I’m connecting up once again with Kimberly at Caffeinated Reviewer.

Sunday was hot! Really hot as we were under a heat advisory. I was still in Branson with my mom. We stayed long enough so I could do the final White Trash Zombie Read-a-long chat. And then we just decided to stay the night like we’d originally planned. We did a little shopping at an Amish store, and also down at Branson Landing, where I found a type of scent at Bath & Body Works I’d been looking for. Then we went back to my mom’s cabin and took her golf cart out for another ride. When we got back we watched a scary movie, Imaginary. Right at sunset my mom went to sit on the porch. It was a little cooler with the sun down, though not a lot. But still it was nice to sit out and we stayed out there for a while as it got dark. My mom had seen some kittens playing on the porch on her camera when we were home a few weeks ago, and tonight we saw them come around the neighbor’s house. They started to come over till they saw us sitting on the porch. My stepdad hated cats and would not have liked them coming over! I’m allergic to cats, but still think they are cute.
Monday morning we got up and drove back to Kansas City after stopping for some donuts at Krispy Kreme. Some traffic with construction on the way back, but I was home by about 12:30 pm. I went to the grocery store, and then went and picked up my two dogs from my friend’s house to bring them home. It was still soooooo hot! I did finally get an email about the NKOTB concert for Tuesday night that I bought the Meet and Greet package this time. Then I got home and tried to keep my dogs inside as much as possible for the evening. My Day-lilies are finally blooming!

So Tuesday was a crazy day! First of all it was soooooo hot! Another heat warning, which really sucked because the concert I had in the evening was at an outdoor venue. And that was not fun! By the end of the night, even after the sun was down, I was so hot at times I had to sit instead of stand and dance to some of the music like I normally would. School was crazy, I guess a teacher supposedly got into an altercation with a student. Lots of stories that don’t match up, but the teacher was fired, and you can see in the video that she did hit the student, even if we can’t see any point before that when supposedly the student knocked the teacher’s phone out of her hand.
I had hardly any time between the end of the school day and when I had to be at the concert venue for the meet and greet. Plus I had to go home and let my dogs out. I left school a little early, stopped by my friend’s hair salon and had her braid my hair really quickly, ran home, fed the dogs, let them out, and changed into my “In My NKOTB Era Still” t-shirt I’d had made especially for the concert. The dogs wanted to go out one more time and I was in the middle of deciding which shoes to wear, and so I ended up leaving the house with two different shoes. I did not notice until I got out of the car at the venue, and at that point I was out of luck. A lot of people said they thought I did it on purpose when I told them what happened. But yeah, not so much.

I had to be at the concert venue an hour and a half before the main gates opened because I’d bought the meet and greet. Then you had to get into groups of 10 because two people got to be with each of the band members in each picture. My top choices were Donnie or Jordan, but I would have been good with any of them! I ended up getting to be with Donnie! You go in order of who you’re standing with, you get to hug and say hi to each of them on the way to your guy. Then they take the pictures, and you get to say hi and hug the other guys that you didn’t get to yet. Wasn’t much time sadly. Danny was nice, so was Donnie. Of course I was surrounded by people who were more outgoing than I am and they kind of got the conversation on them, what little there was. I did have to tell Donnie “hi to Danny Reagan” from my mom, who loves his Blue Bloods show. He said to tell my mom hi. When I was in front of Jordan, he wasn’t that personable, barely paid attention except when I was talking with the one after me and said that I got grounded for going to one of their concerts back when I was in high school. Joe was the only one who asked about my shirt. And I told Jon that I liked his show. I did not tell him that my 12 year old niece who also loves those types of shows said he had bad taste, lol.

Then we had to sit in heat with nothing but water because the food shops didn’t open till the main gates opened! I’d had plenty of free water but needed some food, and some sugary soda to help with not really having much at lunch or any dinner. In the end though, the concert was awesome, as they always were. And I do really hope next time is back at an indoor concert hall though! Since I didn’t get the tote bag last time they came, I had to buy it this time. They also had a fan that was perfect for how hot it was!

