E-galley Review: Fired Up (Bayside Heroes) by K.K. Allen

Posted December 20, 2021 by Lisa Mandina in Review / 3 Comments

I received this book for free from the author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

E-galley Review:  Fired Up (Bayside Heroes) by K.K. AllenFired Up by K.K. Allen
Series: Bayside Heroes
on December 20, 2021
Genres: Adult Contemporary Romance
Pages: 324
Source: the author
Format: E-galley
My Rating: four-half-stars
Buy on Amazon


Through smoke and fire, she’s all I see.

Nothing gives me a bigger rush than when I’m responding to an emergency call.
As a firefighter EMT, my mission has always been clear.
Until I arrive at the scene of an accident and a dark-haired vixen, quite literally, trips into my life.
I quickly learn there’s more to the gorgeous photographer than meets the eye.

Meadow Matthews isn’t a woman who needs saving, but she just might save me.
As a single mom to an adorable little boy, she leaves little time for play.
Which is why, when I approach her with a fun opportunity, she instantly declines. 
Unfortunately, snapping photos of greased-up firefighters for a calendar isn’t her thing.

Lucky for us, she fires me up just enough to convince her otherwise.

Fired Up is a standalone single-parent medical romance in the Bayside Heroes world.

My Review:

Not positive but this one might be my favorite in the series so far! I like how the characters actually got together in this one! While we had gotten glimpses of Meadow and Asher in the other two books up to this point, we didn’t get the “meet-cute” or maybe more of a “meet-horrible” in this case. But fortunately Asher quickly learned the mistake he’d made and apologized and tried to make up for it. I loved Meadow and her son, as well as her mother.

Once again, as with the other two books, I loved getting glimpses of those characters we already knew and kind of seeing their whole relationships developing from another aspect as we also were traveling along with this book’s main characters on their own burgeoning romance. Meadow’s past was one that didn’t have a lot to deal with in the present, and she was able to make it positive memories for her son. However Asher’s past was right there in town, and ready to show up and cause problems. I wondered if what his ex had to say would be what it did end up being.

I won’t give away that twist, but I liked the way Asher handled it after he wrapped his head around it. The way that he brought it to Meadow, and how he told her it didn’t change a thing about how he felt about her and that he wanted her to be with him during all of it.

As I said, this might be my favorite so far partly because of the way that twist was handled. Now though, I’m looking forward to starting the next book in the series.

If you want to read my reviews of the first two, here are the links:

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