Once again I’ll be linking this up with the Sunday Post (hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer) and with Stacking the Shelves (hosted by Reading Reality).
Well, we are now past Christmas officially! Hope everyone had a nice holiday!
First thing, Sunday I hit my Goodreads goal, and so any other books I read this year are all extras.
I started my week off with two and a half more days of school. Monday was a pretty normal day. Actually kind of quiet. Tuesday was also mostly quiet, if a little busier. Wednesday we had a half day, and had a very short staff meeting before we left for the day where our principal gave us all a small bag of Topsy’s popcorn, which is so yummy! Then I went and tried the Whataburger we got a month or so ago that has been crazy busy. I wasn’t that impressed. I mean it was okay, just nothing that blew me away. I ended up canceling my appointment to go to a kickboxing class on Wednesday night because I just was not in the mood to deal with it.
Thursday morning I woke up earlier than planned on my first day off, 6:45 am, not quite sure why. But I went ahead and took the dogs outside and then we went back to bed. Where I saw a notification on my phone that the USPS had delivered the last Christmas gift I was waiting on at 6:45 am. Wow! Didn’t realize they delivered that early! But it was nice to have all my gifts. Well, except I had one more to get, a gift certificate for my mom from the woman who does our hair. And since I had a hair appointment Thursday afternoon, I just got it then. I also realized while I was out driving around that something I’d seen bounce up on the highway on my way home from work on Wednesday had actually done some damage to the front of my car. I’d thought it just hit the wheel well from what I could tell while I was driving, but turns out it busted a little chuck of the front bumper. I’m guessing it will not be a cheap fix. Need to figure out my insurance I guess. Here’s a picture of the sad damage to my pretty orange car.

Friday I had thought I would get to go play with puppies, but then the breeder’s plans changed so maybe next week. But it was supposed to be really warm on Friday, high 60s, so would have been perfect to be outside. We had a nice quiet family Christmas on Friday night, just me, my mom and stepdad, brother, sister-in-law, niece and nephew. I got a wonderful Christmas gift from my brother’s family. Just have to find a place to hang it! It’s their yearly pictures on a little wooden plaque.

My actual Christmas day was pretty quiet. Stayed home since I am not talking to one side of my family. My stepdad brought my jewelry cabinet over and we put it together. Then that night I went to my brother’s for his traditional soup and cheesecake dinner. With all the traditions my niece and nephew have had to miss out on because of craziness this year, they wanted to have this one still.
Books finished:
The first two were for reviews requested by the authors. One was this past week, the second is on Monday after Christmas. The last two were for my Tackle My TBR Challenge. I just have one more book to finish if I want to reach the goal for that challenge!
New books:
Physical Books:
Well, I did order about 4 books for myself this week when I didn’t get any books for Christmas, lol, but they won’t be here till next week.
I canceled my Book of the Month club since I’d only read one of the books in the over two years that I’ve been paying them, and the rest are sitting on shelves. But guess I didn’t cancel till after one more month had been charged. So I got this book. I probably won’t get to it till next Christmas time though.

The second part of my order from Helena Hunting opening up her new shop was a t-shirt with the name of her Facebook group on it. I also got another copy of the little novella or short story collection I got with my other order last week. But I’m going to give this one to my friend who is also a big fan of Hunting.

I won another book from YA Books Central, and it came this week with an awesome matching keychain!