Since I didn’t actually get to bed until midnight, I was exhausted when I woke up Wednesday morning. I knew it had rained during the night, but wasn’t thinking much of it, until right before I was about to take the dogs out before leaving for work and heard a loud crashing sound, followed by my power going out. Well, when I took the dogs out, I saw that the big dead tree in my backyard had finally given out, and fallen. Fortunately, it fell toward the back of my yard, on my shed, and fence. But also onto the power lines. I called out for summer school that day. While the power company came and fixed power, I guess they didn’t realize my line was down to my house, so I had to call them again when they had sent out the notifications that power was back on. Again, fortunately, once they came out, that was an easy fix for them. But then I will be waiting on my insurance to get the tree figured out. Another lucky stroke was that since the tree fell on my shed and fence that will be covered under the policy, they will pay for the tree to be taken care of and I will only have to take care of my deductible. I’d actually not liked my shed, and that part of my fence had needed some repairs anyway, so in a way, I lucked out. My deductible is about the same as how much the estimates to get that tree taken out of the yard was before it fell. So overall a winning situation I guess. Here are some pictures of the craziness!

Thursday was the last day of summer school. It was pretty slow all day. Mostly had a few students turn in laptops because they weren’t coming back to the district for the school year. Teachers who weren’t going to be in the district also came by to get me to sign off on a sign out sheet. It was hot, but nowhere near as hot as it had been earlier in the week. When I got home I went to open the shed to get my mower out. The doors had been shifted of course with one side of the shed having been pushed in by the tree, so it was a bit of a struggle to get the lock off. Then the mower had been pushed over by the wall moving as well, but it was not damaged. Once I got it out I was unable to get the lock back on the door, but that’s okay, there’s not anything else in there now. I mowed the yard and then put my mower in the garage for now. It’s a tight fit with the car in there, and I’ll have to leave the big trash can outside too probably.
Friday was a wonderful real first day of summer vacation for me. It was a rainy morning, and I got to sleep in! Hung out around the house with the dogs, doing a lot of blogging and some reading. Finally got my Goodreads exported to the Bookly app, so really trying to use that and see if I like it enought to continue for long. Went to dinner with my mom. Continued watching My Lady Jane.
Saturday was a lovely rainy morning. Slept in. Got up did a tiny bit of blogging and reading. Then went to have the usual Saturday morning get together with my dad, stepmom, and youngest sister at Starbucks by my sister’s house. Although I have a feeling once my sister officially gets completely moved into her new house in our downtown area, we won’t go there anymore. I also realized I forgot to download and schedule a time to read and review a book I’d started seeing pop up on other blogs, so I may be fitting that one in last minute after I finish my current ARC.
Oh, and I started feeling like Jess at A Great Read because I had a Barnes & Noble order, the USPS tracking number said it had been put in my mailbox at 2:59 pm, but I’d been sitting right by the window and could see no one had been to my mailbox. I was reaching out to my neighbors to see if it had been delivered there, and right at that time, he walked up and delivered it to my house. I think he probably left the scanner in his truck and just carried the mailbag with him as it is hot and he just walks on our street, has to go up to each house. So I get that!
Books Finished

First was an e-galley I started for the author’s review team while I was in Branson and posted my review on Friday. Second was a poetry book by my co-librarian at my last school. I’m not a poetry person, but I had to buy it to support him. And while I don’t know if I understand why some choices were made in how it was written, that’s because I’m not a poet and I appreciate his work on it! My review for it was in my L-L-L Reviews for June. Third is an ARC from the publisher, review will be posted on Tuesday or Wednesday.
New Additions to My Library
Bookish Stuff:

First one the publisher sent me a widget to on Netgalley, but I also got invited on Edelweiss, so I got it there so I wouldn’t mess up my NG percentage, lol. It doesn’t come out till October. Second was a for a blog tour next month. Third was also from the publisher, and I went ahead and got the widget downloaded from NG. It isn’t out till December though.
Free E-books:

This one was free on Amazon.
Physical Books:

The publisher sent me this one, not a request. It comes out July 9th, but I don’t have time to fit it into my reading schedule unfortunately. I will probably just donate it to my school library.
I finally found what I wanted to use my Barnes & Noble gift card on when I saw the new covers of The Dark Element series by Jennifer L. Armentrout. I ordered the first book only for now, because my copy of the first book was a stripped cover paperback from when I worked at B&N. Of course now, none of my three covers really match, because the 2nd one is an ARC, and it was autographed to someone else. And the third one is a finished copy, but I think a different cover for it too!

What I’m Watching
Sunday night my mom and I watched a scary movie, one we’d wanted to see at the theater, but didn’t have a chance, so rented on Amazon Prime. It was pretty good!
Does the NKOTB concert count? LOL! DJ Jazzy Jeff opened and Paula Abdul also opened.

