting to the airport and in my dreams I’ve never remembered to check in before I get there. Then for some reason I was driving to the airport? Weird dreams. I finished up my assignment for my ChatGPT class for week 3. Then did some blogging, visiting other blogs, etc. I got an urge to see what movies were out that I might want to see since I have the AMC A-List pass and don’t feel like I’m using it enough. Decided to go see the new A Quiet Place: Day One movie. Then came home, did more blogging, reading, and watching Cobra Kai.
Books Finished
First was the e-galley I didn’t get finished till the end of last weekend, posted the review on Monday. Second was an audiobook I got from the library and that review will come next week with my July L-L-L post. And third was an ARC that I will post my review of this week in combination with another ARC.
New Additions to My Library
Both of these are advanced copies for blog tours, the first in August and the second in September.
Bookish Stuff:
First is for a blog tour with Rachel’s Random Resources in mid-August. Second is for the author’s review team, the second week of August. Third is also for an author, but the book doesn’t come out till probably Halloween, so we’ll see when exactly I get it read.
Free E-books:
There was a day of a bunch of freebies and I got a bunch from Amazon.
Physical Books:
So these are the rest of the books that they sent to fill in for the White Trash Zombie prize pack. You can see I got two more from that series in the first picture.
This is from sharing an Amazon wishlist for my library with friends and family. My library budget is cut this year, but I’m not completely angry about it, because it means all the schools in the district will get the same amount. Unfortunately it means that I am losing about $1000. They used to do it based on the number of students at your school, and high schools of course have more than elementary students.
What I’m Watching
Finished up the past seasons of Cobra Kai so I could get the new, really short season started. Tuesday night I went with my mom to see the new Twisters movie. We enjoyed it!
Saturday I decided to go see A Quiet Place: Day One. It was good, but I hate to say I’d probably be dead because of my dogs barking at everything, unlike the main character and her cat that she kept the whole movie. That cat even dealt with being in the water! I really liked her character’s aspect in a movie like this. It’s funny in a movie like that because you can tell people are trying to be so quiet even with their snacks.
What’s Coming Up Next Week
First two are ARCs from the publisher and I’ll post their reviews this week, and third is an e-galley from the publisher, if I get it done in time it will go in my L-L-L post this week
I should also be posting my L-L-L-Little Reviews post, and maybe my DNF Report, although as of typing up this post I don’t have any DNFs this month to share. My July wrap-up post will also be out this week.
Final Thoughts
And July is almost over. And I’m back doing school meetings already, and this week is my official day back to school. And that summer heat has been back all week!
How was your July, are you ready to start August?
And here is my Bookly graphic for last week’s reading stats:
Sounds like a decent week! But ugh about signing that estimate right away. That’s a bummer. Hope it all turns out okay with your insurance. That’s the part of adulting I do not like at all! Why didn’t school prepare us for that part of life? lol. Your own Olympic Games sound fun too! I definitely would not have had the skill to win anything, lol. I’m not physically skilled, I’d be lucky to do good at trivia as I usually can’t remember things like that either! The Disney exhibit looks awesome! I wanted to go that but it kept picking places too far away from me. I’ll have to look into the museum in Marceline, MO!
Nice new reads! I just picked up an ARC of A Family of Killers from the YAM event I went to yesterday. Doubt I’ll read it before its release since a lot of the ARCs they had were ones that were either out or will be out in the next month. Still super excited about the titles I did pick up! Hope you enjoy all of your lovely new reads!
Here’s my StS
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂
I’m so mad at myself for how I handled that and just hope they keep waiting for me to get the money from the insurance. And hoping the insurance actually will pay! I saw about the event you went to on Instagram will have to see all the books you got!
Don’t be too hard on yourself about waiting for insurance. I hope your back to school week goes smoothly and all is good with your insurance Lisa.
It’s not even the insurance thing that is worrying me, it’s that they might not approve the whole amount, and I’ll be stuck paying more than I have right now. I just hate that I signed the paper before getting my insurance’s approval. And I hope that the people who did this are as nice and honest as they seem to be and aren’t ripping me off. Fingers crossed insurance gets back to me this week!
That’s a lot of tree stress. Hope it all works out with the insurance, though we all know insurance is a scam. They always try not to pay. Yeah! You finally got to the Disney pop up. I thought it was pretty nice.
