Once again I’ll be linking this up with both Stacking the Shelves (hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality) and the Sunday Post (hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer).
Another crazy busy week! I did go to my dentist, ended up getting in a day early, Monday night, and got a tooth pulled. It was not fun. Now I’m going back this Tuesday to get the stitches out. Hoping it all healed up right, because I miss drinking with a straw! I pretty much drink everything with a straw these days, reusable ones, yes, but still.
Getting closer and closer to having the kids back full time. Had another big test with all the juniors in the building this past week as well. I also had a Zoom interview for a library job back in the state where I live. As much as I love my current library job, I’d really like to get back to the state I live in so that I don’t pay as much taxes, and can look at retiring some day sooner rather than how long I’ll have to wait if I stay in this other state. But we’ll see. I think at my age I have the disadvantage over someone fresh out of college that they can pay less.
It was a good week for physical books! I actually ended up with 4 new ones!

I got three ARCs in the mail this week!
Two e-galleys this week:
I got four free e-books this week, one was a gift from the author.
Last week’s posts:
Reviews: Lovebug by Erin Mallon, Opposites Attract by Camilla Isley, Dewey Belong Together by Ann WhyNot, Eye Candy by Jiffy Kate, and Pride by Ibi Zoboi.
Promo posts: Flying Duo by Zoe May and Cover Reveal: The Art of Falling for You (Falling Trilogy #1) by Maya Hughes
Weekly/Monthly posts: February Month-End Wrap-Up post with giveaway and Lisa’s Looking Forward To #99 – March 9th, 2021
How was your week? Did you get any new books?
Hope your mouth is feeling better and good luck with job interview. Fingers and toes crossed for you!
Thanks! Just got another request for an interview where I record my answers and send it to them for another district. I’ve done one of those before, we’ll see. Have a great week!
Sorry about your tooth! Ugh, I hope you’re feeling better. Congrats on your new ARCs, hope you enjoy them?
I’m so tired of this toothache. Hoping that when they take the stitches out tomorrow they will say it is healing okay and it will start getting back to normal. Thanks for visiting!
I hope your teeth are feeling better, and that getting your stitches out goes well! Good luck with the new job. I feel like where I live, library jobs are always going to people who have been around for years and have a lot of experience…which actually makes it tough for newbies.
Hoping tomorrow the dentist will say it is all good! I hope I get the job. Wow, that’s kind of backwards for school librarians here. It seems it is newer librarians who get the job. Which I totally get, but still sucks for me. Thanks for stopping by!
I am sorry to hear you had to have a tooth pulled. I hope you are healing okay. My daughter and I have our regular dental visits next week. I hope they will offer you the library position you interviewed for. Blood Like Magic sounds really good. I hope you enjoy all your new books. Have a great week, Lisa!
Thanks. Hoping getting the stitches out today means it will start getting back to normal feeling. Hope your dental visits go okay! Glad you could stop by!
Sorry to hear about the tooth pulling. That’s not fun! Fingers crossed on the library position. I hope it works out. Have a great week!
Thanks for stopping by!
Ugh, I need to stop by the dentist too and I’m not looking forward to it! Good luck on the job hunt!
Thanks! It may already be good news on the job hunt!