Once again I’ll be linking this up with the Sunday Post (hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer).
Oh my gosh you guys, I’m freaking out! I just noticed my Feedburner email followers count dropped from 1500 to 5!!!! What is going on? It looks like maybe Feedburner is discontinuing or something? I guess I need to get a new service? What do you use on your blog? And if you were following me through email that way, I guess you might check and see if you are still following! I’m so freaked out by this! Just when it seems I’m getting my new blog figured out and feeling like I understand it all, now I’ve got to figure a new way for email subscribers.
It’s been another crazy week. I went to the DMV to get an idea of how much sales tax would be on my new car, because the dealership where I got my car said that Missouri was still giving 60 days to get it paid. That would be the end of June. Which was good for me, because that gave me several paychecks to try to save up from. I’m so mad now though, because it turns out they are back to the 30 days it always used to be, and now I have $25 extra to pay for a late fee. I also found when I was going through my paperwork for my new car that they charged me extra for some security thing that I don’t remember agreeing to. Not to mention that I didn’t make sure they were giving the online sale price I’d used to decided to come look at it in the first place. And let’s just say this is the first time I’ve ever felt swindled by car sales. Obviously when I was younger I had my dad go with me. The last 3 cars I did myself, and felt like I got the deals I wanted. I guess I just assumed it would go the same this time. Needless to say, I will not be going back to that dealership in the future. Oh yeah, and I’m still waiting for my traded in car to be paid off. It is still showing not paid. I’m going to call again this week. They told me 7-10 days, it will be that long next week. I’m now almost considered a month late on that car, and my first car payment for the new one is due this week.
On the new job front, I’m still waiting on my last school district to send an employment verification form. The website they said I had to go through doesn’t give my new district what they need. So this week I will be calling and bugging everyone in HR in my old district to get this figured out. I’m a little ticked off about it.
On Friday we had thunderstorms come through the area, and at first I was loving the rumble of thunder. But then my electricity went out. And stayed off for about 5 hours. Not fun. At least the storm had cooled it down a little so that I wasn’t dying in the heat and humidity. Lost some food in the fridge, and it also inconvenienced me because I had a physical book I was trying to get read and without any light really, I had to pick a different review book to read on my Nook so I had the light for it. But I spent most of Saturday reading, before and after my cousin’s daughter’s high school graduation party, and got the 500 page book done, in basically a day and a half. It was a really good book, Blood Like Magic by Liselle Sambury, and I hope to post the review either later today or tomorrow.
Oh yeah, I also discovered there is poison ivy mixed into the pretty ivy and grapevine growing on one of my fences. And since it is mixed in, I guess I’m going to just have to kill it all. Which makes me sad, but oh well. I don’t want the poison ivy to spread and have it anywhere my dogs or me will get into it.
And on the reading front, I had a book that changed pub date, so I ended up basically having to read about one book a day this week. No room for two days per book even until this weekend.
New books:
I bought two. One, Grace and Glory, I’d hoped to get early, but didn’t. I ended up buying them from bn.com because I had a coupon, but then I couldn’t use it on that book, so I used it to buy another book that I wanted to complete my collection of that series, The One That I Want.

Then I got a finished copy of a book that I haven’t read the first book in the series, but it was one I’d really wanted to read. I’m thinking I may do a special giveaway for it and some other books by this same publisher that they sent me finished copies of.

E-galleys for Review:
Only one this week. Fourth in a series I’ve really enjoyed.

