I’ve done other TBR pile challenges, last year was Beat the Backlist, in years past it was the Mount TBR challenge. But I think this year I’m going to do this one, because they are even incorporating some Instagram incentives and I feel like I want a goal to do more with Instagram for my blog this year. Even though with my luck Instagram will be on the way out and I’ll be behind as usual with social media.
Anyways, this challenge is hosted over at Kimberly Faye Reads. Here are all the details:
- The 2021 Tackle My TBR Reading Challenge runs January 1, 2021 – December 31, 2021. You can join at any time.
- The goal is to read at least ONE book from your TBR every month. It can be an ARC, ebook, audiobook or print – your choice. Any reading is good reading!
- If one TBR book a month isn’t enough, set your goal higher! Do you think you can read five a month? Ten? Go big or go home! There are some goal levels below if that’s your thing.
- You don’t have to be a blogger to participate. You can track your progress on Goodreads, Insta, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube… wherever you want!
- Use #TackleMyTBR2021 on social media.
- Feel free to use the banner graphic on your posts and/or social media.
- Link up below to declare your intentions.
- Tell your friends! [Shortlink: https://ki.mreads.link/tacklemytbr2021]
Back again this year: challenge levels! Pick a level, any level! (These are all based on a 1-5+ books per month average.)
- Safety: read 12 TBR books
- Blitz: read 13-24 TBR books
- First Down: read 25-36 TBR books
- Field Goal: read 37-48 TBR books
- Hail Mary: read 49-60 TBR books
- Touchdown: read 61+ TBR books
And because reviewing is so important, I’ve added a couple of bonus levels!
- Extra Point: review half of the TBR books you read
- Two-Point Conversion: review all the TBR books you read
If you go to the link up post, there are also Instagram templates to use and even monthly themes if you want to go that far. But since I’m just trying to get through books I want to get through sooner rather than later, I probably won’t do the monthly themes.
My goals are to do the Blitz level because I plan to do 2 a month, although January may just be one, but that means 23 for the year. I’ll also be going for the Two-Point Conversion because I plan to review all of my TBR books. Here are the first 16 books I’m hoping to get read:
That’s it, that’s my big challenge for the year! I might do some blog goals/resolutions also, but I think I’m going to make it easier on myself to stick to this and then my Goodreads reading goal.
What about you? What challenges are you participating in this year?
Good luck! I’m using the Read the Alphabet challenge to really focus on books I already own. I did that last year and it was fantastic.
That’s a good idea. I just picked books that I thought I should get read, especially ARCs from 2019 or before that I didn’t get to because I wasn’t as organized. Thanks for visiting!
[…] for the year along with this one reading challenge. You can see my sign up post for this challenge HERE. And here is the image with all the books I thought would be […]
[…] can see my sign up post for this challenge HERE. And here is the image with all the books I thought would be […]
[…] can see my sign up post for this challenge HERE. And here is the image with all the books I thought would be […]
[…] can see my sign up post for this challenge HERE. And here is the image with all the books I thought would be […]
[…] can see my sign up post for this challenge HERE. And here is the image with all the books I thought would be […]
[…] can see my sign up post for this challenge HERE. And here is the image with all the books I thought would be […]
[…] can see my sign up post for this challenge HERE. And here is the image with all the books I thought would be […]
[…] can see my sign up post for this challenge HERE. And here is the image with all the books I thought would be […]
[…] can see my sign up post for this challenge HERE. And here is the image with all the books I thought would be […]