Once again I’ll be linking this up with the Sunday Post (hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer).
So, where to start. Monday was a total up and down day. It started out kind of bad. The nurse wasn’t there to start the day and they pulled my library assistant and were kind of rude about it when I asked who would cover things that the both of us were still working on. Fortunately it turned out the nurse had just overslept and when she got there, my library assistant got to come back and we actually got to do some library stuff. Well, she did, I still spent a lot of my day on dealing with getting online students enrolled. Then we had hired some people to help me with that, and so we met after school, only to find out they didn’t have all the access into the programs they needed to enroll the students.
Tuesday was another crazy day, but I could see a tiny bit of light at the end of the tunnel.
Wednesday got a little bit better, and I was able to put together a small display in front of my office for National Hispanic Heritage month which is September 15th-October 15th.

Thursday I got to really get to work on getting an order ready to get some new books in and we had a faculty meeting after school. I was told they usually last till 4 pm, but luckily this one was over by 3! However the next meeting is on my birthday, October 22nd. Yippee!
Friday I was able to get my first book order ready to send over for a purchase order so I can order some books. I felt more like a librarian for a change this past week. But I did also find out that I’m going to be expected to set up appointments for parent conference with our online/virtual students that I am a mentor for. What sucks is that I’m not their teacher, so I don’t know other than being able to see how much work they’ve completed how they are actually doing in their classes. I hate to say it, but one of the reasons I wanted to get out of the classroom was to get away from all the parent phone calls and the parent conferences, and now, here I am stuck doing them again. Ugh. I guess it’s possible parents won’t set up conferences, I just know that’s not how my luck goes.
Saturday I took as a day to just hang out around my house and read and do laundry and relax. Sunday we will celebrate my stepdad’s birthday. He wants to cook burgers on the grill and that sounds like a perfect Sunday evening. Of course the Chiefs game doesn’t start till like 7 pm, so I might be up later than I prefer on a Sunday night because I doubt it’ll be over before 10:30.
Books finished:
New books:
I found one book at the Dollar Tree that sounded interesting:

E-galleys for review:
The third one has had it’s pub date pushed back several times, which is fine because I was so busy I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to fit it into my schedule. I should be reviewing it the last week of September. The first one is another SmartyPants Romance release, it will be the first in this little series that I will read. And of course, so excited for a new Meghan Quinn, will be reading this soon for a review this week I think! The last one I thought I wouldn’t get to read because somehow I didn’t sign up for it! But I reached out to the publicist and she was nice enough to go ahead and send it to me since I’ve read all the others in this standalone series. I’ll be reading and posting a review on pub date, the 21st.

This is the sequel to Blue Bayou. I’m reading them for a blog tour for Audiobookworm Tours.
Free e-books:
What I’m watching:
So, I was totally one of those people who went crazy over the whole LuLaRoe fashhion trend. I loved the Facebook Live with my consultant and hoping to get the leggings or other tops I loved. Of course that is all past now, mostly. And even my consultant isn’t selling anymore, as I think most are not. But I was excited for this documentary, and it was definitely interesting!
I also went to the movies on Friday night. This one looked good and creepy, and it definitely had some creepy moments, but it had some parts that were pretty weird and kind of laughable.
Giveaways to Check out:
- The Looooong and the Short of It with a Giveaway: August 2021 Wrap-Up Post and What to Expect in September
Well, it sounds like things went better than you expected. I call that success! I try not to work on my birthday. This year I am because I am leaving the day after for Chicago. Don’t wan to burn all my days at once.
I always have parent conferences on my birthday it seems.
Well baby steps to improve things. I love the display and that you got to do a book order.
Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post
Yep, just hope the baby steps continue in the right direction. lol Thanks for stopping by!
It must be nice to finally feel like a librarian! I hope things keep getting better and better. I love the Hispanic Heritage Month display?
It is slowly getting there. We’ll see. Thanks for visiting!
It sounds like it was mostly a good week. Hopefully the parent conferences will go well. And you got some great looking books to boot. ❤️ Hope you have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading!
Thanks for stopping by!
I’m so glad things are going better at work! Hopefully that trend will continue!
So far, so good, fingers crossed! Thanks for visiting!
As a teacher I always have the greatest empathy for non-teaching staff who end up having to do parent conferences (we call them parent’s evenings) – especially as those staff are generally not that well paid. I hope your other meeting all finish quickly too and that no-one books an appointment – but I know it’s sadly not very likely.
Have a great week and enjoy those freebies!
I mean, I get paid the same as teachers, so that’s not the issue. It’s just not supposed to be part of my duties to actually schedule meetings. Especially since I’m not teaching the classes, so really can’t give any insight into a student’s progress. Thanks for stopping by!
What a great display! I do hope things continue to get better for you. Your books look great. Enjoy them and have a great week!
Thanks! Glad you could stop by!
Ooooe I love your display! Things change at school with the drop of a hat here as well. They changed my whole time table this term without consulting me and the result was that Gr 4 – 7 did not have Library for the whole term! Crazy times. But at least we are resilient and hopefully there will be a “normal” again soon.
Good luck for your week!
Oh wow! That’s a lot of time without library, but then I guess maybe it will switch the next term? Hope so! Yes, fingers crossed at some point there will be a “normal” and that it will be sooner rather than later.
It sounds like things started off a bit rough, but are starting to settle down again. I hope that this week goes well and that you enjoy your new books! 🙂
Fingers crossed it keeps getting better. Thanks for visiting!
I’m sorry it’s been so crazy in the library. Yes, people never hesitated to take my aide or pull me to cover classes or to teach reading (!) to small groups. As if I wasn’t hugely busy in the library already. Very, very frustrating.
I love my LuLaRoe. I don’t know what I’ll do when mine wears out completely.
My last district we had a strong head of the library and she was very big about how the library aides were paid from her budget so principals weren’t supposed to take them. Not so much in this district. Yeah, I loved my LuLaRoe. It was fun while it lasted!
That’s crazy that you’re expected to do parent conferences as the librarian. What can you possibly tell the parents about their kids? Seems very frustrating. At least you got to do more librarian work this week. I have Kiss and Don’t Tell on my TBR. Meghan Quinn always delivers a good read.
Just finished Kiss and Don’t Tell, it was so good! Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.