Once again I’ll be linking this up with the Sunday Post (hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer) and with Stacking the Shelves (hosted by Reading Reality). And we are now officially in February!
Sunday night was not a fun night for us Chiefs fans. Our team lost. It was like they came back for the second half and forgot how to play. But the Bengals also played a great game and totally deserved to win. No hard feelings to them. But what I love about my team, and our quarterback Patrick Mahomes, is that he came out and shouldered the blame for the loss. Which is fair, because on several plays I could not tell what in the world he was trying to do! But he did it gracefully, and that is what we expect of our players here, no matter what hateful things people might say about them on the internet.
Monday was me alone in the library again, but because my library assistant was home with her son who got sick Sunday night. Most of my virtual students are now scheduled, although I’ve had one or two more this week. So I spent Monday just kind of getting things around the library done as possible.
Tuesday we had possible winter storm advisory and so everyone was thinking we might have a snow day. I was alone again in the library and it was actually a pretty quiet day. I had to cancel my writing date with a friend because it was sleeting a bit on my way home from work, and I just figured it would be better to stay home. It was nice that my district decided along with most of the ones around the area to cancel around 7 pm for the next day. There wasn’t much before I went to bed. And when I let the dogs out at about 3 am there was a small bit of snow, but it wasn’t really doing much so I assumed it was going to be a wasted snow day.
When I woke up Wednesday morning finally at 7 am, we had gotten enough snow that it made sense to have the snow day. And my district was nice enough to make it an actual old fashioned snow day, no virtual school. I still had to take my car to be dropped off for repair of what had happened back in December. The rental car I got was similar to mine, so that was nice enough for driving in the snow back home. My doctor had changed my appointment to a telehealth video chat that morning. So I still got to meet with my doctor fortunately. Wednesday night the school district where I work canceled school for Thursday even though the school district where I live and closer to me did not. I did enjoy watching the latest episode of The Amazing Race Wednesday night, especially the end, where the two male partners both took their shirts off for the final leg of the race, and whew, my little cougar self had to fan her face at that. lol
Thursday was a nice day to just stay home. I slept as late as the dogs would let me, so until about 9 am. Then I didn’t need a snow day nap like I took on Wednesday. Got lots of blogging done. Did some silly TikTok videos with my dogs.
Friday started out normal, but then there were two secretaries gone and my assistant had to be gone all day again. We also had a student “accidentally” spray a pepper spray in a classroom, so that teacher had to bring their students to the library for the rest of the day. Oh yeah, here are my displays that I keep meaning to share.
Valentine’s Day 2022 Black History Month 2022
Saturday there was a local home remodeling show. Since I really want to redo my bathroom, and also get a deck on the back of my house at least big enough to sit on and put up a little roof over it because I love to sit outside in the rain! So I got a few people coming out to do estimates on the bathroom, and there was actually really only one group there that did decks, other than one that looked really expensive, so I got one person coming for an estimate on that. I don’t know that I have enough many for any of it, but I want to get estimates to do some planning!
Books Finished
The first two were for blog tour reviews this past week. The last one is an ARC I got through a #booksfortrade deal I think? Can’t remember, I might have won it from a giveaway on another blog too. Oops! Hope to do a review for it today or maybe tomorrow?
New Books
Physical books:

I bought this after seeing lots of my favorite authors advertising it. It contains recipes of yummy sounding foods from different books! Can’t wait to try some of them!
I won this one from Meghan Quinn in a Facebook giveaway. Had to share the inscription she put with her signature inside as well!

Got a surprise ARC in the mail. I was a little sad when I thought at first I wouldn’t be able to read it because the pub date on the book said February 1st, the day I got it. But then I looked on Goodreads and it looks like it has been postponed till April 5th now, so I’ve worked it into my blog schedule!
At some point I must have entered a giveaway for the first one, I can’t remember when, but I won an audio copy of this book. I’ve seen these around and people are loving this series. While this is the second in the series, I’m pretty sure they’re standalones for the most part, so I can’t wait to listen to this after I finish my current audiobook! The second one I used my monthly audible credit for. I read the third book in this series by Brenda Rothert and enjoyed it. I think the author will be at Book Bonanza this summer, so I thought I should try to read or listen to more of her books before I get the chance to meet her!
Free e-books:
Most were either free on Amazon, or else I got free for signing up for an author’s newsletter. The last two are a little different. The Astronaut and the Star was an Amazon First Reads free choice. The second to last one was a boxed set I won through a giveaway the author did. The last one was a boxed set that was actually not free, but it was only 99 cents. And while I’ve listened to the audiobooks for the first two and probably will the third one, this boxed set has some extra novellas I think that you can’t find anywhere else and I want them because I love these stories!