All three are for blog tours. I’ve wanted to read something by Sarah Ready for a while, and I had time to fit this into my blogging schedule so I did! The second one sounds good, hot hockey guy, right? And the third one is not the final cover, I can’t share that till Monday, but I am on Maya Hughes review team so I will be reading this one too! The last one is also for a review tour, authors I’ve wanted to read for awhile and think I’ve fit them into my schedule this time!
Free e-books:
Several little shorts from authors that I couldn’t find on Goodreads, so I had to take a picture from the Book Funnel download email.
Bookish Stuff:
What I’m Watching:
I was going to go see a movie this week, but ended up not going. I was thinking about seeing Nightmare Alley, but at the last minute, I was afraid I’d be disappointed or bored and decided not to go. Sadly? Other than a couple of kids movies that kind of look cute, I’ve already seen all the movies that look good, and there aren’t a lot more like usual. However, I am not complaining too much, because this is the first time in a long time there has been more than one movie a week come out that I’ve wanted to see.
I tried to start watching a few new shows, but my brain wasn’t cooperating. I may go back and give them another try. I finished Squid Games. Watched the first episode of A Discovery of Witches, which I’ll probably keep watching, I have been a fan of Matthew Goode since the Leap Year rom-com movie with Amy Adams. I started watching Wheel of Time, but not sure if I’ll go on. I do think I am going to sign up for HBO-Max because I want to watch the Harry Potter reunion, and also the Station Eleven show looks good as well!
I have been rewatching The Amazing Race season 7, because I found out that the guy who played Zack from The Big Bang Theory, who also went to my college, was on that show. And what’s funny is that I actually watched that season and of course had no idea who he was at the time! The quality of the video isn’t great from however long ago that was, but it is still fun to watch. Some of my favorite teams, Uchenna and Joyce, Rob and Amber from Survivor fame, were on that season. Now I’m just so excited that there will finally be a new season starting in January. While it made sense being able to do a new Survivor during the pandemic because it was out in the middle of nowhere away from all the crazy virus issues, I am very intrigued to see how they will race around the world with all of this. Here is a preview for the new season!
Oh yeah, one big complaint I have about tv right now, while they seemed to show Christmas Vacation over and over after thanksgiving, I have yet to see Elf on anywhere! I mean I own it on DVD, but I can’t believe it isn’t showing on any channels for free this time of year! Ridiculous!
Giveaways to Check out:
- The Looooong and the Short of It with a Giveaway: November 2021 Wrap-Up Post and What to Expect in December
What a great present from your niece and nephew! Very thoughtful! Sorry about your car! That is crazy. Hopefully the insurance cooperates.
Yeah, I’m sure it’ll be fine. Just not an expense I was expecting. Oh well! Thanks for visiting!
I’m glad you had a quieter week at school and are now enjoying some time off for winter break. It’s nice you had some family time for the holidays. The delivery services have done well this year. We just had the two of us but we got up the tree and had some yummy food. I’m baking treats over a couple weeks since we can’t eat them all at once anyway. Happy Boxing Day! And I wish you a very Happy New Year!
Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post
I thought about baking treats this year, but never had the motivation once I actually was home to do it. Oh well! Thanks for stopping by!
Merry Christmas to you! Hope you had a great one! Sorry to hear about the car damage though- that sucks!
That plaque- what a beautiful gift!
How did you like Squid Game?
I liked Squid Games, the twist at the end was really good! Thanks for visiting!
Oh no! I’m sorry about your car. I hate when something so minor happens, because it feels like” why I’m a paying so much to fix it?” But it makes a difference – I hate to see any disrepair on my car. Hopefully it won’t be too expensive.
Sounds like you had a nice holiday with the family though! I need to watch Squid Games – I keep hearing good things. I’ve recently started watching Ordinary Joe and really enjoying it (On Hulu I think).
Have a great week and good luck with the online dating!
Yeah, I really wanted an orange car, so I will definitely be getting it fixed. I figured out my deductible is only $500, so that’s not horrible I guess. Squid Games was a roller coaster of up and down for me, but by the end I really was glad I finished it. It is pretty violent though! Thanks for stopping by!
Congrats on your Goodreads goal! I reached mine too. I hope you enjoy all those books. They look like good ones.
Thanks! Glad you could stop by!
Congrats for hitting your reading goal! Sorry about the car, things with the bumper can be quite $$$ but maybe they can fix it without need a whole new one? That’s what I’ll hope for, for you! Your Christmases sound lovely and I am glad you were able to relax with your family. My daughter has been at her father’s since the 23rd and it’s been shitty, so I distracted myself by getting all my end of the year posts ready – and reading of course. I get to pick Eleanor up tonight, and I am so excited. She has presents to open that Santa delivered here while she had to be gone.
Ah, that is hard to not have your daughter during the actual holiday! But now you’ll get to enjoy this week with her and all the presents Santa left! Yeah, I am pretty sure they’ll have to completely replace the front bumper. But it will be more than my deductible, so that means I won’t have to pay for it all, that is good. Thanks for stopping by!
Awww, that’s a sweet gift from the kids, and your jewelry cabinet is impressive.
My old jewelry cabinet I’ve had for probably 20 years now, was one of those that is a standalone with the drawers, the top that opens for rings, and then side opening doors for necklaces. So this will work a little different, and gets rid of the cheap full length mirror I just had leaning against the bedroom wall in my new house. My last house I had the sliding doors on my closet that were the full length mirrors, so I do miss those!
I am pleased to hear you had a nice, quiet Christmas with your close family, Lisa 🌟 I hope you will enjoy diving into all those new books and that you will continue to watch A Discovery of Witches, as I really enjoyed it. 😊
Yeah, the first episode wasn’t bad. I have just not been in the best mood for new shows I think. I will be giving it more episodes, so sure I’ll be hooked soon!
That’s a nice gift from your niece and nephew! Isn’t it crazy how early packages get delivered during the holidays? Our mailman has been making deliveries around 7am-ish and I was like whoa! Sorry to hear about your car troubles though. That’s never fun.
Nice new reads too! All new to me ones. Hope you enjoy your books for this week!
Here’s my Monday Wrap-up
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂
Thanks for stopping by!
Sounds like you had a nice Christmas and got a great gift! Hope you get you car fixed. Have a great week!
Yeah, just have to get the car thing done! It’s always a pain to be single and worried about having to get a loaner car while your car is fixed.
Looks like you got lots of good reads. Hope you enjoy!
Thanks for visiting!