Weekly Wrap-Up #68 – May 22nd, 2022

Posted May 22, 2022 by Lisa Mandina in Weekly Wrap Up / 42 Comments

Once again I’ll be linking this up with the Sunday Post (hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer) and with Stacking the Shelves (hosted by Reading Reality).

The New Kids on the Block concert Sunday night was so much fun! Of course they always are. The other bands there were Salt ‘N Pepa, En Vogue, and Rick Astley. Here are a few pictures. We had good seats, but since I have an iPhone, not the best camera one even, my pictures are only so good.

I took Monday off, scheduling to get bloodwork so I could use a personal sick day, asked and got it approved back in April. Well, since over 10 people were gone on Monday, I got an email saying that all of us had to provide documentation from a doctor. We even have been told that we can use personal sick days as mental health days. So, how do I get a doctor note for that? Ugh. It’s like, um, I’m a professional. Also, I don’t get a sub, so it’s not like I was a problem being gone. I had also scheduled my new stove to be delivered since I’d already taken the day off and it is harder to take days off in May. Obviously I shouldn’t have worried about that I guess. Should have just had it delivered earlier this month. Here is a picture of it! The baseboard on one side makes it not level, so I’ve got to figure out how to adjust the little legs it has maybe.

Oh my gosh, back to the ridiculous craziness that is my job at the end of the year I guess when I went back to school on Tuesday. I also started doing some measurements and figuring up how I want them to bring the shelves down where fiction is moving. And still dealing with seniors turning things in as well as trying to get student obligations for the rest of the students done.

Wednesday they had a field day, and it is our early release day too, so it was still busy and crazy. I got more packing done for the renovation this summer. I find that I seem to not want anyone else to box because they don’t seem to do it right. Lol. My peonies are starting to bloom this week, had to take a picture of my dog when she went up to sniff the big one that is so heavy it is just hanging down to the ground.

Thursday still busy in the library, boxing up books. Not as much today since we had a class in there doing tests all day long, so couldn’t be too loud, but got some done. Finished getting all the books that I wanted discarded taken out of the system and prepared so teachers or students could take them. I also got a call from the company who is going to renovate my bathroom this summer and they are coming out on June 6-9. The only problem with that is because of my extra days I have in my contract after the school year, I will still be at school. They said they didn’t need anyone to be there, so I’ll have to try to be trusting I guess? But I’m excited that soon I’ll actually have a nice tub I can take a bath in and make it a bubble bath and read again! I miss those days from my last house! I do need to go get the vanity I want as well as pick a faucet to go with it.

Friday, Friday was another day I wanted to walk out. My library clerk was at the end of her wits as well. She had to go take a walk at one point to try to calm down. Then as I was driving home, she texted me to say the contractors had stopped by and said that the budget for the library renovation didn’t include the new circulation desk we were supposed to get. I am going to be so ticked off if that is true. Especially if they’re still taking the upper area of the library for a broadcast room. First of all, skip that. Then give me my desk. The higher, cramped desk we have is bad for my back as I get up and down from the chair, not to mention it hurts my feet to have to rest them on the thin metal “footrest” on the tall chair. The desk is curved, so my library clerk and I don’t have much room to scoot back and there isn’t a lot of space for things on top of the desk or for storage. Ugh. My only hope is that they were wrong.

A cold front came through the area overnight Friday, so then on Saturday it was back in the 50s. I was okay with that because it had been so hot the last two weeks and I was tired of sweating this soon in the year! Saturday I did some blogging. I went to see a movie. And then I went and got the vanity for them to put in when they remodel my bathroom next month.

Books I Finished

The first three were for book tours, and I loved all of them! The last one was an e-galley the publishers sent me by a favorite author of mine, and I enjoyed it as well. All of these were reviewed last week!

New Additions to My Library


I think I got this one through either a Galley Grab or a Shelf Awareness newsletter sign up from the publisher.

This one came from a Shelf Awareness giveaway by the publisher.

Also from the publisher, I think a Shelf Awareness giveaway?


This one I ended up returning one I’d bought on Audible that I couldn’t get into. I knew I would love this one, so I exchanged for it instead.

Bookish Stuff:

Technically this includes books, but it has all the other stuff so I’m putting it in this category. I ordered the Bully themed box from Bookish Buys, because I wanted the Monica Murphy book. It was supposed to be the March box, but I just got it on Tuesday.


One is for a review next month, and the other is not till later this year, but being part of Quinn’s author review team, they sent it early.

Free E-books:

One from Amazon, one from an author newsletter I think.

Physical Books:

I’m pretty sure that Smart Mouth is going to be one of my favorite books of 2022. I liked Heart Smart last year too. I’m hoping to get to meet the author at Book Bonanza this summer, so I gave in and bought the physical copies to get signed, and just to have on my shelf because they are so pretty!

Both were purchased from Barnes and Noble. The first one I had a friend from when I worked there, who still works there, get it for me with her discount. The second one I bought with a gift card I earned from using my Barnes and Noble credit card. I’ve read the second one, review last week.

What I’m Watching

Again, more Stranger Things. I also started watching the Passionflix season 3 of the Driven series by K. Bromberg. It started a little slow and I found myself picking up my phone and not paying attention, so I stopped in the second episode for now and went back to season 3 of Stranger Things. I love the books though, so I will finish the series. It isn’t the best job they’ve done with a book, for me that was Seduction and Snacks, but I love that this network is taking the books I love and creating film versions.

I also went to see the new Downton Abbey movie. It was good, kind of choppy at times to me, and sad at the end.

