Sign Up Post for Blog Ahead October 2019

Posted September 27, 2019 by Lisa Mandina in / 4 Comments

Once again I’m signing up for the Blog Ahead Challenge hosted by Herding Cats and Burning Soup
I always find this to be a huge help whenever I am participating in
NaNoWriMo.  Which I do intend to do again this year, especially with the lack of writing I’ve done this whole past year.  I can’t decide if this year I’m going to start a new story, or continue editing, actually finish editing my short story to get ready to maybe just self publish on Amazon.  Or do I want to finish one of my first stories from one of my first NaNoWriMos?  I don’t know.  But my goal is to have November as close to being done other than actually posting the reviews themselves.  Part of this will be not taking on a bunch of tours that month if I can help it, since I won’t get the actual materials to post until November, so I can’t count them as blogging ahead.

I’ve been getting a lot better about blogging ahead these days anyway. For one thing, if it is an ARC review that I am not part of a blog tour, I’ve been just setting up the post and leaving my rating and review blank for now, just waiting to finish reading, and then saving the post for whenever I’m ready to set it to go live. But anyway, lets talk about what the point of this is.

The Goal

Build your total number of scheduled posts by 31!
On October 1st take your number of scheduled posts and add 31.
Whatever that number is…that’s your goal for the month.
You’ll end the day on Oct 31st with that many scheduled posts. Woots!
Example- If you start October with 5 scheduled posts 
you end Oct with 36 scheduled posts.

Who Can Join

Any blogger or author can join. 
Brand new, been around for years…
Blogger, WordPress or other platform…
Any heat level, genre or theme, etc.
If you blog…you’re welcome to join!

Types of Posts that Count?

Any posts that you finish in October and will publish November 1st or later…count! 
Meme, review, guest post, interview, discussion.
Cooking posts, pet posts, photo posts, etc. 
Posts do NOT have to be book related.

What Should You Do Next?

1] Add your blog to the linky list HERE
2] Create a blog post to keep track of your goals!
Don’t forget to link back to the original post so others can join in!
This can be done any time from now until Nov 1
3]Spread the Word–invite your friends/fellow bloggers!
4] Grab the button!

So, I’ll probably get a lot of future review posts ready to go like I have right now.  Hopefully this will help me to have my reading time for all the books I’ve got planned to read, not to mention all the writing I hope to get done!

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4 responses to “Sign Up Post for Blog Ahead October 2019

  1. Wow, I've never heard of this challenge before. I forgot all about NaNoWriMo, thank you for the reminder. I just signed up for the writing challenge. I don't think I have enough planning to participate in the challenge, but I wish you the best of luck. Good luck!!

    Sharrice @Reese's Reviews

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