Top 10 of 2020: Books I’m Looking Forward to in 2021

Posted December 31, 2020 by Lisa Mandina in Top 10 / 9 Comments

Top 10 of 2020: Books I’m Looking Forward to in 2021

Top 10 of 2020 is hosted once again by Kimberly Faye Reads, and this year she has four co-hosts: Sarah (@dragonflyreads) | Kate (@kate_reads_), Mollie (@molliesbookshelf) & Jenica (@firewhiskeyreader)

Unfortunately for me, this year this last topic was so hard! I came up with over 20! So I decided to divide it into two separate lists, an adult romance and a YA list. And even then, I had so many more I wanted to share! Okay, let’s get this going.


I’m so looking forward to the next round of books from SmartyPants Romance, and of course anything in the library series would be at the top of my list. Not to mention I’m excited for this brand new author’s book!


I loved Dumplin, and even though I’ve not had a chance to read any other books by this author yet, this one sounds just perfect for me! Loving more of the plus-sized heroines we’re seeing not only in the books, but on the covers!


So this is the next in the series that goes with my favorite book from 2020, Flirtasaurus. We met Mable in that book, and I can’t wait for her story!


So, I’m not the hugest fan of the change in covers for this one and its series, which used to be part of the Donner Bakery branch from SmartyPants Romance. However I definitely felt they didn’t necessarily fit in that series after the second book by this author, so I get the change in covers and that they will be their own series now. But I am very excited for this next one in the series!


The third in this series is definitely on the top of my list for next year because I loved the first two so much!


I loved the first series by this author that I read, Eternal Ones, although I still need to finish it. I’m excited for this Rebecca retelling as an adult novel from her.


Okay, I couldn’t decide which of these books that are supposed to come out in 2021 from Penny Reid I was more excited for, so they get their own spot.


As with the Penny Reid choices above, I couldn’t just pick one. And honestly, there are at least 4 other books Meghan Quinn has supposed to come out in 2021 that I can’t wait for. But these are the only two that have pretty covers I can share. And the first one was a surprise I just found out about this week!


Another author that has a lot of books coming out, but I only am sharing a few of is K. Bromberg. So excited for the last two in this series. And wow, the cover of Hard to Score, I could stare into his eyes all day.


No cover yet, but I love this series by Sara Ney, so can’t wait!

Next are my YA choices. I’ll make it much easier and just combine them into fewer images:

So the first two come out in January, and the third one in February. I’ve been begging the publisher for an ARC of the third one since last fall, so fingers crossed it is on the way because I saw someone on Twitter had a copy!

These all come out in May. I’m going to be busy in May! The first one is by an author I haven’t read in a while but I love her books. The other two are new to me authors, if not brand new authors.

These are only 4 of the many books that come out in June, but all of these are ones by either favorite authors, or new favorite authors from this past year! The JLA is the conclusion to that trilogy I believe.

Final Thoughts:

Were any of these books on your TBR for 2021?  If not, I hope maybe I’ve given you a few to add to your list.

I always love doing these Top 10 lists every year, but kind of sad it’s over.  Now on to determining what challenges I’m going to do for next year!

And while you’re here, make sure you go enter into my Monthly Wrap-Up Giveaway HERE. It closes at midnight tonight!

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9 responses to “Top 10 of 2020: Books I’m Looking Forward to in 2021

  1. I am hoping to read the Julie Murphy rom-com. I bet it will be great. I am extremely excited about the new Solomon book too, because her last two were amazing rom-coms, and I want more.

    • Lisa Mandina

      I’ve only read one Solomon book, but loved it and now want to read all her books! This year has been perfect for rom-coms.

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