Weekly Wrap-Up #12

Posted March 28, 2021 by Lisa Mandina in Weekly Wrap Up / 32 Comments

Weekly Wrap-Up #12

Once again I’ll be linking this up with both Stacking the Shelves (hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality) and the Sunday Post (hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer).

This week was the first week that all teachers and staff had to be back in the building working every day. And the Kansas state legislature decided that all schools needed to be back offering full time school by the end of March, so instead of kids coming back on April 5th, they will now be coming back on March 31st. We’ll have a half day for usual Wednesday staff development on that day. They’ll be back April 1st, then they have Friday April 2nd off for end of quarter staff development and time for teachers to work on grades. But whatever. I did make a book display for when the kids come back. It’s a bunch of the books that have been made into tv series or movies. I found the idea for Bookflix online and just tried to make it my own with the space I had to use.

My little Dora had to have some teeth pulled this week. Poor girl. She has hardly any teeth left on the top of her mouth. This is a picture of her that night sitting on my lap. She was so sleepy and tired and out of it, but kept fighting going to sleep. It was cute and sad at the same time.

I got three surprise ARCs in the mail this week from Sourcebooks Fire:

Because I loved The Secret Recipe of Moving On so much, and I only had an e-galley of it, I had to buy a physical copy for my bookshelf since it was so pretty!

I won an audiobook copy of this one:

And I got three free e-book deals:

Last week’s posts:

Reviews: The Secret Recipe for Moving On by Karen Bischer with Giveaway, Under Pressure by Allie Winters, Wallflower by Cookie O’Gorman with Giveaway, Hard Luck by Sara Ney, and Weights of Wrath by M.E. Carter

Promo posts: Book Blitz with Giveaway: Royally Drained (V.I.L.F. #1) by Fritzi Cox and Cover Reveal: Crave Thy Neighbor (Roommate Romps #3) by Teagan Hunter

Weekly posts: Lisa’s Looking Forward To #102 – Special Author Interview Edition with Better Than the Movies author Lynn Painter

Final Thoughts:

How was your week? Did you get any new books?

Also, while you’re here, there’s only a few days left for the two giveaways I have running so make sure you go check them out here if you haven’t yet, and if you have, remember that you can tweet once a day, so there are still more entries available for you:

The Looooong and the Short of It with a Giveaway: January 2021 Wrap-Up Post and What to Expect in February

Lisa’s Looking Forward To #100 – March 16th, 2021 with a GIVEAWAY!!!

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32 responses to “Weekly Wrap-Up #12

  1. Aww, poor Dora. Do you have the diet now or was she already on a soft diet? How old is she? Love the display. I am not a huge fan of all the adaptations (seriously Hollywood, come up with something on your own), but if it gets people to read, I can get behind that. Good luck back at school. I hope all goes well

    • Lisa Mandina

      She’s on the soft diet now. They said I can go back to the regular food as long as it soaks in water. She is like 10 years old now. So not real old, but still getting up in her years. Yeah, the adaptations aren’t always the best, but it is fun to have them! Thanks for stopping by!

    • Lisa Mandina

      Yeah, poor girl. But she seems to be feeling better for the most part. It was a really cute book! And the cover was one I wanted to buy! Thanks for visiting!

    • Lisa Mandina

      She seems to be feeling pretty back to normal. Was out trying to eat dirt today. Silly dog. Thanks for stopping by!

    • Lisa Mandina

      Fingers crossed! I’m excited and glad to have them back while nervous about all the craziness at the same time. Thanks for visiting!

    • Lisa Mandina

      She seems to be feeling back to normal. I love doing displays, it is one of my favorite parts of the job! Thanks for visiting!

  2. Poor Dora! The same thing happened with my dog, the vet had to pull 8 teeth a few months ago. I hope she’s feeling better.
    Enjoy your new books, that is a pretty cover on The Secret Recipe of Moving On. the book display you made looks great.

    • Lisa Mandina

      Oh my goodness! 8 teeth at once! Poor thing! Dora seems to be doing better. She was trying to eat dirt in the yard yesterday, silly dog. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I love your Bookflix display, it looks really cute! I got a really nice hard cover copy of one of my favorite books, The Night Circus, so now I feel like it’s time for a re-read.

    • Lisa Mandina

      Nice! I still need to read that one. I’ve heard such good things about it. Thanks for visiting!

    • Lisa Mandina

      Did I know that you had a dachshund? I love it! Poor dogs have such problems with their teeth. That was a surprise ARC, but so excited to get it! Thanks for stopping by!

    • Lisa Mandina

      It is so much fun to get surprise book mail. And Dora seems to be doing better. Even if I think she’d be still in pain. Thanks for visiting!

  4. Your Bookflix display is great! I’ll have to tell my friend who’s a school librarian about it 🙂 The Nature of Witches looks like the most intriguing book you received to me. Thanks for sharing and enjoy your week!

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