The Cover Characteristic meme is hosted at Sugar and Snark. Here are the guidelines:
week we will post a characteristic and choose 5 of our favorite covers
with that characteristic. If you want to join in and share your 5
favorite covers with the weeks particular characteristic, then just make
a post, grab the meme picture (or make your own) and leave your URL in
Linky (so we can visit).
don’t even need to participate, just stopping by and saying hi would be
great! Don’t forget to stop by the other participants!
Now this week was a little easier! In fact, if I wanted to spend the time, I did come up with more than 10, but I’m going to save myself some time and just do the 5 that the instructions say to pick. Here we go:
1. And my favorite!
Like I said, there were so many I could have chosen from. But these are my top 5! Can you think of any other books with feathers on the cover? What do you think of my choices?
See I thought this was kinda a tough week. I like that second Hallowed cover (actually I like all three I guess as I look at 'em more). I like Crescendo too, and End of Days isn'y bad.
Really? Interesting! I found a ton, and could think of a ton of others that I hadn't read.
Fire & Flood looks deadly! That's the only one I've seen around.
It's a great book!
Ooh! The Fire and Flood Cover looks awesome! Here’s my Cover Characteristic!
It is a great book, and was probably the one that popped into my head first. Thanks for stopping by!
I've never really thought about feathers on books, but i suppose it is a slightly common theme!
It is, I think a lot lately as well. Thanks for visiting!
Fire and Flood is my favorite out of the ones you have named as well.
It was the first I thought of! Thanks for stopping by!
Hey comment partner! 🙂 — Your choice for #5 are perfect! I am also a huge fan of Dean Koontz! Fire & Blood is a good one too! 🙂
I love Dean Koontz, although I haven't caught up on a his last two Odd Thomas books. Thanks for visiting!
I've never seen any of these! But I like your selection. End of days is my favourite cover. Have a look at my Cover Characteristics as well.
End of Days was great, because the other books in the series had wings on the cover, but not with feathers. Thanks for stopping by!
Dean Koontz book looks interesting. Nice selection. 🙂
@dino0726 from
FictionZeal – Impartial, Straightforward Fiction Book Reviews
It was back when I was enjoying all of his books I think. Thanks for visiting!
I think End of Days is my favorite!
Sorry that this week's post was a little late!
Thanks for joining in last week 🙂
Sugar & Snark
Oh, no big deal, I just tonight got around to putting mine on your post. Thanks for hosting!