Weekly Wrap-Up #151 – January 7th, 2024

Posted January 7, 2024 by Lisa Mandina in Weekly Wrap Up / 32 Comments

First week of 2024 in the books! It started with New Year’s Eve, which was spent watching finally a winning Chiefs game, followed by the usual celebration at my brother’s house, although my niece is a bit over the whole restaurant thing and wanted to go to a friend’s house to stay up and watch the ball drop, so we had a much toned down dinner. Then I went home and sped up my Animal Crossing game to celebrate midnight at 10 pm, and went to bed after watching the NYC NYE celebration.

Monday I met my friend for a brunch get together. We both got to vent, and talk about things. I stopped by her house afterwards to drop off Christmas gifts for her, and also the dogs I’ve watched for her, Rolla, Khiona, and Gabriel. There is only one puppy left from her last litter and she was waiting for a pregnant dog to pop any time. Went home and did some blogging, trying to get my end of the year post done. Then went to my mom’s house for dinner.

Sweet Gabriel letting me rub his belly.

Tuesday morning got up and got ready to go in and do the bloodwork after fasting for 12 hours, only to get a call saying my doctor had called in sick and had to reschedule. So I have time to wait on the bloodwork. Did some blogging, and then went to have lunch with my author friend who I’m going to be her assistant at Flirty in Kansas City convention in February. Came home and did some blogging and tried to relax before having to go back to work on Wednesday.

Wednesday morning was so hard to get up! The dogs looked at me like I was crazy when I got up and turned the light on. I hit snooze at least one time more than I probably should have. But with no students till Thursday, it wasn’t that big of a deal, I didn’t feel rushed when I got to school. It was a work day, so I got a display taken down, and a new one put up with my “favorite” reads of 2023, all the YA books we had in the library that I could display.

Thursday seemed even harder to get out of bed and go to work. And then I realized I hadn’t read an email completely from the admin the day before, but we had the counselors in the library all day to meet with students who had issues on their schedules for second semester. It was a busy day too. But only one more day for the week made it a bit easier to get through!

Friday was another busy day in the library. But I did get out during one class period to go talk to some students about using the databases for research. After lunch time it started snowing. It was such a pretty snow, but since it had been in the upper 40s and 50s, even up to almost 60 one day in the past week, the ground was too warm for the snow to stick. It was nice to be home Friday night though to relax with the dogs and watch the big snowflakes falling.

Saturday I decided to skip coffee with my dad, just decided I finally needed a day to stay home in my pjs and not go anywhere. I really didn’t have many of those over this past Christmas break as I seemed to have one thing to do every day almost. But I got stuff done around the house. Laundry, took down Christmas decorations, and blogging!

Books Finished

Both of these were ARCs. The second one I didn’t get done in time to post a review this past week, so look for it on Tuesday.

I also posted my End of the Year wrap-up and my 2024 Challenge Sign Up posts.

New Additions to My Library


This was a Bookish First win. It doesn’t come out till July, so my review will be then!



Bookish Stuff:



I really enjoyed this author’s Highlander Game series, but wasn’t able to get in to review this series when it first started. However this one is supposed to be kind of a standalone but connected to the others, so I’m excited to be reading it for a review. Of course it doesn’t come out until April, so be looking for that review in a few months.

Free E-books:

The first one is from an author’s newsletter. The second one the author was talking about being free, and since I haven’t read this one in the series yet, I had to grab it! Third I won from a giveaway on Lola’s Reviews.

Physical books:

Love the envelope that the monthly “It’s Not Hoarding If It’s Books” Patreon level is sent out in for Avery Flynn. Unfortunately I forgot to cancel before this next month, so there went another $35 I hadn’t planned on, and it’s not necessarily a book I would have chosen, but I’ll give that one a try too. Very excited for this one though, a calendar and reading journal and candy and stickers!

Finally got my order from last November of Meghan Quinn’s 10 year anniversary special edition books with new bodice ripper covers! I haven’t read the first one yet, but the second one I have read and loved!

I won this book over on Instagram from Lindsey at Yoga Quoted. I entered a ton of giveaways on Amazon during December, so was very excited to actually win something! I’ve wanted to read this one for a while, so can’t wait till I can hopefully get to it!

What I’m Watching

Finishing up things on Paramount + so I can cancel that. Also continuing the rewatch of Outlander season 6 and 7 on Starz, and finishing up The Peripheral.

Coming Up Next Week On My Blog

First was the ARC I finished Saturday, so didn’t get to post the review last week. Second is an e-galley from a favorite author, should post my review on Wednesday. Third was an e-galley for a blog tour on Friday, cover reveal isn’t till this Monday, so I’ll have to come back and add the official cover late for this post I guess!

Final Thoughts

How was your first week of 2024? Mine included being back to school, some snow, and another cancelled doctor’s visit. Hoping to go down to my mom’s Branson house this coming weekend since it is a long weekend with MLK Jr. Day next Monday. As long as my stepdad continues to feel okay and the weather doesn’t ruin the drive, right now it looks like there might be more snow next weekend!

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32 responses to “Weekly Wrap-Up #151 – January 7th, 2024

    • Lisa Mandina

      Oh, I could still have got the bloodwork done, I just decided to be lazy and not leave my house, lol. That was my own fault! Kansas City can get a lot of snow! We just don’t always have a lot. Some winters we get a lot, and sometimes we get none. Most years I have at least one snow day if not two. Although occasionally the days are for icy weather and not snow exactly.

