Once again I’ll be linking this up with the Sunday Post (hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer).
Of course another week as I said last weekend where I was going to be all by myself in my library. And I was. And it was crazy. I did get a couple of displays put up. I knew I was only going to get an LGBT History month display up for half the month, after I took down the National Hispanic Heritage Month display. But it was later than planned because of being alone. I have trouble taking good pictures of my displays in this spot because of the glare of the light! Here are a couple shots of that:

I also decided to do a zombie themed small display for Halloween. I might still add something to it, but for now, here is a picture of that:

I did spend the whole week alone. When I would try to take a lunch break, I would get interrupted like at least 5 or 6 times in the 30 minutes I got. I emailed my principal asking if from now on when I was the only one in the library, I could just close it for that half hour. It’s tiring enough to be the only person in my library, but to not even get 30 minutes to just sit and eat/read/not work really sucks.
I had another book I KNOW I was signed up for, but they said they didn’t have me. And this is a PR group that I think one of my other issues was with last month. So now I’ve started saving every Google sign up form for PR groups when I fill them out so I know I signed up and can prove it. Fortunately for this title, I reached out to my contact for their YA books and she said she actually is the one who approves all ARCs and she was able to get it for me through Netgalley. So yay!
And then, Wednesday, I decided to go through some of my lists on Goodreads. Well, I was in the mode of just deleting books like I’d been doing from my TBR. Only that wasn’t what I really meant to do. I just meant to take them off that list. So now I’ve lost some reviews and while I remember some of the books, I deleted them from the list because I had read them, and it was an ARC wishlist, I can’t remember them all. 🙁 This has been a week!
I had someone from Porch.com reach out to me about maybe answering some questions as an “expert” and they would use my answers along with a link to my blog on their site. So my question was about audiobooks. Here is the post if you want to check out my answer along with some other great answers from other bloggers!

Thursday was my sweet little boy Argyle’s 9th birthday. Of course I have to get treats and a toy for both him and his sister.

And I made a fun TikTok video of him when he got his toy.
And then Friday was my birthday. The big 49, one more year till I’m 50! I didn’t think I’d get much more than birthday wishes on Facebook on the actual day, no one at my new job really knew it was my birthday. But I mentioned it to one of my assistant principals in the morning, and then a little bit before I left, all four of our assistant principals came and sang a harmonized happy birthday to me. They were actually really good and they said they’d never done that before. I was the only one there to enjoy it though, which was too bad. I came home from school on Friday to a fun sign on my front door that my sister-in-law had brought over that my niece and nephew made for me.
I spent Saturday with my dad’s side. My dad and stepmom had already given me the money to buy my ticket to the NKOTB concert next year, so I didn’t have anything to open from them. And my two sisters went in on this cool box from one of my favorite authors, Meghan Quinn.

Then my stepmom and one of my sisters decided on Sunday they’d go get their nails done and I decided to go with them because I do need a pedicure. Even though normally pedicure time is reading time, I’ve not really been with someone else in a long time. Later tonight, Sunday, I’ll do dinner with my mom’s side. I technically already have my gift from my mom and stepdad, she got tickets for me and her to go see Wicked when it comes to my town in January. I’ll share what/if I get anything from my brother, sister-in-law, niece, and nephew next week!
Books Finished:
Three for blog tour/reviews, and the audiobook I got through Audible Plus and since I’d loved the first one by that author I had to listen to this one too. And I loved it too! The last one is the book that for some reason they didn’t have me signed up for, but the publisher was nice enough to get me a Netgalley widget so I could read it!
New Books:
Physical books:

Saw this in Beth Revis’s newsletter and bought it. Debating on if I can actually use it to get planned for NaNoWriMo which is only a week away at this point.

I got a finished copy of Roxy from the publisher. I’ll be reading the ARC copy I have, so I’ll donate this finished copy to the library where I work!
E-galleys for Review:
The first one is the one I didn’t get from the PR company but the publisher was nice enough to send me a widget on Netgalley when I asked them. The second one is for a blog tour. And the third one is for an author who I am on her ARC team. It’s a little ways out till it will be published, February, but I went ahead and got it! And the last one is also for a blog tour, coming up soon!

So this is one of the books that somehow I didn’t get signed up for the tour and ARC, even though I had it in my calendar and I’ve read them all early. So I know I won’t have time to probably fit it into my blog schedule for reading, but if I got the audiobook, it can be my next listen! So that’s what I did. Saved my October Audible credit and bought it when it was published.
Free E-books:
The first four were free on Amazon, Tinder B@ng only on Friday. I have the first book in the Staci Hart series that was also free this week, but this second one hasn’t been free till now. The last three I think I got from newsletter sign ups.
What I’m Watching:
I had told my dad one thing I wanted for my birthday was for him to watch just one episode of Cobra Kai with me. You see we used to watch Karate Kid almost every weekend I was with him when I was a kid, or at least that was the way I remember it. But he was always putting me off and saying he didn’t have time to start a new show, but I knew he’d be hooked. And he was! He didn’t say anything when the first episode ended about wanting to stop, and it got my sister hooked too, and I didn’t know for sure if she would even give it a try. After the second episode I told him he’d now watched two episodes, and nothing about stopping! We ended up watching the full first season. After episode 8 he mentioned he was tired, but my sister convinced him we had to see the tournament because she was so hooked! So we watched the other two episodes.
Started the second season of this. They weren’t bad, although a couple of them kind of fizzled out into stupid endings.
Giveaways to Checkout:
- The Looooong and the Short of It with a Giveaway: September 2021 Wrap-Up Post and What to Expect in October – this goes till a week from today!
- Blog Tour Review with Giveaway (UK only): Highland Games by Evie Alexander – only one more day!
I’m sorry it was such a busy week. I’m glad you were able to get your ARC. Happy birthday! You got lots of nice presents. I hope this next week is much smoother.
Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post
So far even with the long day of parent conferences today, my assistant was back and it went a lot smoother! Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Birthday! We are the same age. Look at that! The sign is adorable, and you got some great gifts. I love getting “experiences” versus things. I have a lot of junk. I want to go places and see things. I give you credit for signing up for so many tours. I very rarely sign up now since the tour group I liked working with closed shop. It’s nice you were able to get one of the books though (I hope it’s good).
Yeah, these days it is nice to get to go do things. I am working ot sign up for less tours as I have more of these issues. But I am glad I got the one. Finished it and reviewed it on Monday! Thanks for visiting!
Happy birthday!! I love the displays you have up in the library. So great!
Thanks! It was fun to do.
Happy Birthday to you and Argyle! I hope you had a wonderful birthday weekend! That was so sweet your sister-in-law decorated your door and oh my gosh you got amazing tickets for your birthday, that is awesome! Hugs and cheers!
Thanks! Yeah, with my niece and nephew being off school on Friday they wanted to do that, I loved it! Thanks for visiting!
Happy birthday Lisa! I love your library displays. Good luck next week at work, I hope you have more help😁
Thanks! Already had my assistant back on Monday, so it’s looking better!
Happiest of birthdays to you (: