Review: Inclusions by Emily Duvall

Posted September 24, 2016 by Lisa Mandina in / 0 Comments

Book info:
Author:  Emily Duvall
SeriesFlawless #1  
Genre:  Contemporary romance
Published:  June 2nd, 2015
Source:  Won copy of book from author

First I have to say thank you to the author, because I won this from her, I believe it was in a contest on Facebook.  Other than some of the usual issues I have with independently published books, spelling and general editing issues, I really enjoyed this book.  When I first picked it up, I immediately started speeding through it, as it grabbed my attention and I couldn’t seem to put it down!  

The main characters are Melanie and Luke.  They used to date, Melanie’s brother used to be in the jewel business with Luke.  That is until he supposedly tried to kill Luke after stealing some jewels.  Because Melanie couldn’t believe her brother would ever do that, and her brother insisted that he was innocent, it drove her and Luke apart, to where it was Luke’s lawyer who basically broke up with her.  She hasn’t even tried to get in touch with Luke since then, I mean he put her brother in prison, and ruined his life.  But then, her brother needs a favor, needs her to ask Luke to give him a break, so that he can get out of prison when he is up for parole.  So even though she does not want to, she sets out to see Luke and ask him this favor.

Luke, of course, refuses to do this.  He knows exactly what happened, and still feels betrayed that Melanie didn’t believe him.  But he does still have feelings for her.  He has gone on with his brothers to create a very successful jewel business, and doesn’t need to look back.  But when Melanie comes over, and he sees how good she is with kids who have developmental issues, especially the few minutes she spends with his own daughter, he offers her a deal.  If she will come with him to his brother’s wedding, and work with his daughter, he might help her brother.  Except he really intends to show her just how wrong she is about her brother.  And he gets her to do this by convincing her current employers that he needs her, and that they should tell her they have no work for her right now.  So she is forced to go with him.  

Of course being in a romantic setting like Hawaii together, things do tend to get out of hand.  Their attraction begins to come out, and be almost impossible to ignore.  But neither will still trust the other, and this will lead to more heartbreak.  And as usual, there are all kind of other dramas going on, with Luke’s brothers especially, and other women, even the one getting married.  

As I said, this was a very good read.  I could barely put it down once I picked it up.  I look forward to reading on in the series.  

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