Free e-books:
I could have sworn I’d already read Little Miss Perfect, but since I didn’t have it marked on Goodreads as read, I went ahead and downloaded it. I want to read this Jillian Dodd London Prep series, and already have the first one I think, so why not get the third for free. And then Girl Off the Grid was one I’ve wanted to read since I met who it was originally listed as the author, Kenzie Hart, who I guess is Jillian Dodd’s daughter. And now it was free, so I grabbed it too!
Last week’s posts:
Reviews: We Can’t Keep Meeting Like This by Rachel Lynn Solomon, Friends with Benedicts by Staci Hart, The Marvelous by Claire Kann, The Sophomore by Monica Murphy, and Tragic Lies by L.A. Cotton
Promo posts: Cover Reveals: So You Think You’re a Match? by Michelle Hazen, Jock Royal by Sara Ney, and Aggie the Horrible vs. Max The Pompous Ass by Lisa Wells, Release Blitzes: Something Like Hate by Harloe Rae and Text in Show (An Accidentally in Love Story #4) by Whitney Dineen & Melanie Summers
- The Looooong and the Short of It with a Giveaway: May 2021 Wrap-Up Post and What to Expect in June
- Blog Tour Review with Giveaway: Curse of the Specter Queen by Jenny Elder Moke
- Blog Tour Review with Giveaway: The Marvelous by Claire Kann
- Release Blitz with Giveaway: Something Like Hate by Harloe Rae
- Book Blitz with Giveaway: Text in Show (An Accidentally in Love Story #4) by Whitney Dineen & Melanie Summers
Final Thoughts:
How was your week? Hopefully not as crazy as mine. And hopefully not as hot and muggy as it is here in good old KCMO.
You had a quite a week. I hope some of those things get worked out soon. Blogger had sent us an email about feedburner going away (in July I think). Jen Ryland did a post on services you can use instead. I am just using whatever is in WordPress. I don’t know. I feel like most of the subscribers never visited anyhow. Good luck with everything.
I haven’t really been using my Blogger blog anymore, so didn’t notice that. I will go check out Jen’s post! Thanks!
Yes all those frustrating details are frustrating. You have to watch everything these days and follow it through because no one else will do their job. And that was true before covid. I make notes on who said what and get things in writing. Sad to have to do it. I hope you get all the things cleared up so you can enjoy your summer.
Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post
I’m so mad at myself for that right now. But it’s my own fault. Can’t blame anyone but myself. Oh well, it is what it is at this point. Thanks for visiting!
I just looked up Feedburner and… oh, typical, Google buying out a product and then gutting it. Sigh. Good luck with finding something to replace it!
Looks like you have some fun new books, though! <3
Yeah, since my blog is WordPress, I think there is still that way to sign up for people who have a WordPress account, but I’ll have to fix the whole signing up for giveaways I guess. Thanks for stopping by!
I discovered the Feedburner thing too! I just switched to whatever WordPress offered. I use mailchimp if I want to send something more customized, though.
I guess since I just want people to be able to subscribe to my posts through email, WordPress already does that, right? But I guess I need to know how to check if they subscribe that way. Gah, just when I think I have things down.
Wow, sorry you’re having so many car problems. In my state the sales tax is just rolled into your monthly payment so you don’t pay it separately. I’ve never heard it done that way. And I follow you by email and I still get notifications so all good on that front. Sorry to hear about Feedburner!
Sometimes the dealer will roll your sales taxes into your loan, but not always. They wouldn’t do it for me. So now I’m just trying to come up with it on my own. Glad to hear you’re still getting my emails. That’s all I’m worried about, I guess there is a WordPress email subscription too? So much to figure out.
Sorry about the car frustration. I hope that goes figured out soon. Yay for getting lots of reading done this weekend. I had the power go off for a bit a few weeks ago – it’s not something you relish in the summer. LOL I’m glad the storm cooled some things off though.
Money problems are such a pain! But I might be taking out my Kansas retirement money and using it to pay some bills off. Everyone says to save it, but I’d rather get credit cards paid off and not have to worry about those. Then I will have money every month instead of it all going to pay minimums on credit cards that I then have to use. Ugh, the power out this time of the year is not fun! Sorry you dealt with that too.
The feedburner thing is frustrating for sure. I didn’t really do anything about it but not sure I had that many email followers anyway? I never really did much to promote it that way, sadly. Ugh.
Power outages are the worst, especially whne they drag on. And yikes about the poison ivy! Sorry to hear that. We had the same thing happen, our neighbor mentioned we had a patch of poison ivy near the property line on a hill. We’re not even sure how it got there lol 🙂
I need to let my neighbor know, because I assume they have it on their side of the fence too. I’ve never had poison ivy before, so don’t know if I have to worry about getting the rash. But one of my dogs keeps going back there and I’m afraid he’ll brush up against some that I didn’t know what there and bring it in the house and get it on me. We’ll find out I guess! Thanks for visiting!
Hi Lisa, I know a good Feedburner alternative – follow.it! Please have a look here why we’re a great alternative: https://follow.it/blog/feedburner-stops-email-services-switch-to-follow-it-now/. The switching process is very quick and we are always happy to help you 🙂
I did get an email about this. I plan to check into it as soon as I hae some time. Thanks!