Giveaways to Enter

Final Thoughts

How was your week? Did you read or watch anything good? Get any good books?

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42 responses to “Weekly Wrap-Up #68 – May 22nd, 2022

  1. Wow, renovation at the library sounds rough! Hopefully everything goes well, because it’s such an oasis to so many people. Love the chic lit reads and noted all of them.

    • Lisa Mandina

      I’m sure it will go well, they just won’t be concerned with what the librarians need to do their job the best, only what they think needs to be done. That’s the life of a school librarian I’ve learned though!

  2. It sounds like you’ve had a stressful week with work but it sounds like the end of your school year is soon. Renovations can be so challenging! It looks like you’ve got a haul of great books that hopefully will provide you with some distraction. I hope you week ahead is a little easier.

    • Lisa Mandina

      I doubt this week will be any easier, probably crazier, but knowing it is the last week with students for a while will be a help! lol Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Sounds like things are a bit tough at work at the moment…. I hope it gets better!!! Just think of me here in SA who would do anything to have a library like yours at school!

    Luckily you have some great books to help and the memory of an awesome concert!

    Have a good week Lisa!

    Elza Reads

    Mareli Thalwitzer recently posted: The Sunday Post #72
    • Lisa Mandina

      I know, I have to be grateful for what I have. It’s hard some days. But I think over the weekend I’ve at least decided to just not care about it as much. I’ve got six years till I can retire and so that’s what I’m going to just think about. Thanks for visiting!

  4. I’m so jealous of your NKOTB concert. I’ve been a fan since I was 14 (1992). I went to my first concert back in May 2015 and it was amazing. I’ve wanted to go to another one since then. I’m glad you had a great time and thanks for sharing your pictures! 😀

    Jenni Elyse recently posted: Sunday Post #19
    • Lisa Mandina

      Oh yeah, I’ve loved them since high school, probably 1988? I always go with my cousin and friend whenever they come to town, which has been about every other year. It’s always worth the money! Thanks for stopping by!

  5. That looks like a fun concert! I love live shows.

    The school situation sounds frustrating, for sure.

    I saw the first 8 minutes of Stranger Things S4 that they released and it looks great! And ooh a new Gretchen McNeil…

    Greg recently posted: Sunday Post #453
    • Lisa Mandina

      I’m so excited for the new Stranger Things! I need to finish up rewatching season 3 though. Thanks for stopping by!

  6. You have a lot of renovation happening between your bathroom and the library. I have things I want to do but no energy after doing my kitchen last fall. The bathroom is a bit smaller project though I guess. I have “cages” for my peonies to hold them up. They are like the tomato ones only a bigger circle.

    Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    Anne - Books of My Heart recently posted: 🎧 Eternal Kiss of Darkness by Jeaniene Frost
    • Lisa Mandina

      Yeah, at least the bathroom should only take 4 days! lol, and I’m getting what I want, as opposed to the library where I may not even get the part that is for me. Ooh, I’ll have to look into a cage thing for the peonies. They’re just so heavy they all fall. Good idea!

  7. I hope the bathroom renovations go smoothly AND that you get your desk in the library. The peony is stunning – I loved seeing your photos! Happy reading 😊

    • Lisa Mandina

      I hope so too, the bathroom is only supposed to take 4 days, so that’s cool! Thanks for stopping by!

    • Lisa Mandina

      I choose based on age of the book, condition, and how long it’s been since it’s checked out. I also look at if I have updated copies of the book, so that I can take out the ones that maybe have outdated information too. I know, I’ll be so mad if I don’t get a new desk. Fingers crossed that I find out the info given on Friday wasn’t correct when I talk to my Principal Monday morning.

    • Lisa Mandina

      Hoping to hear some good news Monday, that maybe my clerk heard wrong. Thanks for visiting!

  8. I’m so glad you got to go see New Kids on the Block. I love your photos!! And your new stove looks great! So sorry about your stressful week at work. Love all the books you got, I hope you enjoy them all.

    Wendy recently posted: Stacking the Shelves #43!
  9. I bet you are counting down for year end, huh? At least you have some things to look forward to with your reno and more time with the pups (and to read). That is quite a tour. I didn’t even realize all those bands still were out on the road.

    Sam@WLABB recently posted: Isn’t It Romantic?
    • Lisa Mandina

      Oh yeah, can’t wait to be done! NKOTB has been touring about every 2-3 years, I go every time! This is the first Rick Astley has been out in a while, as well as EnVogue I think. But Salt ‘n Pepa were with NKOTB last time too I think.

  10. I can’t even remember the last time I went to a concert! I know I went with family members a few years ago to two different mixes of classic rock groups that was fun. My problem is not having anyone who likes the same music as me and with my kind of music…I don’t want to go alone! Lol!!! I only vaguely remember NKOTB from my childhood time. It was more something my older sister and cousin remember better. Though we did have the Barbie dolls of them and I remember watching an animated movie of them a lot! So it’s there! Lol. The new stove looks lovely as does your garden! It’s funny to be excited about things like appliances these days. But very nice indeed!

    Nice new reads too! Lots of new to me ones but I hope you enjoy them all! I’m hoping to pick up Hide this week!

    Here’s my Monday Wrap-up

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

    • Lisa Mandina

      Yeah, it’s not fun to go by yourself. I’ve done it twice, when David Cook won the American Idol show and did some solo concerts. No one would go with me. I think I went to 3 of his on my own. I’ll be interested to see what you think of Hide!

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