Once again I’ll be linking this up with the Sunday Post (hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer).
Ugh, every time I think things might be going better at my new job, things suck again. I mean at least it has slowed down a little bit, now that all the students have their laptops checked out, and most of the online students are enrolled. But we got 7 new students this past week. Then, because all but two teachers and myself have an advisory group, for some reason whoever is subbing can’t then cover that teacher’s advisory group? So I had to go out and be a sub for advisory classes both Tuesday and Wednesday this week. Thursday we found out one of our tech guys might have COVID, and the same day my library assistant started feeling sick, so she had to go home because her symptoms could also be COVID, meaning I was then by myself on Friday.
And then Friday. Got the results for the tech guy’s test results, positive for COVID. So I had to fill out a form for the district about having my vaccination because he listed me as having worked closer than 6 feet, etc. Even though we were pretty much masked. Well, I was when around him. He wore one of those gaiters half the time which I know aren’t considered effective.
Saturday I went to our local RenFest. I was looking forward to going when it would be fall weather, but no such luck. We got close to 90 degrees. Ugh. And so while I was sitting in the sun for the jousting tournament, I got overheated, and was probably a little dehydrated because we’d had to stand in long lines just to get a drink. I ended up throwing up a couple times. So we cut our day short because after that I was so tired I just didn’t want to keep walking around. It was soooooo busy! It also made me not want to go to Disneyworld for a while because of the crowds that suck! Ugh.
Books finished:
Once again working hard to meet blog tour dates!
New Books:
I got my major unicorn ARC from a Twitter books for trade!

E-galleys for Review:

Free E-books:
What I’m Watching:
So I was excited to see this was available. I haven’t read the book, but wanted to. I liked the movie, although I don’t understand why he killed his one friend exactly.
I also gave this new show a chance. The first episode had some pretty funny moments. But I wonder if the jokes will still be as funny when they’re not the first episode. But I’ll give it a try.
Giveaways to Check Out:
- The Looooong and the Short of It with a Giveaway: September 2021 Wrap-Up Post and What to Expect in October
- Blog Tour Review with Giveaway: Fool Me Twice at Christmas by Camilla Isley – ends in 4 days
Oh the RenFest 🙂 haven’t been to one is a long while. Hopefully next year’s weather will be cooler. Enjoy your latest haul.
Thanks for stopping by!
In MN our RenFaire was always in the fall and still always hot + ragweed. I had a rough time when I went. Was that Winter & Holiday romance box set a download from an author’s email? It would be perfect for the HoHoHo Readathon.
I hope next week is better.
Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post
I can’t even imagine the poor people wearing the costumes at the RenFest in the heat! Yuck! I could not do it. I think the Holiday anthology was from an author, I need to start remembering where I get things from to share! I love the idea of the HoHoHo Readathon, but at the end of November I hope to be writing as much as possible!
I’m sorry things aren’t going smoothly at work. And that you weren’t feeling well at the RenFest. It’s been so long since I went to a RenFaire, but I guess it won’t be this year — transmission rates are too high here for me to feel comfortable with it. Anyway, I hope you’re feeling better now, and that this week goes more smoothly all around.
Yeah, we didn’t have the RenFest last year, so I think that is why it was so crowded this year, which sucked because I actually liked when it was a little less well attended and wasn’t so crazy. Thanks for stopping by!
I just can’t tolerate crowds and lines anymore, lol. So I feel your pain, especially in 90 degree weather! Sorry to hear about work. It sure sounds like you weren’t told everything you would be expected to do before you took the job?
I’m not a huge fan of crowds either. I was in the mood to go because the last few years before the pandemic it wasn’t that crazy busy, and also listening the the Well Met and Well Played books by Jen DeLuca just got me in the mood to go again. The job is turning out to be one of those grass is greener things, the grass being more money and being back in Missouri. Oh well. Thanks for visiting!
Well, you had a week, huh? Sorry the ren faire was ruined by abnormally hot weather in October. Boo! I hope you don’t have Covid too. I know usually vaxxed people don’t get it badly, but still scary. Hang in there!
Still waiting on my library aide’s test to come back to see if she is positive. Hoping I’m not. If I do, I’d be asymptomatic, which I guess is possible since I’m vaccinated. Thanks for stopping by!
Sorry this week at work was rough. Education is a tough place to be right now! Hopefully everyone stays healthy!
Yep. It is not what it was for sure! Thanks for visiting!
I’ve always wanted to go to RenFair, maybe one day. I’ve seen the Disney crowds online lately and it looks crazy.
Work sounds hectic and stressful with all the covid stuff, hopefully this week is better! Stay well and happy reading. I’m going to watch There’s Someone Inside Your House today probably!
Hope you enjoy it as well! Thanks for stopping by!
I do few book tours these days because of the pressure. Have fun with it tho!
I’ve tried to cut back. But then there are some, like the SmartyPants Romance releases, where I want to read them all, and jump right in. lol