Once again I’ll be linking this up with the Sunday Post (hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer).
Can you believe July is over? I was so ready for it to get here for Book Bonanza, but wasn’t ready for the rest of it to go by so fast!
So Sunday started out not great, woke up to find out one of the dogs had puked in the bed and I hadn’t heard them, and I didn’t know which one. So that meant I had to take all the sheets off, and the mattress cover had to be washed too. My second bedroom is currently a mess, piled all the things on that bed that had been under my bed before I got the adjustable bed frame. So I tried sleeping on my living room couch because there is a ceiling fan in there. But it is not comfortable for sleeping. So I went to the chaise lounge I have in my office where there is not a ceiling fan. That was finally okay until the dog got sick on there, and this time I knew which dog, even though she didn’t wake me up. So Sunday morning was up and down cleaning up things. All day I spent keeping an eye on her hoping she’d get over it. Sunday night dinner at my mom’s was fun as I played around with the Google trick where you can show an animal in the room with you. My niece and nephew had requests!

Oh yeah, and one of my favorite authors was using a quote from my review to promote her new book before it came out! Here is a snapshot I took of the ad from Facebook:

Monday morning was nice and rainy for sleeping in. My dog Dora while she had thrown up one more time early evening Sunday slept all night and seemed to be feeling better in the morning thankfully. I met my friend for a “writing” date, which I made a blogging date instead. One last one before I had to go back to school. I stopped by a teacher supply store out by where we had our lunch and got some new borders and stuff. You can see my dog Argyle checking the new stuff out as I tried to set up the picture.

Tuesday was another nice rainy morning for sleeping in. But neither rain had strong enough winds to bring down that branch still just hanging in my back yard. I spent the day doing some cleaning out of my second bedroom and some mopping. Took the dogs to get their nails trimmed. And just hung out for the rest of the day basically.
Wednesday was my first day back, and it was really a day of nothing I could really do because they still need to put all the shelves back in. They started bringing the boxes of book in, but I can’t do anything till I have the shelves to put them on. I also found out that there was a bit of a flood on the second floor and it came through the ceiling of the classroom where some books were, and so there are what looked like 20 boxes of books that could be damaged. 🙁 Not looking forward to finding out what books they were. Here are pictures I took of our new carpet.

Thursday was basically more of the same as Wednesday. We did put barcodes on textbooks we’d had to send away to get rebound because they were falling apart. We had a little rain most days this week it seemed, but I was able to get out after work and mow, and it wasn’t terrible hot, and there was a little bit of a breeze, although it was pretty muggy.
Friday I had to go to Columbia, Missouri, which is about 2 hours away from Kansas City where I live, for a Professional Development day and a meeting for the Reader Award committee I’m working on for the Missouri Association of School Librarians. While I was gone they put in our new “circulation” desk. I have that in quotation marks because really it isn’t a true circulation desk, but two office desks. But I’m okay with that, just have to see where/how we can put a book return in! Here are the pictures she sent me. I can’t wait to get in Monday to start moving in to my new desk! You can see in the left picture of both my desk and my library clerk’s desk that on the right side of the picture, all our shelves and tables are still that wood finish, so not everything matches. We didn’t get all new furniture unfortunately.

Saturday I got up earlier than normal because I had made an appointment to get some bloodwork done. I had asked my doctor to order it, but never got her to. And I have a friend who does health and nutrition and she is helping me by looking at my bloodwork to help me figure out what I can do with diet and vitamins or iron deficiency, etc., to help. If you’re interested in seeing what she does, here is a link to her site: Elusive Iron.
Books Finished

This first two were for blog tours this past week. The second was an ARC I was lucky enough to get from the author and I posted my review this past week as well. The 4th one was an audiobook. And the 5th one is for a blog tour review this Monday.
New Additions to My Library

So on my first day back at school I walked in to find two envelopes from publishers on my desk. And there was a copy of this book in both of them! Not only that, but I just did a book trade on Twitter and this was one of the books they traded with me. So I will have two extra copies of it I guess! I might try to see if I can trade one back on Twitter for someone else and then put the third in my giveaway.

The publisher had reached out to me about this one because I enjoyed this author’s book Love & Olives. Which reminds me I need to watch the movie about the first book in that series!

These two were from Sync this week and you can get them this week for free, until Thursday, if you go sign up HERE.
Bookish Stuff:

First is for a blog tour review in September. The second and third are for an author ARC team review later this month and a blog tour review later this month.
Free E-books:

The first two were for signing up for an author’s newsletter I think. The last three were all free on Amazon.
Physical Books:

I loved the first book in this series, it was one of my favorites! I did get an e-galley of this second book, and the publishers sent me a finished copy as well! I hope to read and post a review later this week!

This one came from the publisher for a blog tour I’m doing at the end of August I believe.

