Cover Characteristic: Flags

Posted August 5, 2016 by Lisa Mandina in / 10 Comments

The Cover Characteristic meme is hosted at  Sugar and Snark.   Here are the guidelines:

week we will post a characteristic and choose 5 of our favorite covers
with that characteristic. If you want to join in and share your 5
favorite covers with the weeks particular characteristic, then just make
a post, grab the meme picture (or make your own) and leave your URL in
Linky (so we can visit).
don’t even need to participate, just stopping by and saying hi would be
great! Don’t forget to stop by the other participants!

Last week was a hard one, so I sat it out because I had a lot planned. This week is busy, but I decided to at least try, and again, it was a hard week!  Anyway, here are the flags I found!

5.  These are probably called pennants as opposed to flags, but every one of the books has one!

4.  A very small flag on the top left of the school building.

3.  Is it wrong that the only other books with the American flag I found in my read list aren’t the #1 books?

2.  Hot boys, British flag.
 1. And my favorite, well, other than the hot guys above.
Kinda sad that I haven’t read a lot of books with the American flag on them I guess.  What does it say that I have a bunch of British flags?  Can you think of any books with flags on the cover?
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