Book info:
Title: The Portal to Kerberos
Author: Michelle Madow
Series: Elementals #4
Genre: YA mythology
Published: August 25th, 2016
Source: Received e-copy from author for honest review
Michelle Madow is back with another installment in her Elementals series which contains really great use of Greek mythology and modern day teens. As with book 3, I found this to be a very quick read, in a good way. The story was very well paced, the adventures definitely suspenseful, but once again we were left with a pretty good cliffhanger! If you haven’t read the first three books, you can go check my reviews of them out here: Book 1, Book 2, and Book 3, before you read this review and get spoilers for those three. Now, on with my review for book 4.
When we were left hanging at the end of book 3, we’ve learned that Ethan was not to be trusted, exactly how I figured even with all his assurances that he was on their side, when he grabbed Blake, and the head of Medusa, and jumped through the portal to Kerberos. Book 4 picks up basically right at that moment. It is now only Nicole, Danielle, and Chris who are left to go after Black. But they have no idea if they can get to Kerberos, and if they can, will the be able to get back out? Finally Nicole’s pleas to her father Apollo for help are answered. He comes by to give each of them something to help in their trip to save Black. Nicole gets a bow and four arrows that have special tips that will kill magically whatever they hit. But the tip will only work once, after that, they become just regular arrows. Danielle gets the golden sword back, and Chris gets a magical musical instrument that when played they can convince anyone except for gods, to do as they ask. But it too has a limited time of being used before it will become just a regular old instrument.
Once inside Kerberos they will find that Blake and Ethan have been taken to the top of a mountain by dragons. When they attempt to follow the boys to the top of the mountain, their path is blocked by lions. They soon find help from a god that was sent there by someone who offered help in book 3. And he does help, in that he leads them on a safe, well as safe as can be, path to the top of the mountain to rescue Blake and get Medusa’s head back. Along this path there will be all kinds of dangers, a fog that will offer visions of people they want to see, merpeople that want to eat them, water that will cause them to have nightmares, and that is just to name a few of the things they must face.
When they reach the top of the mountain they will have to figure out if they can still rescue Blake and get the head of Medusa, as well as what happens if there is something already wrong with any part of that plan.
I won’t go on, just will re-emphasize how quick the story is moving along, and that I cannot wait for the final book to come out!
If you’re interested, here are the Amazon links where you can grab your copy and get reading:
Ebook: click here
Paperback: click here
You can also still download the Elementals 1: The Prophecy of Shadows for free at the author’s website:
I haven't read any of these, but always good to hear about a series that is still going strong!
Well, there is only one more book in the series, but it has been good all the way through! Thanks for stopping by!