Once again I’ll be linking this up with both Stacking the Shelves (hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality) and the Sunday Post (hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer).
Got the stitches out from where they pulled a tooth and it all seems to be healed up well.
And I got great news, I was offered the library job that I did the Zoom interview for last week! I’m very excited! It doesn’t start till next school year, but I can’t wait! I will miss my school I’m at now, but I’m looking forward to being back in Missouri. The Missouri Association of School Librarians does a lot more than the Kansas Association of School Librarians. We have book awards for all levels of the students, and I have helped out when I was back teaching in Missouri.
This week is spring break for school. I wish I had some time without my dogs at home to get some writing done, but I guess I might go to Panera and do some writing.
I’m getting a new couch. I ordered it back in January I think. They told me it wouldn’t be available till May or June, but then I got a call this past week that it was going to be read now and so I scheduled it to arrive this Tuesday. Unfortunately I had to put my old couch out for the trash, because it was damaged beyond anything someone would want thanks to my dogs, and trash day was this past Friday. So I’m using the one recliner I have right now for watching tv with me dogs. They’re little so we all fit fine in the chair, but it’s not the most comfortable all the time.
Only one new physical book this week. I got my paycheck for being bowling coach so I allowed myself to pick this one up when I saw it at Target yesterday.

I’m still finishing the first book in the series, since I loved the tv series, but have had trouble finding this second one to be ready.
I got two e-galleys this week:
I got 6 free e-books this past week. Seven actually, but one I can’t find on Goodreads to share. It’s called Curves and Crushes by Kat Baxter.
Last week’s posts:
Reviews: The One That I Want by Piper Sheldon, The Art of Falling for You by Maya Hughes, and The Right Wrong by Michelle Mankin.
Promo posts: Author interview with giveaway: Silver Dawn Afire by Sonja J. Breckon, Cover Reveal: Hard Luck by Sara Ney, Cover Reveal: With This Cake by Samantha Chase, Author Interview with giveaway: It’s Kind of a Cheesy Love Story by Lauren Morrill, and Book Blitz with giveaway: Four Letter Feelings by Lasairiona McMaster
Weekly posts: Lisa’s Looking Forward To #100 – March 16th, 2021 with a GIVEAWAY!!!
How was your week? Did you get any new books?
YEAH! Congratulations! What wonderful news. I hope you can get some writing done during your break and enjoy the new couch.
Thanks! I hope to do some writing tomorrow, fingers crossed!
Congrats on the job! that’s awesome. Especially since you get to be back somewhere you want to be. And yay for the stitches too. always a relief when something like that goes well!
Thanks! I’m very excited for next school year!
Congrats on getting the new job! I need to start looking for a new job, after the virus dies down.
Good luck with your own job search! Thanks for stopping by!
Wow, congrats on your new job! Enjoy spring break, wish I could babysit your dogs for you?
Thanks! I wish you could too! 🙂
Congrats on getting the job!!!
(Does this mean you’re moving again? I’ll have to pay attention for my giveaways. LOL!)
Nope, not moving. This one is still in the state where I live. It’s about 10 miles difference for my drive, but it’s not that big of a deal. 🙂
Congratulations on the new job! It sounds exciting.
Thanks! I am very excited for it!
Congratulations on your new job, that is so exciting! I’m so happy for you! And here’s hoping you are able to sneak some writing in *fingers crossed*!
No writing so far. But it’s my own fault. I have to make myself do it, and I don’t. Thanks, can’t wait to get started, but I have a school year still to finish at my old job.
Excellent news – congratulations!
I’m curious about The Mary Shelley Club
Wishing you a great reading week
Thanks! I’m pretty excited!
Congrats on the new job! That’s so exciting, and it’s great you will be back in the state you prefer!
I’m really excited about The Mary Shelley Club. Looks fantastic.
Thanks for stopping by!
We love free books! Congrats on your new job… and your new couch! All good things. Happy reading!
Thanks for visiting!