What I’m Watching
I guess it might be kind of weird that I’m a blog that mostly reads and reviews romance books, or maybe some different types of YA books, but a lot of the shows/movies I watch are more horror, lol. But this week I got reminded that I wanted to try this show out. I am really enjoying it. One thing that does amuse me as I watch it though, is the captions since it is in Korean. One example is when the zombies are attacking people, it might say (munching) to tell what the sounds are. lol Something I learned a while back in relation to the tv show The Walking Dead is that in zombie movies, they are separate from a world where zombie movies or shows are a thing. And so they don’t usually call them zombies in the movies/books, whatever. When I went back and watched the show or other movies like that, I noticed that was true. But I like how in All of Us Are Dead they pull in the pop culture of things like Train to Busan, another Korean zombie movie. They even call the area outside their school Zombieland. I like that they don’t follow those rules. Because it’s something I always think about when I watch zombie movies now.
I also really enjoyed the end of this week’s episode of The Amazing Race. When the two guys from my state just had to take their shirts off for the final kayaking task, I wasn’t upset at all.
Giveaways to Check Out
- Heart 2 Heart Giveaway 2022 – This one goes till the 14th, and there is a linky with lots of other blogs participating!
- The Looooong and the Short of It with a Giveaway: January 2022 Wrap-Up Post and What to Expect in February
And while you’re here, go check out my Support Book Bloggers Challenge post and share some of your favorite blogs with me!
Those library displays are beautiful! I love your dachshunds in your graphic at the top of the page. We had one who sadly died a few months ago. He was a lovely dog, so loving and faithful. I’m sure your’s are too.
So sorry to hear about your dachshund. I know how hard it is to lose them. That’s why I still have my first dachshund, Sydney, with wings in my header. Thanks for the compliments on the displays. I hate that the windows in the background kind of make them hard to read, but I can’t block the windows completely. Thanks for stopping by!
“Accidentally” pepper sprayed a classroom! Geez as if teaching isn’t hard enough. Glad you got some snow days though!
Yep, it’s craziness! Thanks for stopping by!
Sounds like a busy week for you. I love both library displays. All those books look really good. Enjoy them. Have a great week!
Thanks for visiting!
Love the library displays. Winning books are always fun, autographed copies=even better! Hope you have a great week!
Thanks for stopping by!
It’s a good day the district called a snow day given the weather you’ve been having. It sounds like work has been a bit calmer for you, albeit still busy. I love your book displays! Good luck with the remodeling when you decide to do it. I would like to get a couple of estimates on redoing our floors just to see what we would be looking at when we are ready. I’ve heard it is cheaper to do it ourselves, so we may look into that as well. I’m just not too confident in our DIY skills, not to mention the time commitment involved. Debating Darcy looks like it will be good! I am glad you will be able to fit it into your schedule. I will have to check out All of Us Are Dead. I hope you have a great week, Lisa!
With it just being me, I have no DIY skills. There was a time my stepdad would do that kind of stuff, but as he’s in his 70s now, not so much. So I have to find people to hire. Thanks for visiting!
Yayfor snow days! And oh wow “accidentally” sprayed pepper spray. Yikes…
That cookbook cover is making me hungry lol.
I saw that show on netflix and it looks good! I thought maybe I was zombie show’d out, but maybe not…
It’s pretty good! I think you’d probably enjoy it. I need to start making things out of the cookbook! Thanks for visiting!
Snow days that are just traditional snow days are the best. Hope your upcoming week is a good one!
So true! Thanks for stopping by!
What a crazy week! I enjoy seeing your displays. I’m so glad you had some snow days to relax.
Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post
The snow days were much needed. Of course one day back and I’m already in need of another one. I’m all for a 4 day week, work Monday Tuesday, no students on Wednesday, but I’d still go in and get things done, then Thursday Friday have school again. lol
It’s going to be weird to have the Super Bowl here in my city, it doesn’t happen that often! I love your holiday displays😁 Hope your week is a good one!
Oh yeah, that’s right! I heard it was there with all the controversy of it being one of the team’s home field. Thanks for visiting!
YAY for a real snow day and not having to do virtual school! That is so wonderful! My kids out here aren’t ever that lucky, we always get to so much snow that unless it’s like 1.5-2+ feet throughout the night they have school. We got almost 200″ of snow in December but no snow days, they were bummed lol. I LOVE your displays, they’re beautiful. And I see Cupcake, I love her books ♥!
Wow! So much snow! We don’t get that much most of the time. But I always like to have just one good snow for a snow day or two every year. Oh yeah, I love Cupcake and that author! Thanks for stopping by!
I keep seeing so much stuff for All of Us are Dead, I’m not ready for the emotions of another zombie show!
I’m happy your district got a snow day! My husband’s district made it very clear that there wouldn’t be a snow day. Luckily I got to work from home.
I hadn’t heard of that cookbook before!
It’s had a few emotional parts, but it is really good too! Has me on the edge of my seat for certain parts. My district needs to kind of get things in order for “virtual learning” on snow days this year. They farmed out the virtual students to a service named Fuel Ed, so our teachers haven’t been prepared for online learning if those days came up this year. But we did get a suggestion to start getting ready just in case! I saw the cookbook in a bunch of authors’ newsletters, the ones who have recipes. Need to make something soon! Thanks for visiting!