13 responses to “5th Annual September is for Sequels Challenge Sign-Up Post

  1. I forgot about this (I've joined the past two years) and went and looked at my tbr for the month to see if I could join. It appears that I have seven sequels to read this month, so I'm thinking I should be able to at least do four. I'll get a post up to join and link up tomorrow. 🙂

  2. I'm really late joining in, but I need this challenge! LOL!! I found out about it from Tressa's blog, because I'm doing her Tackle Your TBR RAT. I need to shuffle around some books that I had planned for the RAT to squeeze in the sequels!

    • I need to catch up on a ton of series, but I definitely want to listen to the next audiobook in the To Die series by Lisa Jackson. I also have the fourth book in that series on my Kobo. I'm not sure yet what else I'll feel like reading. I'll start with that and see what mood strikes! I have a ton on my TBR mountain!

  3. I updated my post with the five books I read this past month. I wanted to have gotten through more, but still, five is good. 🙂 Thanks for hosting, Lisa!

    • Awesome! I have been so busy with this convention this past week, I still need to figure out how many I ended up reading and do a wrap up post. I'll be doing that some time this week as well as picking winners! Thanks so much for joining in!

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