Here’s week 2, please join in!!!!
Okay, 2016 has been an interesting year. We’ve lost so many big names this year, Gene Wilder, David Bowie, and Prince just to name a few. I’m so glad that I got the chance to see Prince in concert once in my lifetime. There has been such craziness with politics, I won’t go into specifics, as that is part of the problem, but it’s been so crazy that family members have been split because of this.
I’ve had some good things happen, I got to go to the NOLA Storycon and meet some of my favorite authors, Jennifer L. Armentrout, Samantha Young, and Jay Crownover were my very very favorites. I won NaNoWriMo for the 2nd time by writing my full 50,000 words. I’ve had a few publishers start sending me things without me having to reach out to them first. So I feel like my blog might finally be getting where I want it to be. I’ve been reading a ton of books this year. I bumped my goal on Goodreads up over 50 books for the year compared to last year. I got a new tattoo. I got picked to be a volunteer at Apollycon 2017! So hopefully next year I can add that to a good thing, especially since I cannot wait to meet Anna Todd, the books that I am in love with and got a tattoo for. Not to mention Kylie Scott is going to be there, and I am so in love with her books!
One thing that I totally need to work on is all the books I have that I don’t know when I’m going to get to. I’ve been taking a lot of them to my school library. I figure that way they’ll get the chance for other people, my students, to read them, and when I have time or am in the mood for one of them, I’ll still know where they are to check out and read. Unfortunately, there are a lot of books I have that are ARCs or else my library already has, or maybe they’re not in good enough condition that I can put them in my library. And this is where I’m setting up a giveaway. Below are the books that I’m looking to get rid of through a giveaway, or there a few newer ARCs I might be willing to trade for other ARCs if you want them.
via GIPHY a Rafflecopter giveaway
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