I read and reviewed this for a blog tour on July 21st HERE. But I love the special edition covers. I own two of the other books in the series, need to just buy the one before this one came out and I’ll have the whole set so far!
What I’m Watching
Still watching Evil and Travelers. Also the second episode of this season of American Horror Stories was really good again! A friend of mine wanted me to watch Our Flag Means Death, but after one episode I wasn’t really impressed. I tried a second episode and found it a little funnier. The third episode I was definitely enjoying it.
- Summer 2022 Seasons of Books Giveaway Hop – This giveaway goes clear until September, and I will also have a few smaller giveaways after I go to Book Bonanza pulled from the rafflecopter before September too!
- The Looooong and the Short of It with a Giveaway: June 2022 Wrap-Up Post and What to Expect in July
- Blog Tour Review with Giveaway: Coming Up Cuban by Sonia Manzano
- Book Blitz with Giveaway: It Started With a Dance (Pacific Grove University #2) by Tinia Montford
Final Thoughts
How was your week? Can you believe it’s August already? Did you read or watch anything good? Get any good books?
Everytime I come to your blog I literally have to stop what I am doing and look up some of those titles. Pleasantly distracting for sure. I’ll have to try the global tick my son will love it!
Lol, love that you find things you’re interested in!
Your library is looking good, Lisa. I was trying to figure out what brand your new desk is because I sell office furniture. But I don’t recognize it, so it must be one I don’t sell. Have fun moving in!
Hmm, I’ll have to look at it when I get into work on Monday and see!
Oh no- poor dog! And you. I mean, throwing up in the bed. Not fun! Love those pics though- how cool! Especially the dino one. 🙂
Sorry to hear about the book damage. Hopefully it’s not too bad…
Glad you’re loving Travelers. 🙂
It was not a fun night, but seemed to mostly be gone by the next night, so just a little tummy bug or something she ate outside maybe. Thanks for visiting!
That’s so cool that an author used your quote!! Your library carpet looks clean and neat, but it does have a busy pattern, maybe once the shelves are in, it will look better.
I think it’s the first time it’s really happened! 🙂 There will be tables on top of the busy pattern so it won’t be quite so bad or glaring I think once the furniture is back in!
Oh your poor dog (and you for having to clean it up). I love it when author’s post on my blog too ! Just Date and See looks cute! Have a wonderful week ahead Lisa!
It is the coolest to have authors do that! Thanks for stopping by!
I hope your dog is feeling better. It’s exciting to see the progress on your library changes.
Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post
Yeah, she seems to be doing much better, haven’t had any issues since last weekend thankfully. I can’t wait to get everything back in the library and I have so many plans of things I want to do. But I have a feeling like last year that I won’t get many of them done.
Sounds like you had a busy week! I’m sorry one of your dogs was sick. I’m glad she’s feeling better. Congrats on getting your review quoted for the book. 😀 I’ve never seen that Google thing. I’m going to have to go play with it. And, I hope the bloodwork tells you what you need to help with your diet and exercise.
Your new desk looks really good even if it isn’t a true “circulation” desk. I hope the shelves get put back soon so you can get the books setup and I hope not all the books in the water-damaged boxes are damaged. Hopefully, it’s not as bad as the boxes look. I hope you have a great week! 😀 Thanks for stopping by my blog.
I remember that Google thing was a big to-do right at the beginning of the pandemic I think, because I have pictures from when I was first at home in 2020. I’ve already got some results from my bloodwork and am getting some ideas of things I have to work on. It seems like there were only about 20 books that were damaged, but I didn’t go through every single box as completely as I should have, so I’m worried there might be a few more. Thanks for returning the visit!
That is so cool she used a quote of yours to promote her book! Have a great week!
I was so excited to see it! Thanks for visiting!
The pics of the library remodel look great – even if you didn’t get new furniture. I saw that Tattered Stars was available for free last week. I loved that one so much. The whole series has been excellent so far. Catherine Cowles has definitely become a new favorite this year.
Today was so exciting as they started moving my bookshelves back in, I can’t wait to get my library back in shape! I’m excited for Tattered Stars. I haven’t read that author yet, but have wanted to! Thanks for visiting!
That’s cool about your quote being used! It’s been awhile since that happened to me, but the first time I freaked out! Lol. The new library looks nice! I hope things continue to run smoothly despite the already ruined books. I will mourn their loss for you.
Nice new reads too! Some new to me ones but I hope you enjoy them all and your lineup for this week!
Here’s my Monday Wrap-up
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂
I think it’s my first quote? I’ve had my name in some author’s notes and Jonathan Maberry used my title idea for one of his short stories in the Rot & Ruin series. It was only about 20 books so far, there might be a few more, but I’m glad that’s all.
It’s difficult when an animal is sick. Sorry you had to deal with all the cleanup! It’s a lot of work and frustrating, but at the same time you feel bad for your pet. Hope they get well soon!
Thanks! She seems to be all back to normal!
Sick pups are the worst, especially if they’re throwing up in your bed! Glad yours is feeling better. And I love the new library. Hope not too many of your books were damaged, though!
Seems like only about 20 probably. And my library is looking more and more like a library this week!
Same, I definitely cannot believe July is over!
So many of your finished books look great. Going to check out your review for Coming Up Cuban.
Take care and have a great week ahead!
I know! I was so ready for July, but then it flew by! Thanks for stopping by!
Ug, I hated it when the dogs barfed on the furniture. The floor is way easier to clean! Good luck with the library. It looks great so far!
Thanks! More pictures as more and more gets set up are coming!