Did some rewatching of Outlander again, the deal on a cheap renewal rate ends this coming Saturday so I’ll be canceling until November for when the rest of season 7 comes out.
And also, even though I hadn’t read the books, although I wanted to because I love all the authors, I started watching the new My Lady Jane tv series on Amazon Prime. If you’ve read the books, I wonder if it is a risque as the tv show since it is a YA book. But I’m really enjoying it so far!
What’s Coming Up on My Blog Next Week

The first is an ARC from the publisher I read last week. Second is the e-galley I completely forgot I had until someone posted their review. Hoping to get it read this week! Fourth is another ARC from the publisher, if I get to it. Fifth is the e-galley for a tour I said I’d review last minute. Last is an e-galley for a tour I signed up for a while back. Last is the e-galley I completely forgot I had until someone posted their review. Hoping to get it read this week!
It will also be July, so my June wrap-up post will be on Monday.
Final Thoughts
Last day of June! July is tomorrow! And I’m finally able to have a teacher summer break. Fourth of July celebration this week, looking forward to that at my brother’s.
How was your week? How was your June? What are you looking forward to this week? Do you celebrate the 4th of July?
Here’s a picture of the pretty flowers in the side of my mom’s Branson cabin yard, and the sign she and my stepdad bought and picked up on their last trip down there in late April, but never got put up, so my mom and I figured out a way to hang it easily.