Yep, I’m guessing I’m going to be paying for so much of it myself. Ugh. And I have no money for that. I enjoyed the Disney exhibit, actually learned some stuff!
Gah It’s always something breaking down or falling apart. Your trees, which I may have some of those issues at some point, and my main floor thermostat. I try to watch what I spend on well everything. I hope insurance comes through for you. It feels hard to believe school is starting up soon. We have at least another month of heat here.
Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post
Exactly! It never ends! It doesn’t help that I made such a dumb mistake on signing that estimate and now worrying the people aren’t really as nice or aren’t honest about waiting for my insurance to pay. Yeah, August is usually really hot here too.
Its impossible to get work done with insurance companies involved. They won’t give you a straight answer and you have to eventually just pick someone to do the work and hope for the best. Its so stressful. Good lucking going back to school. I have another week and a half and I am so sad that it is almost over.
I’m just so worried they will say it’s too much and I already had the work done so have to pay it now no matter what. My mom said she’d help with my deductible, so that’s at least a little bit of help. This summer month I had went too fast! Hope you enjoy your last week and a half!
Being an adult is a challenge and your never sure if you got it right. i sure it will all work out in the end. I know that i struggle with parent decisions even though my kid is 20. Like allowing him to just do school right now and not forcing him to get a job is that the best decsison. I don’t want him overwhelmed with time management as he has adhd and struggles with that. He does have chores that he needs to do in exchange for not working. Like the lawn mowing, dishes, he makes dinner and has to help out with any major projects we do. He on his second year of community college so we shall see what happens in the next year or so. Trust me no adult has all the answers we just do what we can with the information we have and figure it out as we go. I hope it all works out for. As for your library budget being cut i would suggest you go over to young adult book central and enter any giveaways that look promising. I review for them so i get lots of books from them. If there any in demand titles that someone requests let me know if i get a copy i can forward it on to you once i read and review. Hope this school year is amazing.
I do need to start entering their giveaways. I just feel bad since I’m not the one reading the books necessarily, that I’m putting them in my library. Fingers crossed I didn’t mess myself up too much with signing that estimate!
Sounds like you had a good week despite not knowing if your insurance will pay for the tree demolition. I hope they do for you. I’m glad your bloodwork came back as cancer free. That must have been a load off. I hope you have a great week. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Yeah, it was good to see not cancer, but still trying to figure out what the issue is with some of my test results. Thanks for returning the visit!
I hope your insurance covers all the tree service. It must be a relief to rule out cancer! Your dinner/Olympic night at your brother’s house sounded fun. You’ve had a busy week!
It was an up and down week for sure! And now back to work this week means things are going to be more hectic!
Your family always does such fun things together😁 I’m looking forward to your reviews this week. I hope your back to school week isn’t too stressful!
My sister-in-law is just so creative! So far I’m not looking forward to going back, but we’ll see!
Insurance is so confusing so don’t be too upset about not understanding all the ins and outs. I love the idea of Olympic Family Night. So fun. I can’t wait to see your review for Under the Surface. Hope you have a great school year this year – you deserve it!
It’s confusing and stressful! I’m just hoping the company that came and did my tree will wait to cash the check like they said they would. Hoping it will be a good year too!
Sounds like a fun and busy week. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
It was busy for sure!
Wait…what???? I could’ve been reimbursed by my mom’s insurance every time I had trees trimmed in her yard in Arkansas??? Daaaaang I wish I’d known that!!! Seems like every time I called the insurance to find out if this or that was covered they were like “No” and finally I was like “So basically, unless the house burns down you don’t pay for anything?”
Your family does a lot of fun stuff!!! Eating out, movies, Disney exhibit (how cool is that???) and those home Olympics!!!
Oh no, I can only get reimbursed for the trees because they fell on the shed and my fence. If it had just fallen in the middle of the yard that would be all on me. And I’m still not sure how much they’re actually going to cover. Probably not as much as it cost to get it taken care of with my luck. I am lucky to have my family, of course having them could be why I’m still single, lol, I don’t need anyone else.
Oh, right! That makes sense. We only needed Mom’s trees trimmed because they were hanging over power lines, etc.
Family is everything!!!!