Once again I’ll be linking this up with the Sunday Post (hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer) and with Stacking the Shelves (hosted by Reading Reality).
My trip to Branson was nice, but seemed so short this year! Monday I drove back home. When I went to pick up the dogs I got to play with the litter of puppies the breeder currently has. Then Monday night I started watching Stranger Things.
Tuesday started off crazy. It was the first of my 5 extra contract days back. But we had a lot of heavy rain early in the morning, and I was woken up at about 5:00 am by a text from my electricity company saying the power was out in my area, but should be fixed by 7:30 am. Well, I’m supposed to be at work by 7 am. So I went back to sleep, hoping it would get fixed sooner. It wasn’t fixed till 7:25 am. So I got up and took a shower and went in to work. I had to call in and take some of my time to come in late. I wish I could have just worked later, but they didn’t set it that way. Oh well. My library is looking very empty as they’ve pretty much now taken all of the furniture out. Here are some pictures of my empty library. Maybe “before” pictures?

Wednesday we were able to get my clerk’s computer hooked up to the internet back in my office so she could do some stuff. Of course there wasn’t a ton of things to do. They did finally get the grade cards printed and so she did end up helping fold them and put them in envelopes to be mailed out.
Thursday I spent a lot of the day going through and trying to get all the final grades for our virtual students entered into a spreadsheet for our counselors and registrar to get entered into the system. It was a quiet day in the library but they did bring in some equipment and I think they’ll be starting to tear out the carpet tomorrow probably! Will make for a loud day in the library I think. Fortunately I can close the door to my library office if I need to I guess.
Friday was another long and kind of boring day. I did have to do some searching for papers from when we did laptop collection the last day of school. Other than that, nothing much to do at school. I did get a call from the people renovating my bathroom to say the job they’re working on right now is running long, so they will begin on Tuesday instead of Monday, which is better for me because Monday is my last day of work, so I won’t have to go in late. Friday night was one of my niece’s dance recitals. I guess they divide the shows up so that they aren’t really long and she also is performing in the 5th show on Sunday night. Here is her costume for Friday night which was a Pirates of the Caribbean song, as well as picture of my nephew who wanted to be part of the photo shoot as well. And the last picture is her costume for Sunday night, her musical theater class, doing a High School Musical song.

Saturday was a nice day to sleep in. I had someone who was supposed to come do some yardwork for me, haul away big branches from the last year of storms, and clean out some of my back fence area. But since we had rain all week, he was a little backed up, so he didn’t come first thing Saturday morning, which was fine with me because I wanted to sleep in. I was thinking of leaving some of the stuff growing on my back fence line, the “good” non-invasive species of trees, to hopefully put some blockage between me and the office building behind me. This is what it looks like:

We ended up postponing to Sunday as long as the weather works out. So Saturday afternoon I went to see the new Top Gun movie.
Books Finished

I listened to the first one on my way to and from Branson last weekend. Loved it! I really enjoyed the second one too, posted my review as part of a blog tour on Thursday.
New Additions to my Library

Even though I already have an e-book copy of this, I decided I wanted to listen to it, more chance of getting it listened to before Book Bonanza I think. I used my Audible monthly credit for it.
Bookish Stuff:

So, I saw this book fabric dress advertised on Facebook and of course I had to have one. I haven’t worn it yet, will probably need a little sweater thing to go over the top. The side is a close up of this adorable fabric!

All of these are for either author team reviews or blog tour reviews this month.
Free E-books:

Got the first two free on Amazon early in the week, the third one was free on Saturday. The fourth one was from an author’s newsletter I think.
Physical Books:

The first one was a find with a bunch of other Monkees goodies at a pawn shop in Branson. The second one I ordered from the author to get an autographed copy. I read it last month I think, or maybe in April, and loved it! The third one I have an e-galley that I’ve been working on and trying to fit in between blog tour books. I went to pick it up and continue it in between a couple books the other day and had some trouble getting back and remembering. So I just gave in and ordered the physical copy so it is easier to flip a page and remember what had just happened for me.
What I’m Watching
In Branson I didn’t have much time to watch tv, or any way to watch any of my streaming stuff, well I had my phone and computer but I hate watching on those. So I mostly saw some Harry Potter movie marathons the few times we turned the tv on. But once I was back in town Monday night, I started watching the new season of Stranger Things.
I also went with my mom and stepdad to see the new Top Gun: Maverick movie. It was really good! I like that it stayed away from any politics in that you don’t know who the enemy actually is.
- The Looooong and the Short of It with a Giveaway: May 2022 Wrap-Up Post and What to Expect in June
- Blog Tour Review with Giveaway: The Italian Job by Kathryn Freeman
Final Thoughts
How was your week? Did you read or watch anything good? Get any good books? How is June starting out for you?
Glad to hear Branson was fun and that you enjoyed the new Baston book (it looks cute). Love the book dress, so fun!
I think Bastone is a new favorite author of mine! lol
Your nieces costumes for her recital are ADORABLE!
Sounds like you had a busy week!
I just learned to sew this week! That dress has me thinking all kinds of things about how I can find fabric like that!😂
I haven’t been able to start Stranger Things, yet. My oldest just watched all of it without the family–he said it’s good. 🙂 And my husband is REALLY eager to see the new Top Gun!
I’ve been having my mom teach me a little bit of sewing the past few years, but growing up I never wanted to learn because I figured I had her to do it. Lol It’s a knit stretchy fabric, and I think it will fit perfectly. Need to try it on still. I’m doing one episode a night of Stranger Things so it lasts. And then I’ll only have a week or so until the last few episodes of this season drop on July 1st. And the new Top Gun is totally worth it!
That dress is pretty. I like the little book deigns.
Have a great week.
It is so cute! And it has pockets! Thanks for stopping by!
Sounds like a busy week! I LOVE the dress, so cute!!! I hope you enjoy all your books when you get a chance to read them! Have a great week.
Thanks for visiting!
Your niece and nephew are adorable! I hope it all went well for them. I’m glad to hear you got a nice break before the week of the empty room. Wow. Also it’s good that the delay in workers for the bathroom and yard was to your advantage. I hope they get there and do a great job. I LOVE the book dress!
My niece did great, but of course I might be a little biased, lol.
I’m going to start Stranger Things soon. I love that dress. How cute!
I hope you have a great week!
Thanks for visiting!
I just finished stranger Things and while I thought the episodes were LONG it gets really good at the end! Enjoy 🙂
Your backyard looks nice!
Yeah, they’ve been so long! But I figure if I spread them out they’ll last till closer to the time the rest of the season shows up.
I love your dress. It’s so cute! I also saw Top Gun: Maverick. I really enjoyed it too. I thought it was A New Hope with real-world military planes instead of X-Wings and TIE Fighters, lol.
That’s a neat comparison! Love it!
That bookish dress is amazing!! What a find. I love your photos of the empty library. I hope you have a great week!
The dress has pockets too! It’s perfect! lol
So many good looking books. I love the cover for Seat Mate. I’m glad to see that you enjoyed it.
The cover of Seatmate is funny because she makes a big deal about how considerate he is and that he doesn’t manspread, lol.
Your library looks so big without furniture😁 And your niece and nephew are so cute. Have a good week, Lisa!
It’s a pretty big library. I’m losing some of the space to a broadcasting room for next school year, but I think that’s cool and will get more students in to the library, so I’m okay with that!
The book dress is amazing! I do not envy you all the noise and disruption as they tear out the carpet. Hopefully it won’t be too awful. Your niece and nephew are adorable! I hope you have a wonderful week!
Well I made it to my last day without them actually taking the carpet out, so fortunately I didn’t have to deal with all the noise! Thanks for stopping by!
Oh, I found those photos of the empty library quite eerie. I hope that it’s soon full of books again!
It is weird in there with all the furniture and everything gone. Very echoey. Come August I’ll be putting all the books back on the shelves!
A busy week. I like the pictures of your library and of course the dress!!
A good load of books too!
Hope you have a great week
Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
Thanks for visiting!
I don’t wear dresses but I love that book one. Hope you have a great week!
I don’t do dresses very often either. And I’ll probably wear this once or twice then it will hang in my closet, but I couldn’t pass it up. We’ll see!
I have the Monkees Go Mad book. I have had it for over 50 years and still love it.
I want to read it, but am also nervous about taking it out of the plastic!
Wow.. I looooove that dress. It’s so pretty!
Sounds like you had a busy week. I’ve heard some great stuff about the new Stranger Things season. I hope you’re enjoying it.
Happy reading.
And the dress has pockets! It’s perfect! lol So far enjoying the show.
Glad you enjoyed your trip! I started Stranger Seasons s.4 as well, but cut myself off after 5 episodes as I felt like since they are doing this annoying thing of cutting us off and making us wait yet another month to watch two episodes that I better not finish it or else I’ll be steaming mad…again. Lol. Hope you’re enjoying it!
Nice new reads! All new to me ones but I hope you will enjoy each and every one of them!
Here’s my Monday Wrap-up
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂
I’m taking it slow with the new season, one episode a night. Although the 6th episode? I think that’s the one I only watched half then had to quit to go to bed. So I’ll finish it tonight maybe. Although I’m behind on my review books so need to read rather than watch tv.
All I know about Branson is that they have our (chicago) old ferris wheel.
Im a bit scared to watch Stranger Things honestly!
Yes! I’ve ridden the ferris wheel the last few years. Didn’t do it this year, the weekend just flew by and I was exhausted and let the others go without me that night.I enjoyed and just finished the first part of the season of Stranger Things, now waiting for July 1st!
Quite the busy week! My daughter loves Stranger Things and watches it at her dad’s. She is obsessed and wants all the books and Funko Pops and pretty much everything Eleven-related.
Lol. She sounds like me with other things like Harry Potter, or the new Jurassic World movie.
Your niece’s costumes are so cute! And I love that dress!!!
I don’t wear dresses much, but I am going to make myself wear this one because I love it so much!
What a great haul of books! I love that dress too – so cute! Have a great week!
Thanks for visiting!