Oh wow! What a crazy week! Glad the concert and meet and greet was fun! I don’t think I’ve been to an actual concert in ages! I went to some classic rock band ones that was more spur of the moment, but haven’t been to one for a band I actually like in ages! Lol. In fact, I think the last one I attended that band doesn’t perform anymore. So that’s a bummer. And oh my gosh, that tree is insane! Glad it just took out the shed and fence instead of your house! That’s crazy!! And oomg as soon as I saw my name I knew what it was going to be about! Lol. But glad yours still showed up when they said it would, albeit a different time. Mine is always off by days! I was truly truly shocked when this week’s preorder showed up! They said it’d be Thursday, so naturally, it didn’t come until Friday! But that’s better than the previous week where they said Thursday and it didn’t come until Monday.
I am still baffled that I missed this new reprint of JLA’s White Hot Kiss! I’ve been trying to dial back my “let’s buy all the covers” from her books! Lol. This one did go through quite a few changes and I am somewhat tempted to buy this one just for a little cover variance, but I am trying to tell myself no. We’ll see how long that lasts! Lol. But yeah, I remember they changed the original cover scheme right at the last book, so it was super annoying! I hate when publishers do that. It’s always at the last book! I remember the debacle (and it was a riotous debacle) when they wanted to do that with Marie Rutkowski’s The Winner’s Curse series. They did a total cover overhaul and everyone was LIVID! The covers were always so pretty with the heroine in a gorgeous dress with her sword and they totally axed that. Luckily, the outrage was enough for them to keep with the original concept but the paperback was changed to the new look in the end. I know I did end up buying a set of the second reprint versions, I think I might have ordered them from JLA’s shop to be signed, so that’s how I justified that. Lol.
Hope you enjoy all your lovely new reads and have a great summer break. I’ll be ready for the summer weather part to be over as this heat is killing me. It’s just horrible. I barely went outside last week after I came back from my mini vacation. The weather there was lovely, even with the rain. The temps were low and there was no humidity, so I was in paradise! Lol.
Happy Reading!
Here’s my StS
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂
I really only go to a few concerts. Like I always go to see NKOTB. And I was always going to see Michael Buble, because he puts on a good show, but I’m thinking I won’t spend the money next time to see him. I refuse to go to a concert and sit in bad seats, I mean that is just like watching on tv, so why bother. I immediately thought of you when my B&N book order had that issue, lol. I’m trying so hard to not buy all the fun new covers of things. I am debating whether to buy the other two when they come out, or not. As much as I hate not having a matching set, at least I have them all, and my 2nd book in the series is the only ARC I have from the author, even if I didn’t officially get it from her, so I wouldn’t get rid of it. I think I have certain books I’ll get all the editions of, and just do my best not to get all the others. I am so tired of the heat too! Planning to spend as much of July indoors as possible!
Sorry to hear it was so warm this week and during your concert in the outside venue as well. It was pretty warm here as well and I don’t like the heat. That’s nice you still had fun at that concert and got to do the meet and greet. That’s quite the sight with that tree had fallen, glad it turned out well with the deductible and the shed you didn’t like anyway. And I am glad to hear you had a nice first day of your summer vacation! I bought Finding Mr Write this week and Look forward to reading it! I look forward to hear your thoughts about it.
So far I’m really enjoying Finding Mr. Write!
What a week! I’m glad the damage and power outage wasn’t worse. Great you could enjoy the concert even with that heat. It is FINALLY raining here today. Last rain was June 4. The plants will love it. I’ll love the slight cool down the next 2 days. Have a happy 4th of Juy!
I’m looking forward to hopefully a much calmer week, although maybe still busy since there is the 4th and I have some things my dad wants to come over and work on at my house before his knee surgery in July.
I forgot to say. I am VERY allergic to cats.
Ah, yeah, both my dad and my stepdad are very allergic. I’m allergic and can’t be around them long sadly.
Wow super jealous you got to meet and greet NKOTB i loved them back in highschool i never get to go to concerts but super excited for you. As for the tree wow that scary but a blessing in some ways. We had one huge tree fall in the alley years ago and we had one huge tree removed when moved in cause it was rotted and dying and a risk to fall on the house our yard not very big. Crazy about a teacher getting fired over fight that kind of scary. Sounds like you should join the JLA book club i found on facebook great group and they do zoom so the first meeting i did was so fun everyone excited and talking about books so much better then my in person group where it like pulling teeth to get them to talk at all. Have a great week.
The teacher went way overboard and deserved being fired in my opinion. But I still think the kids are pushing teachers to the edge at times to see how far they can get them to go. I love JLA, but have so many other things I’m reading now I don’t know that I’d be able to read along!
What a week for you! I’m sorry about the tree coming down on your shed. Stay cool Lisa!
I’m just relieved it was my shed and not my house! Hoping for some cooler weather this week too.
That is crazy about your tree and shed! I’m glad it didn’t hit anything too important, and I hope everything goes smoothly with the insurance company. I love seeing the photos of NKOTB. Very cool. I’m glad you can enjoy your summer now, even if it is hot. It’s very hot here as well. Have a great week, Lisa!
It was nice on Sunday, and today is nice and rainy, but I enjoyed that for sleeping in!
That is so awesome that you got to do the meet & greet with NKOTB. I’m really jealous. I would’ve wanted to be next to Joey or Jon even though I loved them all. Sorry the heat was so miserable. That would’ve been so hard, but I’m glad you had fun despite the heat. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I really appreciate it.
Joey and Danny and Jon had their people set for sure, we kind of rearranged a bit for Jordan and Donnie, but they were my top two, so I was happy with it!
Girl you were busy! Glad the concert was good. I’m glad you are at least ok with the tree damage! That is crazy. That new JLA cover is very pretty!
Yes! It was a crazy busy week! I’m looking forward to a much slower week this week!
What a week you have had. The whole concert experience sound fantastic. It has been so very very hot here as well. I was wondering about My Lady Jane… I’ll check it out. Have a great summer.
Have you read My Lady Jane? I’m still wondering if since it is a YA book if it is that risque like the show is. Thank for visiting!
So happy that that tree didn’t damage anything you cared about and that the insurance will pay for the repairs. Looks like you’re still enjoying the cabin. Does your mom still plan on selling? I bet you’ll miss it. What a fun concert night despite the heat! I love Donnie in True Blue, too! We are in a heat wave here, too. Not fun. At least it cools off at night, though. I wasn’t able to get to Finding Mr. Write this last week either. I hope to pick it up today or tomorrow. Hope we both love it!
My mom and stepdad actually only bought the cabin about this time last year. So it hasn’t been a long time tradition or anything. But as long as my mom is still enjoying it, and it isn’t a financial issue, I think she’s going to keep it for now. We just had a couple really nice days. Today is supposed to be miserable again though, and that could bring storms! And maybe a rainy 4th of July which we haven’t had that in a long time! I hope you enjoy Finding Mr. Write as much as I did. I should be posting my review tomorrow!
OH WOW! what a week. I’m glad you got to enjoy the concert. I hope the repairs aren’t too expensive. That’s a lot to happen in one week.
Fortunately, other than my deductible, the insurance should pay for most of it!
It has been really hot here too. Finally got some rain yesterday! I have two dachshunds too! Aren’t they the cutest and funniest? I think so.
I love dachshunds so much! They are the best!