Discussion Post: Got to Get You Into My Life or How Am I Ever Going to Read All Those Books I Bought as soon as they were Published??

Posted October 27, 2023 by Lisa Mandina in discussion post / 8 Comments

So my Discussion post goal for the year was 6. That’s one every two months. It’s the end of October and this is only my 2nd post. Oops.

Anyway, as I keep scrolling through blog tour emails and stopping myself from signing up for authors I haven’t read before and don’t know if I will like, I decided to write a post about that. I think as of 2024 I am probably going to drop off all those emails and just work on the books I get from publishers, author review teams, and those sitting on my 5 shelf bookcase that is completely filled with books I haven’t read. ARCs I got before I started using a blog calendar to make sure I read them. ARCs I got at book conventions like BEA and ALA. Books I bought from authors because I wanted to try them when I met them at book conventions like Kinky in Kansas City, NOLA StoryCon, ApollyCon, Book Bonanza, and Flirty in Kansas City. Books I bought while working at Barnes & Noble, because they were parts of series I liked or authors I liked or just looked good. Stripped cover paperbacks I got when I worked at the bookstore because they were FREE and I wanted to read them someday. Books I heard about and just had to buy because I knew I wanted to read them. Books by favorite authors that I loved but didn’t get them as advanced copies, but still had to have them. And finally, those books I purchased as part of the Book of the Month Club. Here is a picture of one of my 9 bookcases, this one is dedicated only to the books I haven’t read yet.

Then a year or so ago, I asked for one of those little carts I kept seeing on Instagram, and I was going to use it to “organize” the books I would read that year from my TBR. Well, lets just say that I’ve only read a few off of the cart and added and switched out books. Here is a picture of that currently.

So, how are you doing on your physical TBR? I’ve really got to just start now with taking myself off of blog tour company emails. I also need to probably excuse myself from one or two author review teams, there are 10 that I have listed that I belong to. One or two of them are authors that I don’t always enjoy the books and don’t always finish them. I’ve got one author already on that list, I enjoy some of the books, but don’t even remember when I signed up for their review team. I’ll probably stay on the Xpresso Blog Tour list, because I like to do their promo posts, but I rarely review for them either.

I’m hoping that 2024 will be the year I finally start getting some of my bookcase read. I know it probably needs another weeding of books I might not ever get to either. After my one attempt at an Emily Henry book, I might go ahead and get rid of the rest of hers instead of keeping them sitting on a shelf.

And while the title may actually be a Beatles song, the version going through my head is from the tv show Glee. I miss that show.

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8 responses to “Discussion Post: Got to Get You Into My Life or How Am I Ever Going to Read All Those Books I Bought as soon as they were Published??

  1. Suzie B

    Its surprising how quick those TBR lists can start to pile up – I have been trying to make an effort to work through my older TBR books before starting newer released books, no matter how excited I am to read them

    • Lisa Mandina

      It was really bad when I worked at a bookstore for like 15 years because with the awesome discount I told myself I could afford to buy the books and get to them later, lol.

    • Lisa Mandina

      I’ve got to stop doing that. I like a lot of romance authors that are self published, so I won’t ever quit that, but it will be more just the authors I know and love!

  2. I love that you have an active plan! I feel you, I had to stop accepting review requests almost altogether. I’ll do one every blue moon, and that is usually if they appeal to me as a The 100 fan tbh heh. I don’t do tour companies anymore at all, every so often I’ll do a publisher-run one, if I know I liked the book. Now, if you could figure out a way to calm me down on netgalley, I’d be all set 😂 Only one bookcase of unread books is not bad! I have… a lot. Whoops?

    Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight recently posted: Reviews in a Minute: Second Batch of October
    • Lisa Mandina

      See, and I’m good on Netgalley ever since I learned about the whole 80% thing. I mean I technically have other books I haven’t read spread out around the house, and tons of free e-books, but yeah, just one stuffed full book case. lol

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