I am so excited that A CROWN FORGED BY VICTORY’S CONSEQUENCE by Marlayna James & Aaryanna Abbott is available now and that I get to share the news!
If you haven’t yet heard about this wonderful book, be sure to check out all the details below.
This blitz also includes a giveaway
for 5 eBooks courtesy of Marlayna and Aaryanna & Rockstar Book Tours. So if you’d
like a chance to win, check out the giveaway info below.
About The Book:
Title: A CROWN FORGED BY VICTORY’S CONSEQUENCE (The Blackened Tablet Series, #1)
Author: Marlayna James & Aaryanna Abbott
Pub. Date: January 3, 2023
Publisher: Friends with Pens Author Group
Formats: Paperback, eBook
Pages: 438
Find it: Goodreads, Amazon, Kindle, B&N, iBooks, Kobo, TBD, Bookshop.org
The Blackened Tablet Series is an epic fantasy quest story with corrupt politics, wondrous magic, and illicit encounters in a supernatural world where no one is safe.
Three hundred years ago, the sacred tablet granted by their god, Jezabet, turned black, and eight kingdoms broke free, plummeting into the bottomless sea. There was no warning, and no one knows why.
Now, a strange illness plagues Aldersward. Crowned Prince Aedyn’s sisters, Achelle and Annora, his father, and countrymen are desperate and grief-stricken. All hope is lost…
Until someone dreams, and Aedyn leaves behind his mistress and his betrothed to cure their nation. He enlists his friends; a brazen playboy, a gentle strongman, and an ancient mentor. Together, they set out on a perilous journey-few believe they will survive.
This isn’t a fairy tale-s3x becomes currency, murder is ordinary, and love doesn’t conquer all.
Everyone loves a hero-good triumphs evil. But few dare to
question how victory ripples into consequences. Explore this exciting concept
in the Blackened Tablet Series.
An excerpt from The Blackened Tablet Series: A Crown Forged By Victory’s Consequence, written by Aaryanna Abbott and Marlayna James.
Day 132
Prince Aedyn’s Quarters
Anya’s Endeavour
Slaysfold’s Southwest Sea
The pile of sticks Aedyn had purchased and given to Sahana
were nearly gone as they taught her a game with five small wooden cubes they
called dice. She admitted she was enjoying the evening as the men laughed,
joked, and included her. She recalled another occasion when she had happily
rolled in the snow with her siblings, playing childishly. Her eyes welled at
the sudden memory, and she blinked and caged the emotion.
“Lady Sahana, you’re most lucky we don’t wager drinks
tonight, or you would already be fast asleep.” Auren’s smile widened as Asa
handed her the dice.
She shook and poured them onto the table. “I believe you each
owe me a stick.” She laughed lightly as the men grumbled. The page entered, and
she rose to speak with him. The men stood as she left, then immediately sat.
After a whispered exchange, she returned, and the men stood
again. Sahana was curious. “Why do you stand every time I move?”
Aedyn’s brow quirked as he smiled, “You haven’t given us
permission not to.”
Sahana’s eye widened. “You need permission? You’re royalty.
Surely you don’t require my permission.”
The men glanced at each other, and Auren covered his smirk
with his drink. Educating her would be a long, gruelling process.
Aedyn explained further. “It’s a respectful gesture to
maintain eye level and I do require an excuse, just as I have waved you from
genuflecting or calling me by my title when we’re with familiars.”
“I give you all permission not to stand. How long does it
last?” Sahana sat.
Asa responded. “It’s lost after this event. You would have to
give your permission again the next time we meet. And, you should never give
permission to us when someone you’re unfamiliar with is present.”
She laughed, a pretty laugh they had not heard yet. “Do you
mean to say whenever a woman stands, you all
stand as well? What if there’s numerous women and they stand one after another?
Do you spend the entire night bobbing up and down?”
Auren grinned widely. “Now you realise our pain and yes, many
times it’s like that, but sometimes, we don’t stand. If she isn’t directly seated
with us, we don’t. Most times women leave together, so we need to stand only
once. If the woman’s important or royal, we stand regardless where they sit.”
“I still don’t understand the reasoning.” Sahana threw a
stick into Asa’s pile as she collected the dice.
Asa ran his hand over his head, mildly embarrassed by the
discussion in her presence. “It’s lost on you because of where you’ve come
from. If you stand, and I’m seated, with what are my eyes level?” The friends
erupted in laughter as the page entered with food.
About Marlayna James:
lives in Canada where she writes romance, erotica, women’s fiction, and
fantasy. She loves video games, TV, reading, and writing.
About Aaryanna Abbott:
This is
another of my pen names. For every pen name, I use a different part of who I
am. I imagine this is how she looks.
What’s this
part of me like?
I was a
daddy’s girl. The very epitome of spoilt.
I love to be
wild and crazy—experience everything the world has to offer. I’m adventurous
and my carefree disposition is contagious.
I’m loyal to
a fault and don’t care what expectations or labels society has bestowed upon
me. I believe one’s truth is more valuable than anyone’s perception.
This part of
me writes for escapism—to be free of my mundane day to day and live in a
magical world almost as real to me as earth. Except in my imaginary world, I
control all things and it pleases me to no end.
Do you know how happy you would be living there?
Find all of
Marlayna James & Aaryanna Abbott’s Links HERE- https://friendswithpensauthorgroup.com/letshookup/
Giveaway Details:
5 winners will
receive an eBook of A CROWN FORGED BY VICTORY’S CONSEQUENCE, International.
Ends January 10th, midnight EST.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
That cover is very cool!
nice cover
I think it is too!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks for visiting!