  1. Busy week! We go back to school on Tuesday, which means we have a 4day week this week and then with the MLK holiday, we have a 4-day week next week. It’s a pleasant way to slide into the new year. The book title Tasty Pickle made me lol. I think i have to read that one! Have a wonderful week!

    Victoria Hamel recently posted: This Year My Goal is To Do Better
    • Lisa Mandina

      oh, that’s a nice way to have two four day weeks coming back! We only had two days of students last week, but then this week will be a full week unless we have any snow days, which is looking possible for maybe Tuesday. Tasty Pickle is a fun series, the others are Spicy Pickle, and Hot Pickle, and Tasty Mango, and I think Big Pickle? It’s about a family that works with pickles and has a deli franchise!

    • Lisa Mandina

      Yeah, I kept seeing it around so entered the giveaway for it. I’d thought it was an audiobook giveaway, but now I’ll be reading the very long e-book at some point I guess!

  2. I rang in the new year with Animal Crossing as well. My husband makes fun of me because I can’t seem to wave my light stick in sync with all my villagers, lol. Sorry you had to go into work this week. At least no students, right? I hope this week with their return doesn’t make it too stressful. Good luck! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Jenni Elyse recently posted: Sunday News #50
    • Lisa Mandina

      Oh my gosh! I can never wave in sync with the villagers either! lol. We had students Thursday and Friday. This is supposed to be a full week, but hoping for maybe a snow day on Tuesday!

    • Lisa Mandina

      Yeah, that’s the only issue is I’ll probably now have to go in late to work one day in order to get it done.

  3. Sounds like a nice week all in all! The snow on Friday was insane! The flakes were so big and I loved watching it fall. It stuck a little bit around us, but nothing too disastrous! It melted away by noon Saturday! Lol. It seems our next snow storm on Monday night has been downgraded to almost nothing, so that’s a plus too!

    Ooh nice new reads! Congrats on the win! I still need to read some of Diana Urban’s books! They all sound so incredible! I already had this one to my list as well because I can’t seem to help myself! Lol.

    Hope you enjoy all the lovely new reads!

    Here’s my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

    • Lisa Mandina

      I’ve read one by Urban and enjoyed it, so excited to read this one too! We’re getting more snow as I type this, I assume it will be headed your way next!

    • Lisa Mandina

      We are getting a lot more snow today! In fact they say it will probably be more than they were predicting too!

    • Lisa Mandina

      We are getting more snow today and it will be cold enough to stick! Plus crazy winds tomorrow. The whole series is a play on Pickles because the family owns a chain of delis where they have specialty pickles! lol. It’s perfect for romance books.

  4. It sounds like you had a nice New Year’s, Lisa. My family and I rang in the New Year with friends, although it was very low-key. We had a lazy New Year’s Day at home. Love, Naturally looks cute. I hope you enjoyed it. I may have to pick up a romance next. My current read is on the somber side and I will definitely want something lighter after I finish it. Looks like you got quite a few bookish goodies recently! I hope you enjoy them. I love the look of the Upper Crush. I hope the weather cooperates so you can make it to your mom’s Branson’s house. Take care, Lisa, and have a great week.

    • Lisa Mandina

      Well, I think the weather is making it less likely I’ll make it to the Branson house this weekend. Will try again in February on President’s Day weekend I think. I get what you mean about having to switch up from light to dark reads every so often! Even with my love of romance, sometimes I want something a little less fluffy and light!

    • Lisa Mandina

      I have a feeling we’ll be doing that soon. And I would have been fine just hanging out at home by myself reading all night, lol. But have enjoyed the last 8 or 9 years of my niece’s “NYC restaurant” so am going to miss it now that she’s outgrowing it.

  5. We had our first big snow of the year, getting a little over a foot of snow on Sunday. However, now another big storm is moving through and it’s all rain and winds, so there is worry about power outages and flooding. My daughter is hoping school will be closed.

    After getting ahead in my reading during the holidays, I’m already falling behind. Oh well.

    • Lisa Mandina

      We had a big snow, now looks like we’ll get another snow this weekend but also frigid temps. They closed school yesterday and today, which surprised me about today but I guess we still had a lot of people without power. I’m behind on my reading already too! Took two slower books.

  6. Sounds like a full week. I like your idea of celebrating New Year’s Eve early, I also went to bed early, but woke up again when the fireworks started as it was too noisy to sleep. What a pain your bloodwork couldn’t take place after you fasted for 12 hours as your doctor cancelled, hopefully they can reschedule it soon. Sounds like Saturday was a nice relaxing day at least. I hope you’ll enjoy Sushi & Sigils when you get around to reading it :). Have a great week!

    • Lisa Mandina

      I could have still gone in and done the bloodwork, but I decided to be lazy and not go. So now I have to make that up! Oh well. I hope I’ll enjoy it too! Thanks again!

    • Lisa Mandina

      I mean, technically I could still have gone in and done my bloodwork, but I was just irritated and skipped that oo, lol. So that’s my own fault. Now I have to pick another day to go in. With the way the weather is, if we get school canceled next Tuesday I’ll probably go in the morning then.

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