Blog Tour – Review and Giveaway: The Killer in Me by Margot Harrison

Posted July 16, 2016 by Lisa Mandina in giveaway / 2 Comments

Book Info:

TitleThe Killer in Me  
Author:  Margot Harrison
Genre:  YA Fiction, Mystery, Thriller, Horror, Contemporary
Publisher: Disney-Hyperion
Published:  July 12th, 2016
Source:  Netgalley  

My Review
The synopsis of this book sold me right away. When I saw the tour, I signed up right away because I’d already been very interested in the story.  Honestly, I wasn’t disappointed in this at all.  While it wasn’t a perfect story, it was a very good one.  

We have two main characters that we get the story from. First is Nina.  She is a 17 year old girl who lives with her adoptive mom.  Nina has had dreams her whole life where she seems to see through a boy’s, who is now a man’s, eyes.   And it seems that while in the past, most of what she saw was pretty normal life things, she’s begun to see murders, and other bad things that he is doing.  She knows that if it is real, she needs to do something. But she doesn’t know how.  She’s tried anonymous tips, but they didn’t help.  It seems anonymous tips in the way she tried aren’t really taken seriously by the cops.  And there’s only so much she can do, without becoming a suspect or accomplice herself.  But this time, this time she thinks that she may be able to save an older couple that she sees the man that she called “The Thief” scoping out.  And she ends up getting one of her old friends, Warren, to help her out.

Warren is the other main character.  A long time ago he and Nina used to be like best friends.  But Warren’s family is made up of some interesting, yet dangerous characters.  His father for one, and all of his brothers.  In fact there was one time that one of Warren’s brothers said something to him when Nina was there about how he wondered if Warren had gotten with Nina, that she had a good body.  It was at that point that Nina became uncomfortable being around them, and really kind of stopped hanging out with Warren.  She’d only gone to Warren since then to get ahold of drugs, drugs that she used to keep herself from sleeping and dreaming about these horrible murders.  But that all changed when her mom found the drugs and made her get clean. But now she’s gone to Warren because she wants to get a gun and go hunt this killer that she sees in her head.  

Nina gets Warren to help without actually explaining things, but when he catches on to the couple she’s taken him to their house being missing, he thinks she is crazy, and wonders how she is involved with this most likely crime.  She tells him the truth, about her dreams, and of course he doesn’t believe her at first.  But eventually she gets him to kind of give her dreams a fair chance.  And in doing so, convinces him to take a summer trip to go find  him, and take care of him in any way possible, even if killing him is the only way to do it.  Warren goes with her, to try to keep her from doing that very thing.  Also on the trip is being able to meet her birth mother who has reached out to her, and that gives her the excuse to go with her mom.  

But the trip to the desert will hold some really big surprises for Nina, she will run into the “Thief”, or Dylan Shadwell.  She will end up being around him and getting to know him.  In which case she wonders if what she was seeing was real.  She even gives him lots of tests to see if maybe he can see back in her dreams at the same time she sees into his.  

In the end it all comes to a big head, as this type of story usually does. And it is such a great way that it comes around.  I could totally see this as a movie, one that I would be sure to go see.  This is such a great serial killer story, along with the strange ability of being able to see someone else’s actions through your dreams.  Along with that, the connection that pops up between Dylan and Nina really makes the story.  I highly recommend this, and can’t wait to purchase it for my school library for my students to read.

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I was raised in the wilds of New York by lovely, nonviolent parents who somehow never managed to prevent me from staying up late to read scary books. I now work at an alt-weekly newspaper in Vermont, where my favorite part of the job is, of course, reviewing scary books and movies. The Killer in Me is my first novel.



  • Prize: Win a finished copy of THE KILLER IN ME by Margot Harrison and some swag (US Only)

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2 responses to “Blog Tour – Review and Giveaway: The Killer in Me by Margot Harrison

  1. Nice giveaway! I actually see many books when I read as movie material, but I it's hard for many books to get that kind of attention. It kind of sounds right up my alley.
    @dino0726 from 
    FictionZeal – Impartial, Straightforward Fiction Book Reviews

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